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Willump: A Statistically-Aware End-to-end Optimizer for Machine Learning Inference

lib:601c3542ce864635 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Peter Kraft,Daniel Kang,Deepak Narayanan,Shoumik Palkar,Peter Bailis,Matei Zaharia
ArXiv: 1906.01974
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Systems for ML inference are widely deployed today, but they typically optimize ML inference workloads using techniques designed for conventional data serving workloads and miss critical opportunities to leverage the statistical nature of ML. In this paper, we present Willump, an optimizer for ML inference that introduces two statistically-motivated optimizations targeting ML applications whose performance bottleneck is feature computation. First, Willump automatically cascades feature computation for classification queries: Willump classifies most data inputs using only high-value, low-cost features selected through empirical observations of ML model performance, improving query performance by up to 5x without statistically significant accuracy loss. Second, Willump accurately approximates ML top-K queries, discarding low-scoring inputs with an automatically constructed approximate model and then ranking the remainder with a more powerful model, improving query performance by up to 10x with minimal accuracy loss. Willump automatically tunes these optimizations' parameters to maximize query performance while meeting an accuracy target. Moreover, Willump complements these statistical optimizations with compiler optimizations to automatically generate fast inference code for ML applications. We show that Willump improves the end-to-end performance of real-world ML inference pipelines curated from major data science competitions by up to 16x without statistically significant loss of accuracy.

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