{ "actions": { "add": { "desc": "add new machine description" }, "browse": { "desc": "browse machines (open browser)" }, "check": { "desc": "check machine status (online/offline)" }, "init": { "desc": "init machine and update input" }, "show": { "desc": "show available target machines and their status", "for_web": "yes" } }, "actions_redirect": { "init": "machine_init" }, "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", "desc": "description of a given machine for crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning", "developer": "Grigori Fursin", "developer_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org", "developer_webpage": "http://fursin.net", "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", "module_deps": { "env": "9b9b3208ac44b891", "os": "0440cb72c2bc5cc6", "platform": "707ccdfe444cafac", "platform.cpu": "aa6b542a420b8db9", "platform.os": "41e31cc4496b8a8e" }, "target_access_types": { "android": { "detect_platform": "yes", "name": "CK: Android machine accessed via adb", "sort": 10, "tags": [ "android-with-arch" ] }, "cluster": { "detect_platform": "no", "name": "CLUSTER: generic configuration of multiple remote machines", "sort": 85, "tags": [ "linux", "windows" ] }, "avro": { "detect_platform": "no", "name": "AVRO: multiple remote machines accessed via Apache AVRO", "sort": 80, "tags": [ "linux", "windows" ] }, "ck_node": { "detect_platform": "yes", "name": "CK: remote Windows machine accessed via CK crowd node", "sort": 55, "tags": [ "windows", "mingw" ] }, "host": { "detect_platform": "yes", "name": "CK: this host machine as a target", "sort": 5, "tags": [] }, "quantum": { "detect_platform": "no", "name": "Quantum: remote quantum machine", "sort": 90, "tags": [ "linux", "windows" ], "use_target_os_as_host": "yes" }, "rpc": { "detect_platform": "no", "name": "RPC: remote machine accessed via RPC", "sort": 70, "tags": [ "linux", "windows", "mingw", "rpc" ] }, "ssh": { "detect_platform": "yes", "name": "CK: remote Linux machine accessed via SSH", "sort": 60, "tags": [ "linux" ] }, "wa_android": { "alias_prefix": "wa-", "detect_platform": "yes", "extra_check": { "action": "configure", "module_uoa": "wa", "wa_device_default": "generic_android" }, "extra_deps": { "wa": { "env_key": "WA", "force_target_as_host": "yes", "local": "yes", "name": "ARM Workload Automation", "sort": 10, "tags": "tool,wa" } }, "name": "WA: Android machine accessed via ARM's workload automation framework", "record_tags": "wa", "sort": 20, "tags": [ "android-with-arch" ] }, "wa_linux": { "alias_prefix": "wa-", "detect_platform": "yes", "extra_check": { "action": "configure", "module_uoa": "wa", "wa_device_default": "generic_linux" }, "extra_deps": { "wa": { "env_key": "WA", "force_target_as_host": "yes", "local": "yes", "name": "ARM Workload Automation", "sort": 10, "tags": "tool,wa" } }, "name": "WA: Linux machine accessed via ARM's workload automation", "record_tags": "wa", "sort": 30, "tags": [ "linux" ] } } }