{ "affiliations": { "1": { "name": "cTuning Foundation, France" }, "10": { "name": "Google Inc., Toronto, Canada" }, "11": { "name": "National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA" }, "2": { "name": "INRIA, France" }, "3": { "name": "University of Paris-Sud, France" }, "4": { "name": "University of Rennes 1, France" }, "5": { "name": "ICHEC, Dublin, Ireland" }, "6": { "name": "ARM, UK" }, "7": { "name": "Technical University of Munich, Germany" }, "8": { "name": "University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA" }, "9": { "name": "Infrasoft IT Solutions, Plock, Poland" } }, "authors": [ { "affiliation": "1,2,3", "name": "0728a400aa1c86fe", "url": "http://fursin.net/research" }, { "affiliation": "4,5", "name": "1b48ab821279f5a2" }, { "affiliation": "6", "name": "07b8b4bd98945c99" }, { "affiliation": "7", "name": "34e3c174dc9b62a0" }, { "affiliation": "3", "name": "b6e1d639bbd44fe9" }, { "affiliation": "8", "name": "38792ceacd4cda86" }, { "affiliation": "9", "name": "ac1449f95f88bd34" }, { "affiliation": "10", "name": "973d79be46c24a5c" }, { "affiliation": "11", "name": "3fb654f7ab9ec55b" } ], "bib_ref": "cm:29db2248aba45e59:6f40bc99c4f7df58", "cor_author_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org", "document_urls": [ "http://hal.inria.fr/hal-01054763", "http://iospress.metapress.com/content/f255p63828m8l384" ], "live": "yes", "tags":["ck-paper","reproducibility","artifacts"], "local_bib": "doc.bib", "local_doc": "doc.pdf", "notes": [ { "italic": "yes", "note": "This work summarizes our long-term vision on making autotuning practical and reproducible using public repository of knowledge, common plugin-based autotuning infrastructure, predictive analytics (machine learning, data mining, statistical analysis, feature detection), crowdsourcing and collective intelligence" }, { "bold": "yes", "italic": "yes", "note": "This work extends previous article [$#cm_29db2248aba45e59_0c44d9a2db3de3c9#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Related Collective Mind infrastructure and repository [$#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_bd5c924415bae775#$]" }, { "bold": "yes", "italic": "yes", "note": "This work supports our initiative on open research and publication model where all experimental results and related material is continuously shared, validated and improved by the community [$#cm_29db2248aba45e59_40a4b58adfb594a8#$]. To set up an example, we continue sharing all benchmarks, datasets, tools, models and experimental results in Collective Mind repository (c-mind.org/repo) and in a new version: Collective Knowledge Repository (cknowledge.org/repo) " } ], "place": "Edinburgh, UK", "publish_iso_date": "2014-08-03", "template": "live.html", "title": "Collective Mind: towards practical and collaborative autotuning", "type": { "name": "journal", "peer_reviewed": "yes", "scope": "international" }, "when": "August 2014", "where": "Special issue on Automatic Performance Tuning for HPC Architectures, Scientific Programming Journal, IOS Press", "urls": [ { "title": "CK-powered interactive article with all shared artifacts for reproducibility at cknowledge.org/repo", "url":"http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?wcid=29db2248aba45e59:6f40bc99c4f7df58" } ] }