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Multimodal Fusion with Recurrent Neural Networks for Rumor Detection on Microblogs

lib:62464917bb20fef3 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Zhiwei Jin,Juan Cao,Han Guo,Yongdong Zhang
Where published: Mountain View, CA, USA 2017 10
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Microblogs have become popular media for news propagation in recent years. Meanwhile, numerous rumors and fake news also bloom and spread wildly on the open social media plat- forms. Without veri cation, they could seriously jeopardize the credibility of microblogs. We observe that an increasing number of users are using images and videos to post news in addition to texts. Tweets or microblogs are commonly composed of text, image and social context. In this paper, we propose a novel Recurrent Neural Network with an at- tention mechanism (att-RNN) to fuse multimodal features for e ective rumor detection. In this end-to-end network, image features are incorporated into the joint features of text and social context, which are obtained with an LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) network, to produce a reliable fused classi cation. The neural attention from the outputs of the LSTM is utilized when fusing with the visual features. Extensive experiments are conducted on two multimedia ru- mor datasets collected from Weibo and Twitter. The results demonstrate the e ectiveness of the proposed end-to-end att-RNN in detecting rumors with multimodal contents.

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