{ "license": "Reuse is not allowed", "meta": { "all_raw_results": [ { "behavior_uid": "4b2996f74b18d3f6", "cpu_freqs_after": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "cpu_freqs_before": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "image_height": 3264, "image_width": 2448, "prediction": "Use GPU with device ID 0\n---------- Prediction for /sdcard/openscience//tmp//1485271188351.jpg ----------\n", "time": [ 32127, 31309, 30149 ], "user": "anton.lokhmotov@gmail.com", "xopenme": {} }, { "behavior_uid": "784bad84848514e0", "cpu_freqs_after": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586, "4": 1586, "5": 1586, "6": 1586, "7": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "cpu_freqs_before": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586, "4": 1586, "5": 1586, "6": 1586, "7": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 }, { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "image_height": 3528, "image_width": 3024, "prediction": "Use GPU with device ID 0\n---------- Prediction for /storage/emulated/0/openscience/data/4a6e91d75d682cec/demo/mouse1.jpg ----------\n", "time": [ 31997, 30429, 30995, 33038, 31583, 35058, 4976, 4677, 4754, 5063, 4749, 4774 ], "user": "anton.lokhmotov@gmail.com", "xopenme": { "execution_time": [ 28.720337, 28.720337, 28.720337 ], "execution_time_kernel_0": [ 28.720337, 28.720337, 28.720337 ], "execution_time_kernel_1": [ 0.678226, 0.678226, 0.678226 ], "execution_time_kernel_2": [ 3.547741, 3.547741, 3.547741 ] } }, { "behavior_uid": "cb59d329e4ef2adb", "cpu_freqs_after": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "cpu_freqs_before": [ { "0": 1586, "1": 1586, "2": 1586, "3": 1586 } ], "image_height": 2448, "image_width": 2856, "prediction": "", "time": [ 4816, 4862, 4774 ], "user": "anton.lokhmotov@gmail.com", "xopenme": { "execution_time": [ 0.268459, 0.268459, 0.268459 ], "execution_time_kernel_0": [ 0.268459, 0.268459, 0.268459 ], "execution_time_kernel_1": [ 0.889506, 0.889506, 0.889506 ], "execution_time_kernel_2": [ 3.520867, 3.520867, 3.520867 ] } } ], "meta": { "cpu_abi": "armeabi-v7a", "cpu_name": "0x41-8-0x0-0xd03-4", "cpu_uid": "143de98987a30459", "crowd_uid": "9dc1e8944f728b1a", "engine": "Caffe OpenCL", "gpgpu_name": "", "gpgpu_uid": "", "gpu_name": "ARM Mali-T830", "gpu_uid": "cd4f4a81a14cb70f", "model": "BVLC GoogleNet", "os_name": "Android 6.0.1", "os_uid": "3285b3153a9a4ea4", "plat_name": "SAMSUNG SM-T580", "platform_uid": "430599e08ace483c" } }, "source": "https://cknowledge.org/android-demo.html", "tags": [ "image", "misclassifications" ] }