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CK autotuning demo graphs: compiler flag tuning for susan on mingw
Demo of the multi-objective autotuning of compiler flags via CK with Pareto (can be any objective, i.e. execution time, energy, code size, cost, precision, reliability)
Select subgraph: 
Graph params (to customize/reproduce):
[ ]  [ ]    Auto-replot graph: , seconds:
Reproducing graph:
Experiment entries: demo-autotune-flags-susan-mingw-i10
Scripts to rebuild: ck find demo:c292a04d8881888d
View in CK viewer
Replay graph from CMD: ck replay graph:demo-autotuning-compiler-flags-susan-mingw id=2d_points_time_vs_size_with_pareto
Obtain shared CK repo with all artifacts: ck pull repo:ck-autotuning
Original experiment table: Download in JSON;   Download in CSV
Embedd original image into interactive report/paper: <img src="" width="700" height="400" >