Check a prototype of 2nd version of this platform being developed by in collaboration with MLCommons.
docker:speech-recognition.rnnt (v3.0.0)
Copyright: See copyright in the source repository
License: See license in the source repository
Creation date: 2020-07-02
Source: GitHub
cID: 88eef0cd8c43b68a:ed5050c8407a8738

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This CK-powered container is our attempt to provide a common API to customize, build and run AI and ML applications with different models, frameworks, libraries, datasets, compilers, formats, backends and platforms. Our on-going project is to make the onboarding process as simple as possible via this platform. Please check this CK white paper and don't hesitate to contact us if you have suggestions or feedback!


MLPerf Inference - Speech Recognition - RNNT

This collection of images from dividiti tests automated, customizable and reproducible Collective Knowledge workflow for the Speech Recognition RNNT workload. All images include the CK workflow, the latest PyTorch, the PyTorch model, and the (suitably preprocessed) LibriSpeech Dev-Clean dataset.

CK_TAG (Dockerfile's extension) Python GCC Comments
centos-7 3.7.8 8.3.1 Updated Python (from 2.7) and GCC (from 4.8)
centos-8 3.6.8 8.3.1
centos-8.python3.7 3.7.8 8.3.1 Updated Python (from 3.6)
debian-9 3.5.3 6.3.0 numba==0.47, llvmlite=0.31.0
debian-10 3.7.3 8.3.0
ubuntu-16.04 3.7.8 5.4.0 Updated Python, as 3.5.2 does not support f-strings.
ubuntu-18.04 3.6.9 7.5.0
ubuntu-20.04 3.8.2 9.3.0
ubuntu-20.04.min 3.8.2 9.3.0 Make some steps implicit (comment out with #-).
amazonlinux 3.7.6 7.3.1
amazonlinux.min 3.7.6 7.3.1 Make some steps implicit (comment out with #-).
amazonlinux.glow 3.7.6 7.3.1 Install the Glow compiler and its dependencies.
amazonlinux.glow.min 3.7.6 7.3.1 Make some steps implicit (comment out with #-).

It is instructive to diff the following image pairs: - centos-7 and centos-8.python3.7 (as both update Python to the same version). - centos-8 and centos-8.python3.7 (as both are CentOS 8 based). - centos-8 and debian-10 (as they differ mostly in the distro package manager). - debian-9 and debian-10 (as the former differs in some Python 3.5 workarounds). - ubuntu-16.04 and debian-9 (as they are nearly identical). - ubuntu-18.04 and debian-10 (as they are nearly identical). - ubuntu-18.04 and ubuntu-20.04 (as they are nearly identical). - ubuntu-20.04 and ubuntu-20.04.min (as the latter is derived from the former). - amazonlinux and centos-8 (as Amazon Linux is similar to CentOS). - amazonlinux and amazonlinux.min (as the latter is derived from the former). - amazonlinux and amazonlinux.glow (as the latter is derived from the former). - amazonlinux.glow and amazonlinux.glow.min (as the latter is derived from the former).

Set up Collective Knowledge

You will need to install Collective Knowledge to build images and save benchmarking results. Please follow the CK installation instructions and then pull the ck-mlperf repository:

$ ck pull repo:ck-mlperf

NB: Refresh all CK repositories after any updates (e.g. bug fixes):

$ ck pull all


To build an image e.g. from Dockerfile.centos-7:

$ export CK_IMAGE=speech-recognition.rnnt CK_TAG=centos-7
$ cd `ck find docker:$CK_IMAGE` && docker build -t ctuning/$CK_IMAGE:$CK_TAG -f Dockerfile.$CK_TAG .

Show Python and GCC versions

To show the Python and GCC versions in use in an image built from Dockerfile.centos-7:

$ export CK_IMAGE=speech-recognition.rnnt CK_TAG=centos-7

$ docker run -it --rm ctuning/$CK_IMAGE:$CK_TAG "ck show env --tags=compiler,python"
Env UID:         Target OS: Bits: Name:  Version: Tags:

ef09a59ce5645ffc   linux-64    64 python 3.7.8    64bits,compiler,host-os-linux-64,lang-python,python,target-os-linux-64,v3,v3.7,v3.7.8

$ docker run -it --rm ctuning/$CK_IMAGE:$CK_TAG "ck show env --tags=compiler,gcc"
Env UID:         Target OS: Bits: Name:          Version: Tags:

511106845f6bfe42   linux-64    64 GNU C compiler 8.3.1    64bits,compiler,gcc,host-os-linux-64,lang-c,lang-cpp,target-os-linux-64,v8,v8.3,v8.3.1

Check versions of Python packages

$ export CK_IMAGE=speech-recognition.rnnt CK_TAG=centos-7
$ docker run -it --rm ctuning/$CK_IMAGE:$CK_TAG \
'ck virtual env --tags=compiler,python \
  --shell_cmd='"'"'$CK_ENV_COMPILER_PYTHON_FILE -m pip show numba'"'"'\
Name: numba
Version: 0.48.0
Summary: compiling Python code using LLVM
Author: Anaconda, Inc.
License: BSD
Location: /home/dvdt/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Requires: llvmlite, setuptools, numpy
Required-by: resampy, librosa

NB: See the quotes magic explained here.

Run the default command

To run the default command of an image e.g. built from Dockerfile.centos-7:

$ export CK_IMAGE=speech-recognition.rnnt CK_TAG=centos-7
$ docker run --rm ctuning/$CK_IMAGE:$CK_TAG




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