# # Collective Knowledge (Grigori's misc research functions) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # Just a centralized place to get a home directory def get_home_dir(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ from os.path import expanduser home_dir = expanduser("~") if i.get('out', '') == 'con': ck.out(home_dir) return {'return':0, 'home_dir':home_dir} ############################################################################## # Replace string in file def replace_string_in_file(i): """ Input: { file (file_out) - if !='', use this file for output, otherwise overwrite original one! string - string to replace replacement - replacement string } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (updated) - if 'yes', files was updated } """ import copy o=i.get('out','') fin=i['file'] s1=i['string'] s2=i['replacement'] fout=i.get('file_out','') if fout=='': fout=fin rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fin}) if rx['return']>0: return rx s=rx['string'] sx=s.replace(s1,s2) r={'return':0, 'updated':'no'} if s!=sx or fin!=fout: r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':fout, 'string':sx}) r['updated']='yes' return r ############################################################################## # updating json file def refresh_json(i): """ Input: { json_file - file with json (output_file) - if !='' use this file for output instead of rewriting original file } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ jf=i['json_file'] of=i.get('output_file','') if of=='': of=jf r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':jf}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] return ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':of, 'dict':d, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) ############################################################################## # process all files recursively using some action def process_all_files_recursively(i): """ Input: { (path) - starting path (or current) (pattern) - file pattern (cmd) - perform action with a file (ck) - call CK access (file_key) - substitute this key in 'ck' with file name with full path } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os o=i.get('out','') p=i.get('path','') if p=='': p=os.getcwd() cka=i.get('ck',{}) fk=i.get('file_key','') pat=i.get('pattern','') if o=='con': ck.out('') x='' if pat!='': x=' ('+pat+')' ck.out('Obtaining list of all files'+x+'. May take some time ...') r=ck.list_all_files({'path':p, 'pattern':pat, 'all':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['list'] for qq in lst: if p=='': q=qq else: q=os.path.join(p,qq) if len(cka)>0: if fk!='': cka[fk]=q if o=='con': ck.out(' '+q) r=ck.access(cka) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0, 'list':lst} ############################################################################## # merge dictionaries in 2 files def merge_dicts(i): """ Input: { file1 - dict1 file2 - dict2 (file3) - output to this file. If empty use file1 } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ f1=i.get('file1','') f2=i.get('file2','') if f1=='' or f2=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'--file1 and --file2 should be specified'} fo=i.get('file3','') if fo=='': fo=f1 r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':f1}) if r['return']>0: return r d1=r['dict'] r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':f2}) if r['return']>0: return r d2=r['dict'] if type(d1)==list and type(d2)==list: for q in d2: d1.append(q) else: r=ck.merge_dicts({'dict1':d1, 'dict2':d2}) if r['return']>0: return r d1=r['dict1'] r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':fo, 'dict':d1}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # sort JSON file def sort_json_file(i): """ Input: { json_file - file with json (output_file) - if !='' use this file for output instead of rewriting original file } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return refresh_json(i) ############################################################################## # add key to meta/files of different entries def add_key(i): """ Input: { data - CID of entries to update (can be wild cards) (tags) - prune entries by tags key - key in flat format value - value (ignore_update) - ignore update info in entries } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o=i.get('out','') data=i.get('data','') if data=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'"data" is not defined'} tags=i.get('tags','') key=i.get('key','') if key=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'"key" is not defined'} value=i.get('value','') if value=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'"value" is not defined'} iu=i.get('ignore_update','') # Search entries r=ck.access({'action':'search', 'cid':data, 'tags':tags}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] llst=len(lst) if llst>0 and o=='con': ck.out('Updating '+str(llst)+' entries ...') ck.out('') # Iterate over entries for l in lst: ruid=l['repo_uid'] ruoa=l['repo_uoa'] muid=l['module_uid'] muoa=l['module_uoa'] duid=l['data_uid'] duoa=l['data_uoa'] if o=='con': ck.out('* '+ruoa+':'+muoa+':'+duoa) # Load meta r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'repo_uoa':ruid, 'module_uoa':muid, 'data_uoa':duid}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] # Updating dict r=ck.set_by_flat_key({'dict':d, 'key':key, 'value':value}) if r['return']>0: return r # Store meta r=ck.access({'action':'update', 'repo_uoa':ruid, 'module_uoa':muid, 'data_uoa':duid, 'dict':d, 'substitute':'yes', 'ignore_update':iu}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # internal file to ignore files/directories from templates def prepare_entry_template_ignore_files(dr, files): lst=['.cm','tmp'] return lst ############################################################################## # prepare template for a given entry # (trying to unify templates for CK when adding program, soft, package, program, dataset, etc) def prepare_entry_template(i): """ Input: { original_module_uoa - add template for this original module (template) - force using this template (skip_custom_note) - if 'yes', do not print note about customization at the end all params from "ck add" function } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import shutil o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo=o omuoa=i.get('original_module_uoa','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') # Check user-friendly name if duoa=='' and o=='con': r=ck.inp({'text': 'Enter alias for your entry without spaces such as "tool.cmake": '}) if r['return']>0: return r duoa=r['string'].strip() i['data_uoa']=duoa ck.out('') # Search templates tuoa=i.get('template','') truoa=i.get('template_repo','') if tuoa=='': lst=[{'data_uid':'', 'data_uoa':'', 'repo_uid':'', 'info':{'data_name':'Empty entry'}, 'meta':{'sort':9999}}] # Add it to the end c=None if tuoa=='': if oo=='con': ck.out('Searching for templates ...') ii={'action':'search', 'module_uoa':omuoa, 'data_uoa':tuoa, 'add_info':'yes', 'add_meta':'yes', 'search_dict':{'template':'yes'}} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r lst+=r['lst'] if len(lst)==1: c=lst[0] # Make selection if oo=='con' and len(lst)>1: ck.out('') r=select_uoa({'text':'Select template for the new entry', 'choices':lst}) if r['return']>0: return r c=r['choice'] ck.out('') if c!=None: tuoa=c['data_uid'] truoa=c['repo_uid'] d=i.get('dict',{}) if tuoa!='': # Attempt to load entry ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':omuoa, 'data_uoa':tuoa, 'repo_uoa':truoa} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r p=os.path.realpath(r['path']) d.update(r['dict']) i['action']='add' i['module_uoa']=omuoa i['common_func']='yes' i['sort_keys']='yes' i['dict']=d r=ck.access(i) if r['return']>0: return r pnew=r['path'] # Copy files to a new entry if template if tuoa!='': d=os.listdir(p) for f in d: if f!='.cm' and not f.endswith('.pyc') and 'tmp' not in f: porig2=os.path.join(p,f) pnew2=os.path.join(pnew,f) try: if os.path.isdir(porig2): shutil.copytree(porig2, pnew2, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.cm', '*tmp*', '*.pyc')) else: shutil.copyfile(porig2, pnew2) except IOError as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem copying files from template ('+str(e)+')'} # Print info about customization if i.get('skip_custom_note', '')!='yes' and oo=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('DO NOT FORGET to finish manually updating this JSON meta (tags, paths, dependencies, etc):') ck.out('') ck.out(' * JSON meta: '+os.path.join(pnew, ck.cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], ck.cfg['file_meta'])) ck.out(' * Other files: '+pnew) return r ############################################################################## # Universal string selector. # # Given an ordered list of options (strings) def select_string(i): """ Input: { options - an ordered list of strings to select from (question) - the question to ask (default) - default selection (no_autoselect) - if "yes", enforce the interactive choice even if there is only 1 option (no_autoretry) - if "yes", bail out on any unsuitable input, do not offer to retry (no_skip_line) - if "yes", do not skip a line after each option (first_match) - if "yes", take the first match in case there are multiple } Output: { selected_index - an index < len(options) selected_value - the string value at selected_index return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import copy question = i.get('question', 'Please select from the options above') options = copy.deepcopy( i.get('options') ) default = i.get('default', None) auto_select = i.get('no_autoselect', '') != 'yes' auto_retry = i.get('no_autoretry', '') != 'yes' skip_line = i.get('no_skip_line', '') != 'yes' first_match = i.get('first_match', '') == 'yes' if not options or len(options)==0: return {'return': 1, 'error': 'No options provided - please check the docstring for correct syntax'} num_options = len(options) for j in range(num_options): if not isinstance(options[j], list): options[j] = [ options[j] ] ck.out("{:>2}) {}".format(j, options[j][0])) for extra_line in options[j][1:]: ck.out(' {}'.format(extra_line)) if skip_line: ck.out('') ck.out('') num_matches = 0 if len(options)==1 and auto_select: ck.out('Since there is only one option, auto-selecting it') response = '0' selected_index = 0 num_matches = 1 while num_matches!=1: r = ck.inp({'text': "{}{}: ".format(question, ' [ hit return for "{}" ]'.format(default) if default!=None and len(default) else '')}) response = r['string'] if response=='' and default!=None: response = default try: # try to convert into int() and see if it works error_message = None selected_index = int(response) if selected_index < num_options: num_matches = 1 else: error_message = 'Selected index is out of range [0..{}]'.format(num_options-1) except: num_matches = 0 for j in reversed(range(num_options)): if response in options[j][0]: selected_index = j num_matches += 1 if num_matches>1 and first_match: break elif num_matches!=1: error_message = 'Instead of 1 unique match there were {}'.format(num_matches) if error_message: if auto_retry: ck.out( error_message + ", please try again" ) else: return { 'return': 1, 'response': response, 'error': error_message } selected_value = options[selected_index][0] if selected_index >= 0 else '' if i.get('out')=='con': ck.out('You selected [{}] == "{}"'.format(selected_index, selected_value)) return { 'return':0, 'response': response, 'selected_index': selected_index, 'selected_value': selected_value } ############################################################################## # Search for entries of a specific type using a mix of tags AND variations # def search_in_variations(i): """ Input: { tags - the query, a mixture of tags and variations (query_module_uoa) - entries of which type to search for (add_info) - each entry found will also contain 'info' dictionary ('meta' is obligatory) } Output: { lst - a list of entries found (may be empty) return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ tags = i.get('tags') module_uoa = i.get('query_module_uoa', '*') add_info = i.get('add_info', '') required_tags_list = tags if not type(required_tags_list)==list: required_tags_list = required_tags_list.split(',') required_tags_set = set(required_tags_list) # NB: this variable gets locked in the closure for efficiency of the following function: def tags_and_variations_merging_callback(i): """ A callback function that knows how to merge tags and variations and how to match the resulting set against the query. """ meta = i.get('meta',{}) supported_variations_set = set(meta.get('variations',{}).keys()) tags_and_variations = set(meta.get('tags',{})) | supported_variations_set matched_bool = tags_and_variations >= required_tags_set i['required_variations'] = list( supported_variations_set & required_tags_set ) return { 'return': 0, 'skip': ( '' if matched_bool else 'yes' ) } r=ck.access({'action':'list', 'module_uoa': module_uoa, 'add_meta':'yes', 'add_info':add_info, 'download_tags':tags, # These tags are not influencing main functionality but used for auto-download of components from the CK platform 'filter_func_addr': tags_and_variations_merging_callback, }) if r['return']>0: return r if i.get('out')=='con': for entry in r['lst']: print("{}:{}:{}".format(entry['repo_uoa'], entry['module_uoa'], entry['data_uoa'])) return r ############################################################################## # List variations of an entry or a group of entries # def list_variations(i): """ Input: { tags - the query, a mixture of tags and variations (query_module_uoa) - entries of which type to search for (variation_prefix) - an optional prefix to filter the variations (separator) - an optional string to separate the results (BEWARE: CK does not support trailing spaces!) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ tags = i.get('tags') query_module_uoa = i.get('query_module_uoa', '*') variation_prefix = i.get('variation_prefix', '') separator = i.get('separator', '\n') r=ck.access({'action':'search_in_variations', 'module_uoa': 'misc', 'query_module_uoa': query_module_uoa, 'tags': tags, }) if r['return']>0: return r # merge all available variations into a set: variations_found = set() for entry_dict in r['lst']: variations_found |= set(entry_dict['meta'].get('variations',{}).keys()) # collect the matching ones into a list variations_found = [variation for variation in variations_found if variation.startswith(variation_prefix)] if i.get('out')=='con': print(separator.join(variations_found)) return {'return':0, 'variations':variations_found} ############################################################################## # Universal UOA selector (improved version forked # from ck-autotuning:module:choice and ck.kernel) def select_uoa(i): """ Input: { choices - list from search function (text) - selection text (skip_enter) - if 'yes', do not select 0 when user presses Enter (skip_sort) - if 'yes', do not sort array } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 choice - {dict of selection from lst} } """ se=i.get('skip_enter','') lst=i.get('choices',[]) # Prepare data_name and then data_uoa if i.get('skip_sort','')!='yes': slst=sorted(lst, key=lambda v: (v.get('meta',{}).get('sort',0), v.get('info',{}).get('data_name',''), v['data_uoa'])) else: slst=lst array={} n=0 for x in slst: sn=str(n) array[sn]=x duoa=x['data_uoa'] name=x.get('info',{}).get('data_name','') if name=='': name=duoa s=sn+') '+name if duoa!='': s+=' (--template='+duoa+')' ck.out(s) n+=1 ck.out('') text=i.get('text','') if text=='': text='Select UOA' s=text if se!='yes': s+=' (or press Enter for 0)' s+=': ' rx=ck.inp({'text':s}) y=rx['string'].strip() if y=='' and se!='yes': y='0' if y not in array: return {'return':1, 'error':'number is not recognized'} return {'return':0, 'choice':array[y]} ############################################################################## # list CK kernel functions def list_kernel_functions(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') of=i.get('out_file','') if of!='': xof=os.path.splitext(of) html=False if o=='html' or i.get('web','')=='yes': html=True h='' h2='' hcfg='' if i.get('new','')=='yes': ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['ck_title']='Shared CK kernel functions and configurations' r=preload_html_for_lists(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h=r['html_start']+'\n' h2=r['html_stop']+'\n' hcfg=h p=ck.work['env_root'] # Internal CK path pk=os.path.join(p, 'ck', 'kernel.py') if not os.path.isfile(pk): return {'return':1, 'error':'Can\'t find kernel in '+pk} r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':pk, 'split_to_list':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r l=r['lst'] funcs={} desc=[] ld=0 target='' cfg=[] cfg_start=False ll=len(l) for k in range(0, ll): x=l[k] if x.startswith('cfg={'): cfg_start=True if cfg_start: cfg.append(x) if x==' }': cfg_start=False if x.startswith('##################'): desc=[] ld=k if x.startswith('# '): x1=x[2:].strip() if x1.startswith('TARGET: '): target=x1[8:] else: desc.append(x1) if x.startswith('def '): j1=x.find('(') j2=x.find(')', j1+1) j3=x.find(':') fn=x[4:j1] i=x[j1+1:j2] rem=x[j3+1:] api=[] k+=1 found=False first=False while not found or k=0: y=y[:j] xapi+=y xapi+='\n' xapi+='

\n' xapi+='

        for y in api:
\n' url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck/blob/master/ck/kernel.py' x='' if target!='': x+='

   for '+target+'' if 'end users' in target or 'end-users' in target: num1+=1 num=num1 else: num2+=1 num=num2 zh=' \n' zh+=' '+str(num)+'\n' zh+=' ck.'+f+'('+i+')'+x+'\n' zh+=' '+xapi+'\n' zh+=' \n' if 'end users' in target or 'end-users' in target: h+=zh else: hdev+=zh # Prepare config hcfg+='You can access the following CK internal variables:\n' hcfg+='\n' hcfg+='

    hcfg+='    import ck.kernel as ck\n'
    hcfg+='    print (ck.cfg)\n'
\n' hcfg+='See CK documentation for further details.\n' hcfg+='

\n' hcfg+='

    for x in cfg:
\n' hcfg+=h2 if html: h+='\n' h+=h2 hdev+='\n' hdev+=h2 if of!='': r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'.html', 'string':h}) if r['return']>0: return r r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'-dev.html', 'string':hdev}) if r['return']>0: return r r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'-dev-cfg.html', 'string':hcfg}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # list repositories def list_repos(i): """ Input: { (the same as ck search; can use wildcards) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') of=i.get('out_file','') if of!='': xof=os.path.splitext(of) html=False if o=='html' or i.get('web','')=='yes': html=True h='' h2='' if i.get('new','')=='yes': ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['ck_title']='Shared CK repositories' r=preload_html_for_lists(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h=r['html_start']+'\n' h2=r['html_stop']+'\n' unique_repo=False if i.get('repo_uoa','')!='': unique_repo=True import copy ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['out']='' ii['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['repo'] ii['action']='list' ii['add_meta']='yes' ii['time_out']=-1 rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=rx['lst'] if html: h+='

Please check our new beta browser for CK components!

\n' h+='
\n' h+='

Users share their reusable CK components (code, data, models) and workflows/pipelines using CK-compatible repositories and archives\n' h+='(for example, see this CK repository\n' h+='with a complete compiler crowd-tuning workflow, an automatically generated interactive article,\n' h+='and a public interactive dashboard).\n' h+='Most of them are shared with the permissive 3-clause BSD license or CC-BY to accelerate technology transfer!\n' h+='

You can run and reuse workflows, modules and other components with a common API from below repositories:\n' h+='

       h+=' ck pull repo:{Repo UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='

You can add dependency on a given repository in your own CK repository by editing your .ckr.json file as follows:\n' h+='

       h+=' {\n'
       h+='   ...\n'
       h+='   "dict": {\n'
       h+='      "repo_deps": [\n'
       h+='         {\n'
       h+='           "repo_uoa": "ck-tensorflow",\n'
       h+='           "repo_url": "https://github.com/ctuning/ck-tensorflow"\n'
       h+='         }\n'
       h+='         ...\n'
       h+='      ]\n'
       h+='      ...\n'
       h+='   }\n'
\n' h+='

Feel free to add description of your own CK repository to this JSON file - just open a PR on this GitHub repo.\n' h+='You can obtain the main key for your entry (DATA UID) as well as data_uoa (DATA ALIAS) using this command: ck info repo:{my repo name}. You can then obtain and add "dict" using this command: ck load repo:{my repo name} --min .\n' h+='

See CK documentation,\n' h+=' "how to contribute" guide\n' h+=' and already shared reusable components for further details.\n' h+='

\n' h+='\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' repos={} repo_url={} repo_private={} # Check which already manually added from cfg:list-of-repos rruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg-list-of-repos']}) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r if r['return']==0: repos=r['dict'] if rruoa=='': rruoa=r['repo_uid'] # Going through already described repos and add missing ones private='' remote='' for l in ll: lr=l['data_uoa'] lr_uid=l['data_uid'] url='' if lr=='default': url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck/tree/master/ck/repo' else: rx=ck.load_repo_info_from_cache({'repo_uoa':lr_uid}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url=rx.get('dict',{}).get('url','') private=rx.get('dict',{}).get('private','') remote=rx.get('dict',{}).get('remote','') if lr not in cfg.get('skip_repos',[]) and remote!='yes' and private!='yes' and url!='': if lr_uid not in repos: repos[lr_uid]={'data_uoa':lr} # Try to fill in missing information or find duplicates to_delete=[] for repo_uid in list(repos.keys()): x=repos[repo_uid] repo_uoa=x['data_uoa'] d=x.get('dict',{}) # Find real repo and get .ckr.json rx=ck.access({'action':'where', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['repo'], 'data_uoa':repo_uoa}) if rx['return']==0: pckr=os.path.join(rx['path'], ck.cfg['repo_file']) if os.path.isfile(pckr): rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':pckr}) if rx['return']>0: return rx rxd=rx['dict'] dx=rxd['dict'] if 'path' in dx: del(dx['path']) real_repo_uid=rxd['data_uid'] # Check if mismatch of real uid and current one (old bug - should be fixed now) if real_repo_uid!=repo_uid: ck.out('') ck.out('WARNING: repo UID mismatch for '+repo_uoa+' ('+real_repo_uid+' != '+repo_uid+')') ck.out('') # r=ck.inp({'text':' update correct one and remove old (Y/n)?'}) # if r['return']>0: return r # xx=r['string'].strip().lower() if True: #xx!='n': if real_repo_uid not in repos: repos[real_repo_uid]=copy.deepcopy(repos[repo_uid]) else: if not 'dict' in repos[real_repo_uid]: repos[real_repo_uid]['dict']={} repos[real_repo_uid]['dict'].update(d) to_delete.append(repo_uid) else: # light update for k in dx: if k not in d: d[k]=dx[k] # Delete duplicates (old bug) for tod in to_delete: if tod in repos: ck.out('* Deleting '+tod) del(repos[tod]) # Record list if rruoa=='': rruoa='ck-env' r=ck.access({'action':'update', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg-list-of-repos'], 'repo_uoa':rruoa, 'dict':repos, 'substitute':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'ignore_update':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r # Show repos num=0 for repo in sorted(repos, key=lambda k: repos[k]['data_uoa']): l=repos[repo] lr=l['data_uoa'] lr_uid=repo d=l.get('dict',{}) if d.get('skip_from_index','')=='yes': continue url=d.get('url','') external_url=d.get('external_url','') rd=d.get('repo_deps',{}) ld=d.get('desc','') workflow_desc=d.get('workflow_desc','') to_get='' if url.find('github.com/ctuning/')>0: to_get='ck pull repo:'+lr elif url!='': to_get='ck pull repo --url='+url elif external_url!='': to_get='[ external link ]' num+=1 ############################################################### if html: h+=' \n' x1='' x1readme='' x2='' z1='' z11='' url2='' if url!='' and url.startswith('git@'): url=url.replace(':','/').replace('git@','https://') if url=='' and lr=='default': url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck/tree/master/ck/repo' if url!='': x1='' x1readme='' x2='' url2=url if url2.endswith('.git'): url2=url2[:-4] if '/tree/master/' not in url2: url2+='/tree/master/' else: url2+='/' z1='' # TD h+=' \n' # TD x5='' if url!='': x5='
\n' # TD workflow_desc=workflow_desc.replace('$#repo_url#$',url2) if d.get('ck_artifact','')!='' or d.get('reproducible_article','')=='yes' or d.get('passed_artifact_evaluation','')=='yes': if workflow_desc!='': workflow_desc+='

' workflow_desc+='reproducible paper\n' if d.get('passed_artifact_evaluation','')=='yes': workflow_desc+='- passed Artifact Evaluation:\n' workflow_desc+='

\n' h+=' \n' # TD ld=ld.replace('$#repo_url#$',url2) h+=' \n' h+=' \n' ck.out('') ck.out(' Total repos: '+str(num)) ck.out('') if html: h+='
#Repository UOAWorkflowDescription
\n' h+=' '+workflow_desc+'\n' h+='
'+ld+'\n' if to_get!='': h+='

\n' h+='How to get:\n' h+='

\n' if len(rd)>0: h+='

Dependencies on other repositories:\n' h+='

    \n' for qq in sorted(rd, key=lambda k: k['repo_uoa']): repo_uoa=qq['repo_uoa'] repo_url=qq.get('repo_url','') if repo_url=='': repo_url='https://github.com/ctuning/'+repo_uoa if repo_url!='': repo_uoa=''+repo_uoa+'' h+='
  • '+repo_uoa+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=h2 if of!='': r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of, 'string':h}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # list modules def list_modules(i): """ Input: { (new) - if 'yes', add htmls } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') of=i.get('out_file','') if of!='': xof=os.path.splitext(of) html=False if o=='html' or i.get('web','')=='yes': html=True h='' h2='' if i.get('new','')=='yes': ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['ck_title']='Shared CK modules' r=preload_html_for_lists(ii) if r['return']>0: return r h=r['html_start']+'\n' h2=r['html_stop']+'\n' unique_repo=False if i.get('repo_uoa','')!='': unique_repo=True ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['out']='' ii['action']='list' ii['module_uoa']=cfg['module_deps']['module'] ii['add_meta']='yes' ii['time_out']=-1 rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=sorted(rx['lst'], key=lambda k: k['data_uoa']) if html: h+='

Please check our new beta browser for CK components!

\n' h+='
\n' h+='You can install and reuse CK modules as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck pull repo:{Repo UOA - see below}\n'
       h+=' ck help {module UOA - see below}\n'
\n' h+='You can check a JSON API of a given action of a given module as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck {module action - see below} {module UOA} --help\n'
\n' h+='You can add your own dummy CK module as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck add module:{my module alias}\n'
\n' h+='You can add a new action to the CK module as follows:\n' h+='
       h+=' ck add_action module:{my module alias}\n'
\n' h+='See CK documentation,\n' h+=' "how to contribute" guide,\n' h+=' and the latest CK paper for further details.\n' h+='

\n' h+='\n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' repo_url={} repo_private={} private='' num=0 for l in ll: ln=l['data_uoa'] lr=l['repo_uoa'] lr_uid=l['repo_uid'] url='' if lr=='default': url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck/tree/master/ck/repo' elif lr_uid in repo_url: url=repo_url[lr_uid] else: rx=ck.load_repo_info_from_cache({'repo_uoa':lr_uid}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url=rx.get('dict',{}).get('url','') repo_private[lr_uid]=rx.get('dict',{}).get('private','') repo_url[lr_uid]=url private=repo_private.get(lr_uid,'') # if lr not in cfg.get('skip_repos',[]) and private!='yes' and url!='': if lr not in cfg.get('skip_repos',[]) and private!='yes' and url!='': num+=1 ck.out(' '+str(num)+') '+ln) lm=l['meta'] ld=lm.get('desc','') xworkflow=lm.get('workflow','') workflow=lm.get('workflow_type','') if xworkflow=='yes' and workflow=='': workflow='yes' actions=lm.get('actions',{}) if lr=='default': to_get='' elif url.find('github.com/ctuning/')>0: to_get='ck pull repo:'+lr else: to_get='ck pull repo --url='+url ############################################################### if html: h+=' \n' x1='' x2='' z1='' z1full='' z11='' if url!='': x1='' x2='' url2=url if url2.endswith('.git'): url2=url2[:-4] if '/tree/master/' not in url2: url2+='/tree/master/module/' else: url2+='/module/' z1full=url2+ln+'/module.py' z1='' z11='' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' ############################################################### elif o=='mediawiki': x=lr if url!='': x='['+url+' '+lr+']' ck.out('') ck.out('=== '+ln+' ('+lr+') ===') ck.out('') ck.out('Desc: '+ld) ck.out('
CK Repo URL: '+x) if to_get!='': ck.out('
How to get: '+to_get+'') ck.out('') if len(actions)>0: ck.out('Actions (functions):') ck.out('') for q in sorted(actions): qq=actions[q] qd=qq.get('desc','') ck.out('* \'\''+q+'\'\' - '+qd) ############################################################### elif o=='con' or o=='txt': if unique_repo: ck.out('') s=ln+' - '+ld else: ss='' if len(ln)<35: ss=' '*(35-len(ln)) ss1='' if len(lr)<30: ss1=' '*(30-len(lr)) s=ln+ss+' ('+lr+')' if ld!='': s+=ss1+' '+ld ck.out(s) if len(actions)>0: ck.out('') for q in sorted(actions): qq=actions[q] qd=qq.get('desc','') ck.out(' * '+q+' - '+qd) ck.out('') ck.out(' Total modules: '+str(num)) ck.out('') if html: h+='
#Module UOA with JSON API
(Python module/wrapper/plugin)
Repo UOAWorkflow (pipeline)?Description and actions
'+str(num)+''+z1+ln+x2+' ('+z11+'CK meta'+x2+')'+x1+lr+x2+''+workflow+''+ld+'\n' if len(actions)>0: h+='
    \n' for q in sorted(actions): qq=actions[q] qd=qq.get('desc','') h+='
  • "ck '+q+' '+ln+'"' if qd!='': h+=' - '+qd if z1full!='': # Get API! l=-1 rx=ck.get_api({'module_uoa':ln, 'func':q}) if rx['return']==0: l=rx['line'] if l!=-1: h+=' ( API )' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=h2 if of!='': r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of, 'string':h}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # preload HTMLs for lists of components def preload_html_for_lists(i): """ Input: { (html_file_start) - ck_start_html by default (html_file_stop) - ck_stop_html by default (ck_title) - update title in the start file (out_file) - get page name } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 html_start html_stop } """ import os out_file=i.get('out_file','') page_name=os.path.basename(out_file) if page_name.endswith('.html'): page_name=page_name[:-5] fstart=i.get('html_file_start','') if fstart=='': fstart='ck_start.html' fstop=i.get('html_file_stop','') if fstop=='': fstop='ck_stop.html' ck_title=i.get('ck_title','') # Load first file r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fstart}) if r['return']>0: return r html_start=r['string'].replace('$#ck_title#$',ck_title) html_start=html_start.replace('$#ck_page#$',page_name) # Load second file r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fstop}) if r['return']>0: return r html_stop=r['string'].replace('$#ck_title#$',ck_title) return {'return':0, 'html_start':html_start, 'html_stop':html_stop} ############################################################################## # replace multiple strings in a given file def replace_strings_in_file(i): """ Input: { file (file_out) - if !='', use this file for output, otherwise overwrite original one! replacement_json_file - replacement file with multiple strings to substitute } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (updated) - if 'yes', files was updated } """ import copy o=i.get('out','') fin=i['file'] rjf=i['replacement_json_file'] fout=i.get('file_out','') if fout=='': fout=fin rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fin}) if rx['return']>0: return rx s=rx['string'] rx=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':rjf}) if rx['return']>0: return rx rep=rx['dict'] sx=s for k in rep: v=rep[k] sx=sx.replace(k,v) r={'return':0, 'updated':'no'} if s!=sx or fin!=fout: r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':fout, 'string':sx}) r['updated']='yes' return r def transfer(i): """ Input: { xcids[] - (remote) entries to be copied to a local repository, made of repo_uoa:module_uoa:data_uoa (source_repo_uoa) - in case the source is remote, the specific repository on the source (optional - only needed for disambiguation) (target_server_uoa) - the optional target remote server (mapped as a local repository) (target_repo_uoa) - the repository to store the entries on target server ('local' by default) (update_meta_dict) - the dictionary with which to update the original meta.json (update_mmeta_dict) - the dictionary with which to update the meta dictionary inside meta.json (tags) - filter the source list by tags } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os o = i.get('out','') source_addrs = i.get('xcids', []) # can unshift the "default entry" into this list when/if moving this method to the kernel source_repo_uoa = i.get('source_repo_uoa') target_server_uoa = i.get('target_server_uoa') target_repo_uoa = i.get('target_repo_uoa', 'local') update_meta_dict = i.get('update_meta_dict', {}) update_mmeta_dict = i.get('update_mmeta_dict', {}) tags = i.get('tags') if len(source_addrs)==0: return {'return':1, 'error': 'Need a non-empty list of source CID addresses'} expanded_source_addrs = {} for addr_pattern in source_addrs: search_adict = {'action': 'search', } search_adict.update( addr_pattern ) if tags: search_adict['tags'] = tags if source_repo_uoa: search_adict['remote_repo_uoa'] = source_repo_uoa r=ck.access( search_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r for found_addr in r['lst']: # NB: remote found_addr comes with screwed up repo_uoa, we have to undo that source_addr = { 'data_uoa': found_addr['data_uoa'], 'module_uoa': found_addr['module_uoa'], } if addr_pattern.get('repo_uoa') and found_addr.get('repo_uoa')!=addr_pattern.get('repo_uoa'): source_addr.update( { 'remote_repo_uoa': found_addr.get('repo_uoa'), 'repo_uoa': addr_pattern.get('repo_uoa'), }) else: source_addr['repo_uoa'] = found_addr.get('repo_uoa') cid = ':'.join([ source_addr['repo_uoa'], source_addr['module_uoa'], source_addr['data_uoa'] ]) if cid in expanded_source_addrs: return {'return':2, 'error': "Entry {} was found on the source multiple times - please use --source_repo_uoa to disambiguate!".format(cid)} else: expanded_source_addrs[cid] = source_addr for source_addr in expanded_source_addrs.values(): from_local = source_addr.get('remote_repo_uoa') == None if from_local and (not target_server_uoa): return {'return':3, 'error': 'Cannot copy the entries locally (since IDs are to be preserved)'} target_addr = { 'module_uoa': source_addr['module_uoa'], 'data_uoa': source_addr['data_uoa'], } if target_server_uoa: target_addr.update({ 'remote_repo_uoa': target_repo_uoa, 'repo_uoa': target_server_uoa, }) else: target_addr['repo_uoa'] = target_repo_uoa load_adict = { 'action': 'load', } load_adict.update( source_addr ) r=ck.access( load_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r meta_dict = r['dict'] data_uid = r['data_uid'] meta_dict.update( update_meta_dict ) meta_dict.get('meta', {}).update( update_mmeta_dict ) add_adict = { 'action': 'add', 'common_func': 'yes', 'dict': meta_dict, # copying meta data 'data_uid': data_uid, # copying the original data_uid } add_adict.update( target_addr ) r=ck.access( add_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r pull_adict = { 'action': 'pull', 'archive': 'yes', } pull_adict.update( source_addr ) r=ck.access( pull_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r zip_name = ck.cfg['default_archive_name'] push_adict = { 'action': 'push', 'archive': 'yes', 'filename': zip_name, } push_adict.update( target_addr ) r=ck.access( push_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r if os.path.isfile(zip_name): os.remove(zip_name) # to avoid clashing with the next one if o=='con': display_source_repo = source_addr['repo_uoa'] if from_local else '{}/{}'.format(source_addr['repo_uoa'], source_addr['remote_repo_uoa']) display_target_repo = '{}/{}'.format(target_server_uoa, target_repo_uoa) if target_server_uoa else target_repo_uoa display_mod_data = '{}:{}'.format(source_addr['module_uoa'], source_addr['data_uoa']) ck.out('{}:{} -> {}:{}'.format(display_source_repo, display_mod_data, display_target_repo, display_mod_data)) return {'return':0} def clone_server_repo(i): # FIXME: it's probably better to zip the whole thing and transfer in one go """ Input: { source_repo_uoa - which remote repo to clone (target_repo_uoa) - the optional local name for the new repo (defaults to source_repo_uoa) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ o = i.get('out','') source_repo_uoa = i.get('source_repo_uoa') if not source_repo_uoa: return {'return':1, 'error': 'source_repo_uoa is the obligatory parameter'} target_repo_uoa = i.get('target_repo_uoa', source_repo_uoa) add_repo_adict = { 'action': 'add', 'module_uoa': 'repo', 'data_uoa': target_repo_uoa, 'quiet': 'yes', 'out': o, } r=ck.access( add_repo_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r transfer_adict = { 'action': 'transfer', 'module_uoa': 'misc', 'cids': [ 'remote-ck:*:*' ], # sic: you call with unparsed 'cids' and the method will see parsed 'xcids' 'source_repo_uoa': source_repo_uoa, 'target_repo_uoa': target_repo_uoa, 'out': o, } r=ck.access( transfer_adict ) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0} def substitute_from_dict(i): """ Input: { input_string - original string with placeholders for substitution mapping - dictionary to subsitute from (input_open) - opening marker for the keyword in the input_string (input_close) - closing marker for the keyword in the input_string (tolerant) - if "yes", do not fail if a keyword is missing from mapping } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } Tests: ck substitute_from_dict misc --input_string='alpha $<>$ gamma' "@@@{'mapping': {'FOO': 'beta'}}" ck substitute_from_dict misc --input_string='alpha$#dir_sep#$gamma $#foo#$X' \ "@@@{'mapping': {'dir_sep': '/'}}" --input_open='$#' --input_close='#$' --tolerant """ import re input_string = i['input_string'] mapping = i['mapping'] input_open = i.get('input_open', '$<<') input_close = i.get('input_close', '>>$') tolerant = i.get('tolerant') == 'yes' pattern = re.compile( '({}(\w+){})'.format(re.escape(input_open), re.escape(input_close)) ) output_string = input_string for match in re.finditer(pattern, input_string): expression, keyword = match.group(1), match.group(2) if keyword in mapping: output_string = output_string.replace(expression, mapping[keyword]) elif tolerant: output_string = output_string.replace(expression, "") else: return {'return':1, 'error': "Could not map {} from the given dictionary".format(expression) } if i.get('out') == 'con': ck.out(output_string) return {'return': 0, 'output_string': output_string} def capture_command_output(i): """ Input: { cmd - shell command with parameters to run } Output: { output_lines - an array of lines of the command's output return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } Tests: ck capture_command_output misc --cmd='ls -1' """ import subprocess cmd = i['cmd'] if type(cmd)!=list: cmd = cmd.split() # split on general whitespace try: out = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout_lines = out.communicate()[0].decode("utf8").split("\n") if stdout_lines[-1] == '': stdout_lines.pop() # remove the last empty element return {'return': 0, 'output_lines': stdout_lines} except: return {'return': 1, 'error': "Could not run the command '{}'".format(cmd) } ############################################################################## # list CK kernel functions (md format) def list_kernel_functions_md(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy o=i.get('out','') of=i.get('out_file','') h='' h2='' hcfg='' p=ck.work['env_root'] # Internal CK path pk=os.path.join(p, 'ck', 'kernel.py') if not os.path.isfile(pk): return {'return':1, 'error':'Can\'t find kernel in '+pk} r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':pk, 'split_to_list':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r l=r['lst'] funcs={} desc=[] ld=0 target='' cfg=[] cfg_start=False ll=len(l) for k in range(0, ll): x=l[k] if x.startswith('cfg={'): cfg_start=True if cfg_start: cfg.append(x) if x==' }': cfg_start=False if x.startswith('##################'): desc=[] ld=k if x.startswith('# '): x1=x[2:].strip() if x1.startswith('TARGET: '): target=x1[8:] else: desc.append(x1) if x.startswith('def '): j1=x.find('(') j2=x.find(')', j1+1) j3=x.find(':') fn=x[4:j1] i=x[j1+1:j2] rem=x[j3+1:] api=[] k+=1 found=False first=False while not found or k=0: y=y[:j] xapi+=y xapi+='\n' xapi+='\n' xapi+='```python\n' for y in api: xapi+=y+'\n' xapi+='```\n' url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck/blob/master/ck/kernel.py' x='' if target!='': x+='

   for '+target+'' if 'end users' in target or 'end-users' in target: num1+=1 num=num1 else: num2+=1 num=num2 zh='\n## ck.'+f+'('+i+')\n\n' zh+=xapi+'\n' # '+str(num)+'\n' # zh+=' ck.'+f+'('+i+')'+x+'\n' # zh+=' '+xapi+'\n' # zh+=' \n' if 'end users' in target or 'end-users' in target: h+=zh else: hdev+=zh # Prepare config hcfg+='You can access the following CK internal variables:\n' hcfg+='\n' hcfg+='```python\n' hcfg+=' import ck.kernel as ck\n' hcfg+='\n' hcfg+=' print (ck.cfg)\n' hcfg+='```\n\n' hcfg+='See CK documentation for further details.\n' hcfg+='\n' hcfg+='```python\n' for x in cfg: hcfg+=x+'\n' hcfg+='```\n' hcfg+=h2 h+=h2 hdev+=h2 if of!='': r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'.md', 'string':h}) if r['return']>0: return r r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'-dev.md', 'string':hdev}) if r['return']>0: return r r=ck.save_text_file({'text_file':of+'-dev-cfg.md', 'string':hcfg}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0}