# # Collective Knowledge () # # # # # Developer: # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) import os import sys import time import pandas as pd import numpy as np #default_repo_uoa = '' #default_repo_uoa = 'local' default_repo_uoa = 'ck-quantum-hackathon-20190127' ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # get raw data for repo-widget def get_raw_data(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ selected_repo_uoa = i.get('repo_uoa', default_repo_uoa) def get_experimental_results(repo_uoa=selected_repo_uoa, tags='qck,hackathon-20190127', module_uoa='experiment'): r = ck.access({'action':'search', 'repo_uoa':repo_uoa, 'module_uoa':module_uoa, 'tags':tags}) if r['return']>0: print('Error: %s' % r['error']) exit(1) experiments = r['lst'] index = [ 'team', 'problem_index' ] dfs = [] for experiment in experiments: data_uoa = experiment['data_uoa'] r = ck.access({'action':'list_points', 'repo_uoa':repo_uoa, 'module_uoa':module_uoa, 'data_uoa':data_uoa}) if r['return']>0: print('Error: %s' % r['error']) exit(1) # Get all the parameters from meta.json -> "meta" mmeta = r['dict']['meta'] team = mmeta.get('team', 'UNKNOWN_TEAM') experiment_entry_path = r['path'] entry_modification_epoch_secs = int( os.path.getmtime(experiment_entry_path) ) entry_modification_utc_human = time.asctime(time.gmtime( entry_modification_epoch_secs )) point_ids = r['points'] for point_id in point_ids: load_point_adict = { 'action': 'load_point', 'module_uoa': module_uoa, 'data_uoa': data_uoa, 'point': point_id, } r=ck.access( load_point_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r if i.get('out')=='con': ck.out( "Loading {}:experiment:{} point_id={} (recorded {})".format(repo_uoa, data_uoa, point_id, entry_modification_utc_human) ) point_data_raw = r['dict']['0001'] choices = point_data_raw['choices'] characteristics_list = point_data_raw['characteristics_list'] num_repetitions = len(characteristics_list) data = [ { # statistical repetition 'repetition_id': repetition_id, # runtime characteristics 'problem_name': characteristics['run'].get('problem_name','problem_x'), 'problem_index': characteristics['run'].get('problem_index',-1), 'training_accuracy': np.float64(characteristics['run'].get('training_accuracy',1e6)), 'training_time': np.float64(characteristics['run'].get('training_time',0.0)), 'training_vectors_limit': np.int64(characteristics['run'].get('training_vectors_limit') or -1), 'solution_function_name': characteristics['run'].get('solution_function_name',''), 'source_code': characteristics['run'].get('source_code',''), 'circuit_str': characteristics['run'].get('circuit_str',''), 'test_accuracy': np.float64(characteristics['run'].get('test_accuracy',0.0)), 'team': team, 'timestamp_epoch_secs': entry_modification_epoch_secs, 'timestamp_utc_human': entry_modification_utc_human, 'success?': characteristics['run'].get('run_success','N/A'), } for (repetition_id, characteristics) in zip(range(num_repetitions), characteristics_list) if len(characteristics['run']) > 0 ] # Construct a DataFrame. df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.set_index(index, drop=False) # Append to the list of similarly constructed DataFrames. dfs.append(df) if dfs: # Concatenate all thus constructed DataFrames (i.e. stack on top of each other). result = pd.concat(dfs) result.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True) else: # Construct a dummy DataFrame the success status of which can be safely checked. result = pd.DataFrame(columns=['success?']) return result # prepare table df = get_experimental_results() if not df.empty: df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # remove the index as it is in the way of complex grouping ## Sorting in place allows us to preserve this order as the initial order in the output df.sort_values(['problem_index', 'test_accuracy', 'timestamp_epoch_secs'], ascending=[True, False, True], inplace=True) df['rank'] = df.groupby('problem_index').cumcount()+1 df['seconds_since_start'] = df['timestamp_epoch_secs']-df['timestamp_epoch_secs'].min() df['hours_since_start'] = df['seconds_since_start'] / 3600.0 # from IPython.display import display # pd.options.display.max_columns = len(df.columns) # pd.options.display.max_rows = len(df.index) # display(df) table = [] def to_value(i): if type(i) is np.ndarray: return i.tolist() if isinstance(i, np.int64): return int(i) if isinstance(i, np.float64): return float(i) return i props = [ 'problem_name', 'problem_index', 'training_vectors_limit', 'training_time', 'training_accuracy', 'solution_function_name', 'source_code', 'circuit_str', 'test_accuracy', 'rank', 'team', 'timestamp_epoch_secs', 'timestamp_utc_human', 'seconds_since_start', 'hours_since_start', 'success?', ] for record in df.to_dict(orient='records'): row = {} for prop in props: row[prop] = to_value(record.get(prop, '')) # row['##data_uid'] = "{}:{}".format(record['_point'], record['_repetition_id']) row['source_code'] = { 'title': record.get('solution_function_name','Show source'), 'cmd': record['source_code'], } if record['circuit_str']: row['circuit_str'] = { 'title': record.get('solution_circuit_name', 'Show circuit'), 'cmd': record['circuit_str'], } else: row['circuit_str']='N/A' table.append(row) return {'return':0, 'table':table} ############################################################################## # get raw config for repo widget def get_raw_config(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ data_config = cfg['data_config'] data_config['return'] = 0 return data_config