Check the preview of 2nd version of this platform being developed by the open MLCommons taskforce on automation and reproducibility as a free, open-source and technology-agnostic on-prem platform.
package:dataset-imagenet-preprocessed-using-opencv (v1.0.0)
Creation date: 2019-07-25
Source: GitHub
cID: 1dc07ee0f4742028:4932bbdd2ac7a17b

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This meta package is our attempt to provide a unified Python API, CLI and JSON meta description for different package managers and building tools to automatically download and install different components (models, data sets, libraries, frameworks, tools) necessary to run portable program pipelines across evolving platforms. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!




$ ck install package --tags=dataset,imagenet,preprocessed,using-opencv


Summary of preprocessing methods

The table below summarizes the available methods.

Preprocessing method OpenCV universal OpenCV for ResNet OpenCV for MobileNet
Additional tags universal for-resnet for-mobilenet
Supported models ResNet, MobileNet ResNet only MobileNet only
Supported platforms x86i x86 x86
Data format rgb8 (int8) rgbf32 (float32) rgbf32 (float32)
Data size 7.1G 29G 29G

Accuracy on the ImageNet 2012 validation set

The table below shows the accuracy on the ImageNet 2012 validation set (50,000 images) of the MLPerf Inference v0.5 image classification models measured - via TensorFlow (C++)

Model Metric OpenCV universal OpenCV for ResNet OpenCV for MobileNet
ResNet Top1 0.76442 0.76456 N/A
Top5 0.93074 0.93016 N/A
MobileNet non-quantized Top1 0.71676 N/A 0.71676
Top5 0.90118 N/A 0.90118
MobileNet quantized Top1 0.70700 N/A 0.70694
Top5 0.89594 N/A 0.89594
Model Metric OpenCV universal OpenCV for ResNet OpenCV for MobileNet
ResNet Top1 0.76442 0.76456 N/A
Top5 0.93074 0.93016 N/A
MobileNet non-quantized Top1 0.71676 N/A 0.71676
Top5 0.90118 N/A 0.90118
MobileNet quantized Top1 0.70762 N/A N/A (bug?)
Top5 0.89266 N/A N/A (bug?)
Additional notes
  • ResNet achieves 0.76450/0.93058 with TF-C++/TFLite, universal OpenCV preprocessing and the green channel mean of 116.6.

  • MobileNet quantized used to achieve 0.70776 with TFLite and universal OpenCV preprocessing with area interpolation.




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