{ "affiliations": { "1": { "name": "cTuning Foundation, France" }, "2": { "name": "UVSQ, France" }, "3": { "name": "STMicroelectronics, France" }, "4": { "name": "ARM, UK" } }, "authors": [ { "affiliation": "1", "name": "0728a400aa1c86fe", "url": "http://fursin.net/research" }, { "affiliation": "2", "name": "aadbdca8d7ac43ff" }, { "affiliation": "3", "name": "7244f9e9cd00f5be" }, { "affiliation": "4", "name": "07b8b4bd98945c99", "url":"https://www.hipeac.net/~anton" } ], "bib_ref": "cm:29db2248aba45e59:cd11e3a188574d80", "cor_author_email": "", "document_urls": [ "http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.06256" ], "live": "yes", "local_bib": "doc.bib", "local_doc": "doc.pdf", "notes": [ { "italic": "yes", "note": "Partially funded by [$#cm_c47ad9a552aa7e82_754ccb9a76688c53#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "This work summarizes our long-term vision on enabling cost-aware computer engineering autotuning using methodology from physics, biology and other natural sciences" }, { "bold": "yes", "italic": "yes", "note": "This work extends our previous article [$#cm_29db2248aba45e59_6f40bc99c4f7df58#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Related Collective Knowledge infrastructure and repository (CK) [$#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_be42dc8eef7d2041#$]" }, { "italic": "yes", "note": "Related Collective Mind infrastructure and repository (deprecated for CK) [$#cm_d76ac3bb9a3f744c_bd5c924415bae775#$]" }, { "bold": "yes", "italic": "yes", "note": "This work supports our initiative on open research and publication model where all experimental results and related material is continuously shared, validated and improved by the community [$#cm_29db2248aba45e59_40a4b58adfb594a8#$]. To set up an example, we continue sharing all benchmarks, datasets, tools, models and experimental results in Collective Mind repository (c-mind.org/repo) and in a new version: Collective Knowledge Repository (cknowledge.org/repo) " } ], "place": "London, UK", "publish_iso_date": "2015-01-08", "template": "live.html", "title": "Collective Mind, Part II: Towards Performance- and Cost-Aware Software Engineering as a Natural Science", "tags":["ck-paper","reproducibility","artifacts"], "type": { "name": "workshop", "peer_reviewed": "yes", "scope": "international" }, "urls": [ { "title": "Some reddit discussions", "url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/3bh9v0/so_all_software_engineers_need_is_a_collective" }, { "title": "CK-powered interactive article with all shared artifacts for reproducibility at cknowledge.org/repo", "url":"http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?wcid=29db2248aba45e59:cd11e3a188574d80" } ], "when": "January 2015", "where": "18th International Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC'15), London, UK", "where_url":"http://wp.doc.ic.ac.uk/plas/event/cpc15" }