{ "authors": [ { "name": "712c6205df4120b4" } ], "bib": "@article {29db2248aba45e59:fc31140b1859ba6b,\n author = {Grigori I. Fursin},\n title = {Functional integrated circuits with an injection power and an active link on bipolar devices},\n journal = {Microelectronics},\n publisher = {Academy of Sciences of USSR},\n pages = {108-126},\n volume = {6},\n issue = {2},\n year = {1977}\n}\n\n", "bib_parsed": { "_code": "Fursin1977Mp108", "_type": "article", "author": [ [ "", "Fursin", "Grigori I", "" ] ], "firstpage": "108", "issue": "2", "journal": "Microelectronics", "journal_abbrev": "M", "lastpage": "126", "publisher": "Academy of Sciences of USSR", "title": "Functional integrated circuits with an injection power and an active link on bipolar devices", "volume": "6", "year": "1977" }, "bib_ref": "cm:29db2248aba45e59:fc31140b1859ba6b", "local_bib": "doc.bib", "place": "USSR", "publish_iso_date": "1977-01-01", "title": "Functional integrated circuits with an injection power and an active link on bipolar devices", "type": { "name": "journal", "peer_reviewed": "yes", "scope": "national" }, "when": "1977", "where": "Microelectronics, Volume 6, Issue 2" }