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Team GPLSI. Approach for automated fact checking

lib:e47998e882d60786 (v1.0.0)

Authors: Aim{\'e}e Alonso-Reina,Robiert Sep{\'u}lveda-Torres,Estela Saquete,Manuel Palomar
Where published: WS 2019 11
Document:  PDF  DOI 
Abstract URL:

Fever Shared 2.0 Task is a challenge meant for developing automated fact checking systems. Our approach for the Fever 2.0 is based on a previous proposal developed by Team Athene UKP TU Darmstadt. Our proposal modifies the sentence retrieval phase, using statement extraction and representation in the form of triplets (subject, object, action). Triplets are extracted from the claim and compare to triplets extracted from Wikipedia articles using semantic similarity. Our results are satisfactory but there is room for improvement.

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