# # Collective Knowledge (AI artifact store) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings form_name='ai_artifact_web_form' onchange='document.'+form_name+'.submit();' hextra='' selector=[ {'name':'Type', 'key':'type'}, {'name':'Name', 'key':'name'} ] selector2=[ {'name':'Compatible Framework', 'key':'compatible_framework'}, {'name':'OS', 'key':'os'}, {'name':'Platform', 'key':'platform'}, {'name':'Pre-built', 'key':'prebuilt'}, {'name':'CPU', 'key':'cpu'}, {'name':'GPU_API', 'key':'gpu_api'}, {'name':'GPU', 'key':'gpu'}, {'name':'NN', 'key':'nn'}, {'name':'Compiler (CPU)', 'key':'compiler_cpu'}, {'name':'Compiler (GPU)', 'key':'compiler_gpu'} ] prune_first_level=100 prune_second_level=50 ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # view CK AI artifact store def dashboard(i): """ Input: { (host) - Internal web server host (port) - Internal web server port (wfe_host) - External web server host (wfe_port) - External web server port (extra_url) - extra URL } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ i['action']='start' i['module_uoa']='web' i['browser']='yes' i['template']='ai-artifact' i['cid']='' return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # browse AI artifacts def browse(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return dashboard(i) ############################################################################## # show info about AI artifact def html_viewer(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy import time # Preparing various parameters to render HTML dashboard st='' h='' bd='
' if 'reset_'+form_name in i: reset=True else: reset=False if 'all_choices_'+form_name in i: all_choices=True else: all_choices=False bd='
' h='
\n' h+='\n\n\n\n' h+=hextra # Check host URL prefix and default module/action ********************************************* rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] url0w=rx['url'] #rx['url_without_template'] template=rx['template'] url=url0 action=i.get('action','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa url1=url # Check if selected h+='\n\n' cuid=i.get('all_params',{}).get('customization','') if cuid=='': cuid=i.get('customization','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r duoa=r['data_uoa'] path=r['path'] data=r['dict'] meta=data.get('meta',{}) # Check available files # Start listing points uids=[] dirList=os.listdir(path) for fn in sorted(dirList): if fn.endswith('.meta.json'): uid=fn[:-10] uids.append(uid) # Prepare selector onchange='submit()' dlm=[] for q in uids: dlm.append({'name':q, 'value':q}) ii={'action':'create_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['wfe'], 'data':dlm, 'name':'customization', 'onchange':onchange} if cuid!='' and cuid in uids: ii['selected_value']=cuid r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r cuid=r['selected_value'] h+='Select artifact customization:  '+r['html'] # Load pp=os.path.join(path,cuid+'.meta.json') r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pp}) if r['return']==0: raw='no' cdict=r['dict'] repo=cdict.get('repo','') repo_url=cdict.get('repo_url','') if repo!='' and repo_url=='': repo_url='https://github.com/ctuning/'+repo # Load module desc r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':work['self_module_uid']}) if r['return']>0: return r desc=r['desc'].get('customization_desc',{}) # Check if notes notes='' pp=os.path.join(path,cuid+'.html') r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':pp}) if r['return']==0: notes=r['string'] # Start preparing html x='

Reusable and customizable AI artifact in the CK format with JSON API

\n' x+='
\n' x+='
\n' x+='This is an on-going community project' x+=' to gradually make various AI artifacts compatible with portable CK workflows' x+=' and collaboratively optimize AI algorithms' x+=' via open and reproducible SW/HW/AI co-design competitions!' x+='
\n' x+='
\n' x+='


\n' source=meta.get('source','') source_ck=meta.get('source_ck','') x+='
    \n' if source!='': x+='
  • Source and license: '+source+'\n
  • ' if source_ck!='': x+='
  • CK repository with this artifact: '+source_ck+'\n
  • ' # if source_ck!='': # x+='
  • CK repository with collaborative optimization across diverse platforms/models/datasets/libraries: browse\n
  • ' x+='
  • This description at GitHub: browse/improve\n
  • ' x+='
\n' if source_ck!='': j=source_ck.find('/ctuning/') if j>0: y=':'+source_ck[j+9:] else: y=' --repo='+source_ck x+='

How to get:

\n' x+='
\n' x+='
          x+='ck pull repo'+y
\n' x+='
\n' x+='

Meta description:

\n' x+='
\n' for k in sorted(cdict): sk=str(k) if sk==k: v=str(cdict[k]) n=desc.get(k,{}).get('desc','') if n=='': n=k tp=desc.get(k,{}).get('type','') if tp=='url': v=''+v+'' x+=''+n+': '+str(v)+'
\n' x+='' if notes=='': notes='Not added yet - be the first one to add notes here !' x+='

Installation, usage and optimization notes:

\n' x+='
\n' x+=notes x+='' x+='
\n' x+='
\n' # Finalize HTML h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=x+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' else: raw='yes' return {'return':0, 'raw':raw, 'show_top':'yes', 'html':h, 'style':st} ############################################################################## # show AI artifacts with universal selector def show(i): """ Input: { (crowd_module_uoa) - if rendered from experiment crowdsourcing (crowd_key) - add extra name to Web keys to avoid overlapping with original crowdsourcing HTML (crowd_on_change) - reuse onchange doc from original crowdsourcing HTML (highlight_behavior_uid) - highlight specific result (behavior)! (highlight_by_user) - highlight all results from a given user (refresh_cache) - if 'yes', refresh view cache } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy import time # Preparing various parameters to render HTML dashboard h='' st='' bd='
' h+=hextra if 'reset_'+form_name in i: reset=True else: reset=False if 'all_choices_'+form_name in i: all_choices=True else: all_choices=False # Check host URL prefix and default module/action ********************************************* rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':'wfe', 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] url0w=rx['url'] #rx['url_without_template'] template=rx['template'] url=url0 action=i.get('action','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa url1=url # Prepare first level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'search_module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'original_input':i, 'debug': '', 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':'', 'crowd_on_change':onchange, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'background_div':bd, 'skip_html_selector':'yes', 'keep_empty':'yes', 'add_info':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r olst=r['lst'] # original list (if all_choices) plst=r['pruned_lst'] # Sort list *********************************************************************************** splst=sorted(plst, key=lambda x: ( x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('type',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('name','') )) # Prune list ********************************************************************************** len_plst=len(plst) if len_plst>prune_first_level: plst=plst[:prune_first_level] h+='\nShowing '+str(prune_first_level)+' of '+str(len_plst)+' entries ...
\n' table=[] for q in splst: path=q['path'] meta=q['meta'] meta2=meta.get('meta',{}) # Read experiment points and cache them or reuse cache (per module)! p=os.listdir(path) for f in p: if f.endswith('.meta.json'): r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':os.path.join(path,f)}) if r['return']==0: row=r['dict'] customize_uid=f[:-10] row['info_data_uoa']=q['data_uoa'] row['info_data_uid']=q['data_uid'] row['info_data_name']=q['info']['data_name'] row['info_path']=q['path'] row['info_customize_uid']=customize_uid for k in meta2: row['meta_'+k]=meta2[k] table.append(row) # Prepare second level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'search_module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'original_input':i, 'lst':table, 'skip_meta_key':'yes', 'debug': '', 'selector':selector2, 'crowd_key':'', 'crowd_on_change':onchange, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'skip_form_init':'yes', 'background_div':bd, 'keep_empty':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r h2=r['html'] table=r['pruned_lst'] choices2=r['choices'] wchoices2=r['wchoices'] # Prune first list based on second selection***************************************************************************** if all_choices: nsplst=olst elif reset: nsplst=splst else: all_uid=[] for row in table: duid=row.get('info_data_uid','') if duid!='' and duid not in all_uid: all_uid.append(duid) nsplst=[] for q in splst: if q['data_uid'] in all_uid: nsplst.append(q) # Check if too many ***************************************************************************************************** ltable=len(table) min_view=False hx='' if ltable==0: h+='No results found!' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} elif ltable>prune_second_level: table=table[:prune_second_level] hx='\nShowing '+str(prune_second_level)+' of '+str(ltable)+' AI artifacts ...
\n' # Get unique values and create html selector 1 (after selector 2) r=ck.access({'action':'get_unique_keys_from_list', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'lst':nsplst, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':'', 'original_input':i}) if r['return']>0: return choices1=r['choices'] wchoices1=r['wchoices'] # Prepare selector 1 (based on choices from selector 2) r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_html_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'start_form':'yes', 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'background_div':bd, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':'', 'crowd_on_change':onchange, 'wchoices':wchoices1, 'original_input':i, 'add_reset':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r h1=r['html'] h+='
\n' h+='Browse reusable, customizable and unified AI artifacts in the CK format with JSON API\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='\n' h+='This is an on-going community project' h+=' to gradually make various AI artifacts compatible with portable CK workflows' h+=' and collaboratively optimize AI algorithms' h+=' via open and reproducible SW/HW/AI co-design competitions!' h+='\n' h+='
\n' h+=h1+'\n'+h2 ltable=len(table) min_view=False if ltable==0: h+='No results found!' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} elif ltable>prune_second_level and view_all!='yes': table=table[:prune_second_level] h+='\nShowing '+str(prune_second_level)+' of '+str(ltable)+' AI artifacts ...
\n' # Sort again stable=sorted(table, key=lambda x: ( x.get('meta_type',''), x.get('info_data_uoa',''), x.get('meta_name',''), x.get('platform',''), x.get('os',''))) # Get desc r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':work['self_module_uid']}) if r['return']>0: return r desc=r['desc'].get('customization_desc',{}) # Show artifacts iq=0 for t in stable: x='' iq+=1 data_uoa=t['info_data_uoa'] data_uid=t['info_data_uid'] customize_uid=t['info_customize_uid'] tp=t.get('meta_type','') name=t.get('meta_name','') path=t['info_path'] cid=work['self_module_uid']+':'+data_uid self_url=url0w+'wcid='+cid+'&customize='+customize_uid # Check if has qr-code cached qr=customize_uid+'.cached_qr_code.png' p=os.path.join(path, qr) if not os.path.isfile(p): r=ck.access({'action':'generate', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['qr-code'], 'qr_level':6, 'image_size':90, 'string':self_url, 'filename':p}) if os.path.isfile(p): utp=url0+'action=pull&common_func=yes&cid='+cid+'&filename='+qr x+='\n' # Prepare full user-friendly name fn=t.get('info_data_name','') if fn=='' or fn==data_uoa: fn=tp+' '+name x+=str(iq)+') '+fn+'\n' # Sources source=t.get('meta_source','') source_ck=t.get('meta_source_ck','') y='' if source!='': y='source & license' if source_ck!='': if y!='': y+=', ' y+='CK repo' if y!='': x+=' ('+y+')\n' x+='
\n' # Various meta data x+='
\n' x+='
\n' y='' for k in t: if not k.startswith('info_') and not k.startswith('meta_'): v=t[k] sv=str(v) if sv!='': if y!='': y+=', ' k1=desc.get(k,{}).get('desc','') if k1=='': k1=k y+=k1+'='+sv x+=y x+='
\n' x+='
\n' x+='\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=x+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} ############################################################################## # add AI artifact description def add(i): """ Input: { (data_uoa) - AI artifact CK alias (for example, framework-mxnet) (data_name) - user-friendly name (for example, Framework MXNet) (repo_uoa) - where to create (by default in ck-ai) (type) - Artifact type (name) - Artifact name (source) - Artifact source URL (original and license) (source_ck) - Artifact CK repo URL } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os data_uoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if data_uoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'AI alias is not defined, use "ck add ai-artifact:ALIAS"'} # Check if already exists (in such case add notes) r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':data_uoa}) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r if r['return']==0: path=r['path'] ck.out('Artifact already exists in '+path) else: repo_uoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') if repo_uoa=='': repo_uoa='ck-ai' data_name=i.get('data_name','') if data_name=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter user-friendly name (for example Framework TensorFlow): '}) if r['return']>0: return r data_name=r['string'].strip() tp=i.get('type','') if tp=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter artifact type (for example dataset): '}) if r['return']>0: return r tp=r['string'].strip().lower() name=i.get('name','') if name=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter artifact name (for example imagenet): '}) if r['return']>0: return r name=r['string'].strip().lower() source=i.get('source','') if source=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter original artifact source URL (or Enter to skip): '}) if r['return']>0: return r source=r['string'].strip() source_ck=i.get('source_ck','') if source_ck=='': r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter related CK repo URL (or Enter to skip): '}) if r['return']>0: return r source_ck=r['string'].strip() # Add entry r=ck.access({'action':'add', 'common_func':'yes', 'module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'data_uoa':data_uoa, 'data_name':data_name, 'repo_uoa':repo_uoa, 'dict':{'meta':{'type':tp, 'name':name, 'source':source, 'source_ck':source_ck}}}) if r['return']>0: return r path=r['path'] # Add dummy customization ck.out('') r=ck.inp({'text':'Add dummy custommization META and HTML to describe how to install, use and optimize this artifact (Y/n): '}) if r['return']>0: return r s=r['string'].strip().lower() if s!='n' and s!='no': rx=ck.gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx customization_uid=rx['data_uid'] # Get existing description to add dummy d={} rx=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['module'], 'data_uoa':work['self_module_uid']}) if rx['return']>0: return rx desc=rx['desc'].get('customization_desc',{}) for k in desc: d[k]='' # Save JSON pm=os.path.join(path, customization_uid+'.meta.json') rx=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':pm, 'dict':d}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Save HTML ph=os.path.join(path, customization_uid+'.html') rx=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':ph, 'string':''}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Print ck.out('') ck.out('Path to customization JSON: '+pm) ck.out('Path to customization HTML: '+ph) return r # either from load or add