{ "actions": { "add_key": { "desc": "add key to meta/files of different entries" }, "capture_command_output": { "desc": "run a shell command and return its captured output" }, "clone_server_repo": { "desc": "download a whole repository from the server" }, "get_home_dir": { "desc": "get the home directory of the current user" }, "list_kernel_functions": { "desc": "list CK kernel functions" }, "list_kernel_functions_md": {}, "list_modules": { "desc": "list modules" }, "list_repos": { "desc": "list repositories" }, "merge_dicts": { "desc": "merge dictionaries in 2 files" }, "preload_html_for_lists": { "desc": "preload HTMLs for lists of components" }, "prepare_entry_template": { "desc": "select template for a given module" }, "process_all_files_recursively": { "desc": "process all files recursively using some action" }, "refresh_json": { "desc": "update and sort json file" }, "replace_string_in_file": { "desc": "replace string in a file" }, "replace_strings_in_file": { "desc": "replace multiple strings in a given file" }, "search_in_variations": { "desc": "given a query of tags, find entries that match both from tags and variations" }, "select_string": { "desc": "given a list of strings, pick one by index OR substring match" }, "select_uoa": { "desc": "select UOA" }, "sort_json_file": { "desc": "sort JSON file" }, "substitute_from_dict": { "desc": "substitute values from a dictionary" }, "transfer": { "desc": "download or upload a bunch of CK entries between a local and a remote repo" } }, "actions_redirect": {}, "cfg-list-of-repos": "list-of-repos", "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", "desc": "auxiliary functions shared by Grigori Fursin", "developer": "Grigori Fursin", "developer_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org", "developer_webpage": "http://fursin.net", "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", "module_deps": { "cfg": "b34231a3467566f8", "module": "032630d041b4fd8a", "repo": "befd7892b0d469e9", "soft": "5e1100048ab875d7" } }