# # Copyright (c) 2017 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # # # Developer(s): # - Anton Lokhmotov, dividiti, 2017 # - Grigori Fursin, cTuning foundation, 2017 # import json import copy import os from time import strftime, gmtime cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings sep='===========================================================================' form_name='nntest_web_form' onchange='document.'+form_name+'.submit();' hextra='' selector=[ {'name':'Species', 'key':'species'}, {'name':'Type', 'key':'prog_type'}, {'name':'Test', 'key':'prog_uoa'}, {'name':'Dataset', 'key':'dataset_uoa'}, {'name':'Platform', 'key':'plat_name', 'new_line':'yes'}, {'name':'Time stamp', 'key':'timestamp'} ] selector2=[ {'name':'OpenCL driver', 'key':'##features#gpgpu@0#gpgpu_misc#opencl c version#min', 'skip_empty':'yes', 'extra_key':'##features#gpgpu@0#gpgpu_misc#opencl_c_version#min'}, {'name':'Dataset file', 'key':'##choices#env#CK_DATASET_FILENAME#min', 'new_line':'yes'}, {'name':'Batch size', 'key':"##choices#env#CK_IN_SHAPE_N#min", 'type':'int'}, ] selector3=[ {'name':'Plot time in', 'key':'plot_time_in'} ] wchoices3={ 'plot_time_in':[ {'name':'sec', 'value':'sec'}, {'name':'ms', 'value':'ms'} ]} k_hi_uid='highlight_behavior_uid' k_hi_user='highlight_by_user' k_view_all='all' hidden_keys=[k_hi_uid, k_hi_user, k_view_all] dimensions=[ {"key":"experiment", "name":"Experiment number", "skip_from_cache":"yes", "view_key":"__number"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#execution_time", "name":"Execution time (min, sec.)"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_setup", "name":"Setup time (min, sec.)"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_test", "name":"Test time (min, sec.)"}, ] view_cache=[ "##choices#env#CK_ABS_DIFF_THRESHOLD#min", "##choices#env#CK_DATASET_FILENAME#min", "##choices#env#CK_IN_SHAPE_C#min", "##choices#env#CK_IN_SHAPE_H#min", "##choices#env#CK_IN_SHAPE_N#min", "##choices#env#CK_IN_SHAPE_W#min", "##choices#env#CK_POOL_KERNEL#min", "##choices#env#CK_POOL_PAD_SCHEME#min", "##choices#env#CK_POOL_STRIDE#min", "##choices#env#CK_SEED#min", "##pipeline_state#fail_bool#min", "##pipeline_state#fail_reason#min", "##characteristics#compile#compilation_success_bool#min", "##characteristics#run#run_success_bool#min", "##characteristics#run#output_check_failed_bool#min", "##characteristics#run#execution_time#min", "##characteristics#run#execution_time#max", "##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_test#min", "##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_test#max", "##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_setup#min", "##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_setup#max", "##features#gpgpu@0#gpgpu_misc#opencl c version#min" ] table_view=[ {"key":"##meta#prog_uoa", "name":"Test", "skip_if_key_in_input":"prog_uoa"}, {"key":"##meta#dataset_uoa", "name":"Dataset", "skip_if_key_in_input":"dataset_uoa"}, {"key":"##meta#plat_name", "name":"Platform", "skip_if_key_in_input":"plat_name"}, {"key":"##meta#timestamp", "name":"Time stamp", "skip_if_key_in_input":"timestamp"}, {"key":"##meta#versions", "name":"Versions", "json_and_pre":"yes", "align":"left"}, {"key":"##choices#env#", "name":"Environment", "starts_with":"yes", "align":"left"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#execution_time#min", "name":"Total time (sec. min/max)", "check_extra_key":"max", "format":"%.2e"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_setup#min", "name":"Setup time (sec. min/max)", "check_extra_key":"max", "format":"%.2e"}, {"key":"##characteristics#run#run_time_state#time_test#min", "name":"Test time (sec. min/max)", "check_extra_key":"max", "format":"%.2e"}, {"key":"##meta#user", "name":"User"}, {"key":"##extra#html_replay_button", "name":"Replay"} ] pass_vars_to_autotune=[ 'skip_output_validation', 'output_validation_repo', 'overwrite_reference_output' ] prune_first_level=20 prune_second_level=200 ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # show stats def show(i): """ Input: { (crowd_module_uoa) - if rendered from experiment crowdsourcing (crowd_key) - add extra name to Web keys to avoid overlapping with original crowdsourcing HTML (crowd_on_change) - reuse onchange doc from original crowdsourcing HTML (highlight_behavior_uid) - highlight specific result (behavior)! (highlight_by_user) - highlight all results from a given user (refresh_cache) - if 'yes', refresh view cache } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy import time # Preparing various parameters to render HTML dashboard st='' view_all=i.get(k_view_all,'') cmuoa=i.get('crowd_module_uoa','') ckey=i.get('crowd_key','') if 'reset_'+form_name in i: reset=True else: reset=False if 'all_choices_'+form_name in i: all_choices=True else: all_choices=False debug=(i.get('debug','')=='yes') # debug=True conc=i.get('crowd_on_change','') if conc=='': conc=onchange hi_uid=i.get(k_hi_uid,'') hi_user=i.get(k_hi_user,'') refresh_cache=i.get('refresh_cache','') bd='
' # h='
\n' h='
\n' h+='\n\n\n\n' h+=hextra # h+='
\n' # h+='
\n' # Check host URL prefix and default module/action ********************************************* rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':'wfe', 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] template=rx['template'] url=url0 action=i.get('action','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa url1=url # Check and add hidden keys *************************************************** h+='\n\n' for k in hidden_keys: if i.get(k,'')!='': h+='\n' h+='\n\n' # Prepare first level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'original_input':i, 'tags':'nntest', 'debug': debug, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'background_div':bd, 'skip_html_selector':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r olst=r['lst'] # original list (if all_choices) plst=r['pruned_lst'] # Sort list *********************************************************************************** dt=time.time() splst=sorted(plst, key=lambda x: ( x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('prog_uoa',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('dataset_uoa',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('plat_name',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('timestamp','') )) if debug: h+='\n

Debug time (sorting table): '+str(time.time()-dt)+' sec.

\n' # Prune list ********************************************************************************** len_plst=len(plst) if len_plst>prune_first_level: plst=plst[:prune_first_level] h+='\nShowing '+str(prune_first_level)+' of '+str(len_plst)+' entries ...
\n' # Prepare and cache results for the table r=ck.access({'action':'get_and_cache_results', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'lst':splst, 'cache_uid':work['self_module_uid'], 'refresh_cache':refresh_cache, 'view_cache':view_cache, 'table_view':table_view}) if r['return']>0: return table=r['table'] # Prepare second level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'original_input':i, 'lst':table, 'skip_meta_key':'yes', 'debug': debug, 'selector':selector2, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'skip_form_init':'yes', 'background_div':bd}) if r['return']>0: return r h2=r['html'] table=r['pruned_lst'] choices2=r['choices'] wchoices2=r['wchoices'] # Extra fields (customized for this module) ***************************************************************************** for row in table: duoa=row.get('##data_uid','') dpoint=row.get('##point_uid','') x='' if duoa!='' and dpoint!='': x='ck replay experiment:'+duoa+' --point='+str(dpoint) y=ck.cfg.get('add_extra_to_replay','') if y!='':x+=' '+y row['##extra#html_replay_button']='\n' # Prune first list based on second selection***************************************************************************** if all_choices: nsplst=olst elif reset: nsplst=splst else: all_uid=[] for row in table: duid=row['##data_uid'] if duid!='' and duid not in all_uid: all_uid.append(duid) nsplst=[] for q in splst: if q['data_uid'] in all_uid: nsplst.append(q) # Check if too many ***************************************************************************************************** ltable=len(table) min_view=False hx='' if ltable==0: h+='No results found!' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} elif ltable>prune_second_level and view_all!='yes': table=table[:prune_second_level] hx='\nShowing '+str(prune_second_level)+' of '+str(ltable)+' entries ...
\n' # Get unique values and create html selector 1 (after selector 2) r=ck.access({'action':'get_unique_keys_from_list', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'lst':nsplst, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'original_input':i}) if r['return']>0: return choices1=r['choices'] wchoices1=r['wchoices'] # Prepare selector 1 (based on choices from selector 2) r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_html_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'start_form':'yes', 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'background_div':bd, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'wchoices':wchoices1, 'original_input':i}) if r['return']>0: return r h1=r['html'] h+=h1+'\n'+h2 ltable=len(table) min_view=False if ltable==0: h+='No results found!' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} elif ltable>prune_second_level and view_all!='yes': table=table[:prune_second_level] h+='\nShowing '+str(prune_second_level)+' of '+str(ltable)+' entries ...
\n' # Prepare selector 3 (without pruning - about tables and graphs) if len(selector3)>0: r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_html_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'start_form':'no', 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'background_div':bd, 'selector':selector3, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'wchoices':wchoices3, 'original_input':i, 'add_reset':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r h+='\n'+r['html']+'\n' h+='\n'+hx+'\n' # Prepare graph ********************************************************************************************************* bgraph={'0':[]} igraph={'0':[]} stable=sorted(table, key=lambda row: ( ck.safe_float(row.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#min',None),0.0) )) xtscale=i.get('plot_time_in','') tscale=1.0 if xtscale=='ms': tscale=1000.0 ix=0 for row in stable: ix+=1 six=str(ix) x=row.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#min',None) if type(x)!=float: tmin=0.0 else: tmin=x*tscale x=row.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#max',None) if type(x)!=float: tmax=tmin else: tmax=x*tscale tdelta=0.0 if tmin!=0.0 and tmax!=0.0: tdelta=tmax-tmin bgraph['0'].append([ix,tmin, tmin+tdelta]) raw_data_url=url0#+'wcid='+x+':'+duid # igraph['0'].append({'size':sizem, 'color':xcol, 'features':row, 'url':'', 'url_ext':raw_data_url}) igraph['0'].append({'size':4, 'features':row, 'anchor':'id'+six}) #, 'url':'', 'url_ext':''}) if len(bgraph['0'])>0: dt=time.time() ii={'action':'plot', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['graph'], "table":bgraph, "table_info":igraph, "xmin":0, "ymin":0, "ignore_point_if_none":"yes", "plot_type":"d3_2d_scatter", "display_y_error_bar2":"yes", "title":"Powered by Collective Knowledge", "x_ticks_period":10, "axis_x_desc":"Experiment", "axis_y_desc":"Total kernel execution time ("+xtscale+")", "plot_grid":"yes", "d3_div":"ck_interactive", "image_width":"900", "image_height":"400", "wfe_url":url0} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']==0: x=r.get('html','') if x!='': st+=r.get('style','') h+='

\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+=x+'\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' # In the future, we may want to use Django + numpy here # Prepare table header ****************************************************************** bgc='dfffdf' bg=' style="background-color:#'+bgc+';"' bg1=' style="background-color:#bfffbf;"' bg2=' style="background-color:#afffaf;"' h+='\n' ha='align="$#align#$" valign="top"' # Prepare table header ***************************************************************** h+=' \n' h+=' \n' for tv in table_view: k=tv['key'] align=tv.get('align','') if align=='': align='center' skip=False kk=tv.get('skip_if_key_in_input','') if kk!='' and i.get(kk,'')!='': skip=True if not skip: n=tv.get('name','') if n=='': n=k h+=' \n' h+=' \n' # Draw table *************************************************************************** dt=time.time() ix=0 for q in table: ix+=1 six=str(ix) # Check colors bgx=bg bgx1=bg1 bgx2=bg2 if (hi_uid!='' and duid==hi_uid) or (hi_user!='' and hi_user==user): bgx=' style="background-color:#ffcf7f"' bgx1=' style="background-color:#ffbf5f"' bgx2=' style="background-color:#ffaf2f"' # Starting raw *************************************** h+=' \n' h+=' \n' for tv in table_view: k=tv['key'] align=tv.get('align','') if align=='': align='center' skip=False kk=tv.get('skip_if_key_in_input','') if kk!='' and i.get(kk,'')!='': skip=True if not skip: v=q.get(k,'') format=tv.get('format','') if format!='' and v!='' and v!=None: v=format % float(v) if tv.get('json_and_pre','')=='yes' and v!='' and type(v)==dict: v1='' for kx in v: v1+=kx+'='+str(v[kx])+'
' v=v1 # import json # v='
'+json.dumps(v, indent=2, sort_keys=True)+'
' if tv.get('starts_with','')=='yes': v='' for kx in sorted(q): if kx!=k and kx.startswith(k): v+=kx[len(k):-4]+'='+str(q.get(kx,''))+'
' v=str(v) cek=tv.get('check_extra_key','') if cek!='': j=k.rfind('#') if j>0: k1=k[:j+1]+cek v1=q.get(k1,'') if format!='' and v1!='' and v1!=None: v1=format % float(v1) v1=str(v1) if v1!='': v+=' .. '+v1 h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
\n' h+='
\n' if debug: h+='\n

Debug time (preparing html of a table): '+str(time.time()-dt)+' sec.

\n' if cmuoa=='': h+='\n' # Add
to be able to select anchor on top for j in range(0,30): h+='
\n' return {'return':0, 'html':h, 'style':st} ############################################################################## # run tests def run(i): """ Input: { (user) - force different user ID/email for demos (data_uoa) - program UOA to benchmark it (tags) - prune programs by tags (opencl, cpu, armcl, caffe, tensorflow ...) (species) - list of species (cmd_key) - prune by CMD key, otherwise try all (dataset_uoa) - prune by dataset UOA, otherwise try all (dataset_file) - prune by dataset filename, otherwise try all (library) - if !='', specify one or several lib UOAs to use (comma separated) (pause_if_fail) - if pipeline fails, ask to press Enter (useful to analyze which flags fail during compiler flag autotuning) (pause) - if 'yes', pause before compiling and running test (list_tests) - show all tests to be performed, but do not run them (dry_run) - if 'yes', prepare pipeline and resolve dependencies, but do not run it (testing) (skip_deps_cache) - if 'yes', do not cache deps (deps_cache) - name of cache for deps (in local:tmp:cache-deps-nntest-{cache_deps}) and reuse them for all tests (by tags) (NOT COMPLETELY FINISHED - not recorded at the end - TBD) (refresh_deps_cache) - if 'yes', clean entry with deps cache and start again (repetitions) - statistical repetitions (default=1), for now statistical analysis is not used (TBD) (mali_hwc) - if 'yes', dump MALI hardware counters (dvdt_prof) - if 'yes', use dvdt_prof to collect opencl stats (only for opencl programs) (flags) - pass flags for compiler compilation of tests (-O3 by default) (iterations) - autotuning iterations (-1 by default, i.e. all possible such as batch size) (custom_autotuning) - dict to customize autotuning (can be added via external file in cmd @some-name.json) (autotune_id) - get autotune/{autotune_id}.json from program entry to start autotuning (no_record) - if "yes", do not record experiments ("no" by default, i.e. experiments will be recorded) (record_uoa) - use this experiment UOA to record all data to (timestamp) - use this instead of timestamp (record_repo) - if !='', record to this repo (local by default) (resume) - if 'yes', continue interrupted experiment identified by `timestamp` (skip_output_validation) - skip validation of output (dangerous during auto-tuning - some optimizations may break semantics or change accuracy) (output_validation_repo) - output validation repo UOA (when recording new output) (overwrite_reference_output) - if 'yes', overwrite reference output (useful if broken) (update_platform_init) - update platform.init scripts (ask user) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ i['local']='yes' return crowdsource(i) ############################################################################## # crowdsource nntest NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 16 class CKException(Exception): def __init__(self, ck_result): self.ck_result = ck_result @staticmethod def throw(message, code=1): raise CKException({'return': code, 'error': message}) def yes_no(bool_flag): return 'yes' if bool_flag else 'no' def ck_access(params_json, skip_error_codes = []): ''' Performs call to ck-kernel and raises an exception when an error. Returns the result of ck-operation. ''' r = ck.access(params_json) error_code = r['return'] if error_code > 0 and not (error_code in skip_error_codes): ck.out('CK error details:') ck.out(' action: ' + params_json.get('action','')) ck.out(' param: module_uoa=' + params_json.get('module_uoa','')) ck.out(' param: data_uoa=' + params_json.get('data_uoa','')) import traceback stack_lines = traceback.format_stack() if len(stack_lines) >= 2: # The last line of the stack is the current line (`traceback.format_stack`), # so we need a line before the last - location of call of `ck_access` function. location_and_code = stack_lines[-2].strip().split('\n') ck.out(' location: ' + location_and_code[0].strip()) if len(location_and_code) > 1: ck.out(' code: ' + location_and_code[1].strip()) raise CKException(r) return r def convert_to_flat_dict(i): ''' Check if any key in input dictionary has . and convert to dict (for example deps.xyz or env.xyz) ''' for key in i.keys(): if '.' in key: value = i[key] del(i[key]) new_key = '##' + key.replace('.', '#') r = ck.set_by_flat_key({'dict': i, 'key': new_key, 'value': value}) if r['return'] > 0: raise CKException(r) def get_user_from_module_config(): r = ck_access({'action': 'load', 'module_uoa': 'module', 'data_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization']}) mcfg = r['dict'] r = ck_access({'action': 'load', 'module_uoa': mcfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa': mcfg['cfg_uoa'] }, skip_error_codes = [NOT_FOUND_ERROR]) if r['return'] != NOT_FOUND_ERROR: return r['dict'].get('user_email','') return '' def get_programs(data_uoa, tags_list, species_uids): r = ck_access({'action':'search', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program'], 'data_uoa': data_uoa, 'tags': ','.join(tags_list), 'add_meta': 'yes'}) programs = r['lst'] # it's possible to skip some tests programs = [p for p in programs if p['meta'].get('skip_from_tests') != 'yes'] if species_uids: filtered = [] for p in programs: program_species = p['meta'].get('species',[]) for s in species_uids: if s in program_species: filtered.append(p) break programs = filtered if not programs: CKException.throw('no programs selected') return sorted(programs, key = lambda p: p.get('data_uoa','')) class ActionOptions: def __init__(self, i): self.data_uoa = i.get('data_uoa','') self.species = i.get('species','') self.cmd_key = i.get('cmd_key','') self.target = i.get('target','') self.user = i.get('user','') libraries = i.get('library','') self.libraries = libraries.split(',') if libraries else [] dataset_file = i.get('dataset_file','') self.dataset_files = dataset_file.split(',') if dataset_file else [] self.dataset_uoa = i.get('dataset_uoa','') self.tags = self.__get_input_tags(i) self.autotune_id = str(i.get('autotune_id','')) self.timestamp = i.get('timestamp','') self.local = i.get('local') == 'yes' self.cache_deps = i.get('cache_deps') or 'default' self.reuse_deps = i.get('skip_deps_cache') != 'yes' self.refresh_deps_cache = i.get('refresh_deps_cache') == 'yes' self.record = i.get('no_record') != 'yes' self.record_uoa = i.get('record_uoa','') self.record_repo = i.get('record_repo', '') self.exchange_repo = i.get('exchange_repo','') self.exchange_subrepo = i.get('exchange_subrepo','') self.resume = i.get('resume') == 'yes' and self.record and self.timestamp self.dry_run = i.get('dry_run') == 'yes' self.mali_hwc = i.get('mali_hwc') == 'yes' self.dvdt_prof = i.get('dvdt_prof') == 'yes' self.list_tests = i.get('list_tests') == 'yes' self.pause = i.get('pause') == 'yes' self.pause_if_fail = i.get('pause_if_fail') == 'yes' self.console = i.get('out') == 'con' self.flags = i.get('flags') or '-O3' self.env = i.get('env',{}) self.compute_platform_id = i.get('compute_platform_id') self.compute_device_id = i.get('compute_device_id') self.repetitions = int(i.get('repetitions') or 3) self.iterations = int(i.get('iterations') or -1) if i.get('overwrite_reference_output','') == 'yes': self.iterations = 1 self.custom_autotuning = i.get('custom_autotuning',{}) def __get_input_tags(self, i): tags = ['nntest'] if 'tags' in i: for tag in i['tags'].split(','): t = tag.strip() # Check opencl, cuda and cpu keywoards and add `v` if t == 'opencl': t = 'vopencl' elif t == 'cuda': t = 'vcuda' elif t == 'cpu': t = 'vcpu' tags.append(t) return tags def get_species_uids(self): uids = [] for s in self.species.split(','): s = s.strip() if s: r = ck_access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program.species'], 'data_uoa': s}) uids.append(r['data_uid']) return uids class TestConfig: def __init__(self, options): self.user = None # to be initialized externally self.gpgpu_platform_id = options.compute_platform_id self.gpgpu_device_id = options.compute_device_id self.__init_timestamps() self.__init_repo_names(options) self.__init_deps_cache(options) def __init_timestamps(self): ''' Init timestamp and striped timestamp ''' r = ck.get_current_date_time({}) if r['return'] > 0: raise CKException(r) t = r['iso_datetime'] j = t.find('.') if j > 0: t = t[:j] self.timestamp = t self.stimestamp = t.replace('-','').replace(':','').replace('T','') def __init_repo_names(self, options): ''' Check working repository (possibly remote) ''' if options.local: self.exchange_repo = 'local' self.exchange_subrepo = '' else: self.exchange_repo = \ options.exchange_repo or \ cfg.get('default_exchange_repo_uoa','') or \ ck.cfg.get('default_exchange_repo_uoa','') self.exchange_subrepo = \ options.exchange_subrepo or \ cfg.get('default_exchange_subrepo_uoa','') or \ ck.cfg.get('default_exchange_subrepo_uoa','') if options.record_repo: self.exchange_repo = options.record_repo def __init_deps_cache(self, options): self.deps_cache = [] deps_cache_uoa = 'deps-cache-{}-{}'.format(work['self_module_uoa'], options.cache_deps) def refresh_deps_cache(): ck_access({'action':'update', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['tmp'], 'data_uoa': deps_cache_uoa, 'dict': { 'cache': [] }, 'substitute': 'yes', 'ignore_update': 'yes'}) if options.refresh_deps_cache: refresh_deps_cache() elif options.reuse_deps: r = ck_access({'action': 'load', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['tmp'], 'data_uoa': deps_cache_uoa}, skip_error_codes = [NOT_FOUND_ERROR]) if r['return'] != NOT_FOUND_ERROR: self.deps_cache = r['dict'].get('cache',[]) else: refresh_deps_cache() class PlatformInfo: def __init__(self, action_params_json, config): self.user = None info = action_params_json.get('platform_info',{}) if not info: params_json = copy.deepcopy(action_params_json) params_json.update({ 'action': 'initialize', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program.optimization'], 'data_uoa': 'caffe', # TODO why `caffe` here? comment needed 'exchange_repo': config.exchange_repo, 'exchange_subrepo': config.exchange_subrepo, 'skip_welcome': 'yes', 'skip_log_wait': 'yes', 'crowdtuning_type': 'nntest', 'update_platform_init': action_params_json.get('update_platform_init',''), 'local_autotuning': action_params_json.get('local','') }) r = ck_access(params_json) info = r['platform_info'] self.user = r.get('user','') self.host_os = info['host_os_uoa'] self.host_os_uid = info['host_os_uid'] self.target_os = info['os_uoa'] self.target_os_uid = info['os_uid'] self.device_id = info['device_id'] self.features = info.get('features',{}) self.name = self.features.get('platform', {}).get('name','') self.uid = self.features.get('platform_uid') self.os_name = self.features.get('os',{}).get('name','') self.os_uid = self.features.get('os_uid','') self.cpu_abi = self.features.get('cpu',{}).get('cpu_abi','') self.cpu_name = self.features.get('cpu',{}).get('name','') or ('unknown-' + self.cpu_abi) self.cpu_uid = self.features.get('cpu_uid','') self.gpu_name = self.features.get('gpu',{}).get('name','') self.gpgpu_name = self.features.get('gpgpu',{}).get('name','') self.gpgpu_vendor = self.features.get('gpgpu',{}).get('vendor','') self.gpgpu_name2 = (self.gpgpu_vendor + ' ' + self.gpgpu_name) if self.gpgpu_vendor else self.gpgpu_name self.opencl_version = self.features.get('gpgpu_misc',{}).get('opencl c version','') class Program: def __init__(self, p): self.uoa = p['data_uoa'] self.uid = p['data_uid'] self.meta = p['meta'] self.path = p['path'] self.compile_deps = self.meta.get('compile_deps',{}) self.autotuning = self.meta.get('autotuning',{}) self.commands = self.meta.get('run_cmds',{}) if not self.commands: CKException.throw('no CMD for run in program {} ({})'.format(self.uoa, self.uid)) # Init program type from tags tags = self.meta.get('tags',[]) if 'vopencl' in tags: self.type = 'opencl' elif 'vcuda' in tags: self.type = 'cuda' else: self.type = 'cpu' # Comma separated species string the program belongs to (to prepare experiment tags) self.species_uoas_str = self.__make_species_uoas_str() def __make_species_uoas_str(self): uoas = [] for s in self.meta.get('species', []): r = ck_access({'action': 'load', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program.species'], 'data_uoa': s}) uoas.append(r['data_uoa']) return ','.join(uoas) def get_cmd_keys(self, options): # Do process only key given in the input if options.cmd_key: return [k for k in self.commands if k == options.cmd_key] # Ignore development keys return sorted([k for k in self.commands if not k.startswith('dev')]) def get_lib_envs(self, platform, libs): ''' Resolve library environments (don't use cache to get all choices) ''' lib = self.compile_deps.get('library') or self.meta.get('run_deps').get('library') if not lib: raise CKException.throw('expected at least one library dependency') r = ck_access({'action': 'resolve', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'host_os': platform.host_os, 'target_os': platform.target_os, 'device_id': platform.device_id, 'deps': {'library': copy.deepcopy(lib)} }) uoas = r['deps']['library'].get('choices',[]) if not uoas: # Check that maybe 1 env was installed during resolving x = r.get('deps',{}).get('library',{}).get('uoa','') if x: uoas.append(x) # Filter by specified lib UOAs if libs: uoas = [u for u in uoas if u in libs] if not uoas: raise CKException.throw('expected at least one library environment') # Load all library envs and returns them as a list sorted by `lib_id` envs = [] for uoa in uoas: envs.append(ck_access({'action': 'load', 'module_uoa': 'env', 'data_uoa': uoa})) return sorted(envs, key = lambda x: x.get('dict',{}) .get('customize',{}) .get('lib_id',99999)) def get_autotuning_from_file(self, autotune_id): ''' Load autotuning parameters from json file in program's directory ''' if autotune_id: filename = os.path.join(self.path, 'autotune', autotune_id+'.json') if os.path.isfile(filename): r = ck.load_json_file({'json_file': filename}) if r['return'] > 0: raise CKException(r) return r['dict'] return {} class ProgramCommand: ''' Meta related to the selected command line ''' def __init__(self, program, cmd_key): self.key = cmd_key self.cmd = program.commands[cmd_key] self.is_opencl = self.cmd.get('run_time',{}).get('need_compute_device','') == 'opencl' self.dataset_tags = self.cmd.get('dataset_tags',[]) self.autotuning = self.cmd.get('autotuning',{}) def get_datasets(self, dataset_uoa): ''' Find datasets by command's dataset tags or by explicitly specified input UOA ''' if not self.dataset_tags: return [] params = {'action':'search', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['dataset'], 'add_meta':'yes'} if dataset_uoa: params['data_uoa'] = dataset_uoa else: params['tags'] = ','.join(self.dataset_tags) r = ck_access(params) return sorted(r['lst'], key = lambda x: x.get('data_uoa','')) class Dataset: def __init__(self, json): self.uoa = json['data_uoa'] self.uid = json['data_uid'] self.files = json['meta'].get('dataset_files',[]) def get_files(self, requested_files): if requested_files: return [f for f in self.files if f in requested_files] else: return self.files class LibraryEnv: def __init__(self, library_env): self.env = library_env self.data_uoa = self.env.get('data_uoa','') self.data_name = self.env.get('data_name','') self.version = self.env['dict']['customize']['version'] self.tag = self.__make_tag() self.lib_id = str(self.env.get('dict',{}).get('customize',{}).get('lib_id', 0)) def __make_tag(self): ''' Make library tag from its name and version. e.g. `arm-compute-library-opencl-18.03-e40997b` Tag is used for identification of experiment record. ''' x1 = self.env['data_name'].lower().replace(', ','-').replace(' ','-').replace(',','-').replace('(','').replace(')','') x2 = self.version # Remove duplicates at the end of `data_name` and beginning of `version` (e.g. avgpool-avgpool) j1=x1.rfind('-') if j1>0: xx=x1[j1+1:] yy=x2 j2 = x2.find('-') if j2>0: yy=x2[:j2] if xx==yy: x1=x1[:j1] return x1+'-'+x2 class PointInfo: def __init__(self, point_uid, point_json): self.point_uid = point_uid self.dataset_uoa = point_json['choices']['dataset_uoa'] self.dataset_file = point_json['choices']['dataset_file'] self.shape_cid = 'dataset:{}:{}'.format(self.dataset_uoa, self.dataset_file) self.repetitions = point_json['features']['statistical_repetitions'] def get_info_str(self): return '{} (point: {})'.format(self.shape_cid, self.point_uid) def are_conditions_different(self, options): ''' Check if the point was recorded at different experimental conditions. Currently we only check if number of repetitions changes. ''' return self.repetitions != options.repetitions class ExperimentRecord: def __init__(self, options, # instance of ActionOptions config, # instance of TestConfig program, # instance of Program library # instance of LibraryEnv ): self.repo = config.exchange_repo self.uoa = '' self.cid = '' if options.record: if options.record_uoa: # Use explicitly specified record UOA self.uoa = options.record_uoa else: # Or generate it from involved entities self.uoa = 'nntest-{}-{}-{}'.format(program.uoa, library.tag, options.timestamp or config.stimestamp) self.cid = '{}:experiment:{}'.format(config.exchange_repo, self.uoa) def get_point_uids(self): r = ck_access({'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'action': 'list_points', 'repo_uoa': self.repo, 'data_uoa': self.uoa }, skip_error_codes = [NOT_FOUND_ERROR]) return r.get('points',[]) def get_subpoint_uids(self, point_uid): r = ck_access({'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'action': 'list_points', 'repo_uoa': self.repo, 'data_uoa': self.uoa, 'point': point_uid }, skip_error_codes = [NOT_FOUND_ERROR]) return r.get('subpoints',[]) def load_point_json(self, point_uid, subpoint_uid): r = ck_access({'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'action': 'load_point', 'repo_uoa': self.repo, 'data_uoa': self.uoa, 'point': point_uid, 'subpoint': subpoint_uid }) return r['dict'][subpoint_uid] def delete_point(self, point_uid): ck_access({'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'action': 'delete_points', 'points': [{ 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'module_uid': cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'repo_uoa': self.repo, 'repo_uid': self.repo, 'data_uoa': self.uoa, 'data_uid': self.uoa, 'point_uid': point_uid, }] }) class Experiment: def __init__(self, options, # instance of ActionOptions config, # instance of TestConfig platform, # instance of PlatformInfo program, # instance of Program command, # instance of ProgramCommand dataset, # instance of Dataset dataset_file, # string library, # instance of LibraryEnv record # instance of ExperimentRecord ): self.options = options self.config = config self.platform = platform self.program = program self.command = command self.dataset = dataset self.dataset_file = dataset_file self.library = library self.record = record self.dvdt_prof = options.dvdt_prof and command.is_opencl self.mali_hwc = options.mali_hwc and command.is_opencl if self.mali_hwc: self.env = copy.deepcopy(options.env) self.env['CK_ADD_RAW_MALI_HWC'] = 'yes' else: self.env = options.env # To be updated externally self.skip_compilation = False # These are valid only after call of `prepare` self.deps = None self.compile_deps = None self.prepared_pipeline = None # Full tags set self.tags = ['nntest', program.uoa, library.tag, config.timestamp, config.stimestamp, program.species_uoas_str] # Get specific autotuner self.autotune_id = options.autotune_id or '0' self.batches_info = self.__format_batch_sizes() def prepare(self, action_params_json): ''' Prepare pipeline, resolve all dependencies. ''' # `compile_deps` will be resolved after call of `prepare` # and this object will be updated, so we need the copy self.compile_deps = copy.deepcopy(self.program.compile_deps) self.compile_deps['library']['uoa'] = self.library.data_uoa self.compile_deps['library']['skip_cache'] = 'yes' # do not cache since we will iterate over it # Tune environment self.env['CK_PUSH_LIBS_TO_REMOTE'] = yes_no(not self.skip_compilation) params_json = { 'action': 'pipeline', 'prepare': 'yes', 'dependencies': self.compile_deps, 'deps_cache': self.config.deps_cache, 'reuse_deps': yes_no(self.options.reuse_deps), 'host_os': self.platform.host_os, 'target': self.options.target, 'target_os': self.platform.target_os, 'device_id': self.platform.device_id, 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['program'], 'data_uoa': self.program.uoa, 'cmd_key': self.command.key, 'dataset_uoa': self.dataset.uoa, 'dataset_file': self.dataset_file, 'dvdt_prof': yes_no(self.dvdt_prof), 'mali_hwc': yes_no(self.mali_hwc), 'env': self.env, 'no_compile': yes_no(self.skip_compilation), 'compile_only_once': 'yes', 'no_state_check': 'yes', 'no_compiler_description': 'yes', 'skip_calibration': 'yes', 'cpu_freq':'max', 'gpu_freq':'max', 'flags': self.options.flags, 'speed': 'no', 'energy': 'no', 'skip_print_timers': 'yes', 'out': 'con' } # Restore GPU selection to avoid asking if self.config.gpgpu_device_id and self.config.gpgpu_platform_id: params_json['compute_platform_id'] = self.config.gpgpu_platform_id params_json['compute_device_id'] = self.config.gpgpu_device_id # Pass vars from input to pipeline for var in pass_vars_to_autotune: if var in action_params_json: params_json[var] = action_params_json[var] # Prepare pipeline r = ck_access(params_json) if r.get('fail') == 'yes': reason = r.get('fail_reason') or 'unknown reason' CKException.throw('pipeline failed (%s)' % reason, code=10) if r.get('ready') != 'yes': CKException.throw('pipeline not ready', code=11) # Clean and store pipeline. if 'ready' in r: del(r['ready']) if 'fail' in r: del(r['fail']) if 'return' in r: del(r['return']) self.prepared_pipeline = r self.deps = r.get('dependencies', {}) # Store global gpu selection if not self.config.gpgpu_device_id or not self.config.gpgpu_platform_id: gpgpu_id = self.prepared_pipeline.get('features',{}).get('gpgpu',{}).get('gpgpu_id',{}) self.config.gpgpu_device_id = gpgpu_id.get('gpgpu_device_id') self.config.gpgpu_platform_id = gpgpu_id.get('gpgpu_platform_id') def run(self): ''' Run prepared pipeline. ''' assert self.prepared_pipeline # Tune dependencies # TODO: it looks like should be working but it does not. # program.pipeline resolves deps even thought they are already resolved, # and we loose this optimization of prepared dependencies. if self.deps and self.skip_compilation: for dep in self.deps: if ('cus' in self.deps[dep]) and self.deps[dep]['cus'].get('dynamic_lib'): self.deps[dep]['cus']['skip_copy_to_remote'] = 'yes' self.prepared_pipeline['dependencies'] = self.deps params_json = { 'action': 'autotune', 'module_uoa': 'pipeline', 'data_uoa': 'program', 'meta': self.__make_experiment_meta(), 'tags': self.tags, 'pipeline': self.prepared_pipeline, 'features_keys_to_process': ['##choices#*'], 'iterations': self.options.iterations, 'repetitions': self.options.repetitions, 'record': yes_no(self.options.record), 'record_repo': self.config.exchange_repo, 'record_experiment_repo': self.config.exchange_subrepo, 'record_failed': 'yes', 'record_dict': { 'subview_uoa': cfg['data_deps']['experiment.view.nntest'] }, 'record_params': { 'search_point_by_features': 'yes' }, 'record_uoa': self.record.uoa, 'pause': yes_no(self.options.pause), 'pause_if_fail': yes_no(self.options.pause_if_fail), 'skip_stat_analysis': yes_no(self.dvdt_prof), # too much raw statistics 'out': 'con' } self.__apply_autotuning_params(params_json) # Start benchmarking or autotuning r = ck_access(params_json) if r.get('fail') == 'yes': reason = r.get('fail_reason') or 'unknown reason' CKException.throw('autotuning failed (%s)' % reason, code=10) def __make_experiment_meta(self): ''' Prepare experiment entry meta ''' meta = { 'timestamp': self.config.timestamp, 'stimestamp': self.config.stimestamp, 'user': self.config.user, 'nntest_ver': cfg['version'], 'scenario_module_uoa': work['self_module_uid'], 'host_os_uid': self.platform.host_os_uid, 'target_os_uid': self.platform.target_os_uid, 'target_device_id': self.platform.device_id, 'cpu_name': self.platform.cpu_name, 'cpu_abi': self.platform.cpu_abi, 'cpu_uid': self.platform.cpu_uid, 'os_name': self.platform.os_name, 'os_uid': self.platform.os_uid, 'plat_name': self.platform.name, 'plat_uid': self.platform.uid, 'gpu_name': self.platform.gpu_name, 'gpgpu_name': self.platform.gpgpu_name2, 'gpgpu_vendor': self.platform.gpgpu_vendor, 'opencl': self.platform.opencl_version, 'prog_uoa': self.program.uoa, 'prog_uid': self.program.uid, 'prog_type': self.program.type, 'species': self.program.species_uoas_str, 'cmd_key': self.command.key, 'dataset_uoa': self.dataset.uoa, 'dataset_uid': self.dataset.uid, 'dataset_file': self.dataset_file, 'versions': self.__get_deps_versions() } # Add hostname if required if ck.cfg.get('record_nntest_hostname','') == 'yes': import platform meta['platform_hostname'] = platform.node() return meta def __apply_autotuning_params(self, target_json): # Check if program meta has global autotuning if self.program.autotuning: target_json.update(self.program.autotuning) # Check if program meta has autotuning for a given command line if self.command.autotuning: target_json.update(self.command.autotuning) # Check if autotune_id autotuning = self.program.get_autotuning_from_file(self.autotune_id) if autotuning: target_json.update(autotuning) # Check if external autotuning is defined if self.options.custom_autotuning: target_json.update(self.options.custom_autotuning) def __format_batch_sizes(self): autotuning = self.program.get_autotuning_from_file(self.autotune_id) batch_size_choice_order = -1 for order, param in enumerate(autotuning.get('choices_order', [])): if param and 'CK_IN_SHAPE_N' in param[0]: batch_size_choice_order = order break if batch_size_choice_order >= 0: choices_selection = autotuning.get('choices_selection', []) if batch_size_choice_order < len(choices_selection): choice = choices_selection[batch_size_choice_order] batch_sizes = range(choice.get('start',0), choice.get('stop',0)+1, choice.get('step',0)) batch_sizes = [str(bs) for bs in batch_sizes] if self.options.iterations > -1 and self.options.iterations < len(batch_sizes): batch_sizes = batch_sizes[:self.options.iterations] self.batches_info = ','.join(batch_sizes) # TODO: currently we only support `loop` type of batches choices selection if choice.get('type','') != 'loop': self.batches_info += ' (nonstandard autotuning: number of iterations may be estimated incorrectly)' return self.batches_info return '' def __get_deps_versions(self): r = ck_access({'action': 'get_all_versions_in_deps', 'module_uoa': cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'deps': self.deps}) return r['versions'] def print_report(self): ck.out('- Program: {} ({})'.format(self.program.uoa, self.program.uid)) ck.out('- Library: {} {} ({})'.format(self.library.data_name, self.library.version, self.library.data_uoa)) # `compile_deps` is not yet resolved at `--list_tests` stage if self.compile_deps: compiler = self.compile_deps.get('compiler',{}) ck.out('- Compiler: {} v{} ({})'.format(compiler.get('dict',{}).get('data_name','?'), compiler.get('ver','?'), compiler.get('uoa','?'))) ck.out('- Shape: dataset:{}:{}'.format(self.dataset.uoa, self.dataset_file)) ck.out('- Autotune ID: {}'.format(self.autotune_id)) ck.out('- Batch size(s): {}'.format(self.batches_info)) # experiment recording can be suppressed with `--no_record` if self.record.cid: ck.out('- Repo: {}'.format(self.record.cid)) ck.out('- Tags: {}'.format(self.tags)) def crowdsource(i): """ Input: { See ck run nntest --help (local) - if 'yes', local crowd-benchmarking, instead of public } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ try: # Initializing various workflow parameters convert_to_flat_dict(i) OPTIONS = ActionOptions(i) CONFIG = TestConfig(OPTIONS) def ck_header(msg, level=0): if OPTIONS.console: indent = ' ' * level if level == 0: ck.out('') ck.out(indent + sep) ck.out(indent + msg) if OPTIONS.mali_hwc and OPTIONS.dvdt_prof: ck.out('[WARNING] Shouldn\'t use --mali_hwc and --dvdt_prof at the same time ...') # Initialize local environment for program optimization PLATFORM = PlatformInfo(i, CONFIG) # Check user CONFIG.user = OPTIONS.user or PLATFORM.user or get_user_from_module_config() # Now checking which experiments to run # Iteration order PROGRAM -> LIBRARY -> COMMAND -> DATASET -> DATASET_FILE ck_header('Preparing a list of experiments ...') EXPERIMENTS = [] # Start iterating over programs programs = get_programs(OPTIONS.data_uoa, OPTIONS.tags, OPTIONS.get_species_uids()) for PROGRAM in [Program(p) for p in programs]: ck_header('Analyzing program: {} ({})'.format(PROGRAM.uoa, PROGRAM.uid), level=1) # Iterate over libraries envs = PROGRAM.get_lib_envs(PLATFORM, OPTIONS.libraries) for LIBRARY in [LibraryEnv(e) for e in envs]: ck_header('Analyzing library: ' + LIBRARY.data_uoa, level=2) RECORD = ExperimentRecord(OPTIONS, CONFIG, PROGRAM, LIBRARY) processed_shapes = [] def is_already_processed(dataset_uoa, dataset_files): for s in processed_shapes: if s.dataset_uoa == dataset_uoa and s.dataset_file == dataset_files: return True return False # Try to resume interrupted experiments for current library if OPTIONS.resume: ck_header('Resuming experiments: {}'.format(RECORD.cid), level=3) ck_header('Analyzing existing experiments:', level=4) # Analize which shapes were already processed points_done = [] # points already processed points_to_ask = [] # points processed but with different parameters for point_uid in RECORD.get_point_uids(): ck_header('point: ' + point_uid, level=5) point_info = None for subpoint_uid in RECORD.get_subpoint_uids(point_uid): ck_header('subpoint: ' + subpoint_uid, level=6) point_json = RECORD.load_point_json(point_uid, subpoint_uid) point_info = PointInfo(point_uid, point_json) # Filter points we don't requested and have no need to know about if (OPTIONS.dataset_uoa and p.dataset_uoa != OPTIONS.dataset_uoa) or \ (OPTIONS.dataset_files and p.dataset_file not in OPTIONS.dataset_files): point_info = None continue # If at least one subpoint has the same conditions # then we consider this shape as already processed if not point_info.are_conditions_different(OPTIONS): points_done.append(point_info) point_info = None break if point_info: points_to_ask.append(point_info) # These shapes were already processed and can be skipped if points_done: ck_header('These shapes were already processed and can be skipped:', level=4) for p in points_done: ck_header(p.get_info_str(), level=5) processed_shapes.append(p) # These shapes were processed at different conditions if points_to_ask: ck_header('These shapes were processed at different conditions:', level=4) for p in points_to_ask: ck_header(p.get_info_str(), level=5) ck.out('') ck.out('What do you want to do with them?') res = ck_access({'action': 'select_uoa', 'module_uoa': 'choice', 'choices': [ {'data_uid': 'SKIP', 'data_uoa': 'Skip these points, do not process again'}, {'data_uid': 'OVERWRITE', 'data_uoa': 'Remove these points an process shapes again'}, {'data_uid': 'APPEND', 'data_uoa': 'Process shapes one more time, append new subpoints'} ]}) ck.out('') if res['choice'] == 'SKIP': for p in points_to_ask: processed_shapes.append(p) elif res['choice'] == 'OVERWRITE': for p in points_to_ask: RECORD.delete_point(p.point_uid) # Program have to be recompiled after library changes skip_compilation = False # Iterate over command lines cmd_keys = PROGRAM.get_cmd_keys(OPTIONS) for COMMAND in [ProgramCommand(PROGRAM, k) for k in cmd_keys]: ck_header('Analyzing command line: ' + COMMAND.key, level=3) # Iterate over datasets and check data files datasets = COMMAND.get_datasets(OPTIONS.dataset_uoa) for DATASET in [Dataset(d) for d in datasets]: ck_header('Analyzing dataset: ' + DATASET.uoa, level=4) # Iterate over data files dataset_files_count = 0 for DATASET_FILE in DATASET.get_files(OPTIONS.dataset_files): ck_header('Analyzing dataset file: ' + DATASET_FILE, level=5) if is_already_processed(DATASET.uoa, DATASET_FILE): ck_header('already processed, will be skipped', level=6) continue ck_header('will be processed', level=6) dataset_files_count += 1 EXPERIMENT = Experiment(OPTIONS, CONFIG, PLATFORM, PROGRAM, COMMAND, DATASET, DATASET_FILE, LIBRARY, RECORD) # We can skip program compilation when iterating over datasets EXPERIMENT.skip_compilation = skip_compilation skip_compilation = True EXPERIMENTS.append(EXPERIMENT) # Dataset report if dataset_files_count > 0: ck_header('Files to process: {}'.format(dataset_files_count), level=5) else: ck_header('No files to process', level=5) ck_header('') if OPTIONS.console: ck.out('Experiments prepared: {}'.format(len(EXPERIMENTS))) def print_experiment(index, experiment, separators=1): if OPTIONS.console: for _ in range(separators): ck.out('') ck.out('--------------------------------------------------------') ck.out('Experiment {} of {}:'.format(index+1, len(EXPERIMENTS))) experiment.print_report() # Show all tests to be performed, but do not run them if OPTIONS.list_tests and OPTIONS.console: for index, EXPERIMENT in enumerate(EXPERIMENTS): print_experiment(index, EXPERIMENT) return {'return': 0} # Prepare pipelines ck_header('Preparing pipelines for all experiments ...') prepared_deps = None prepared_cdeps = None for index, EXPERIMENT in enumerate(EXPERIMENTS): print_experiment(index, EXPERIMENT, separators=2) EXPERIMENT.prepare(i) # If the experiment does not require compilation, # we can reuse deps from a previously compiled experiment if EXPERIMENT.skip_compilation: EXPERIMENT.deps = copy.deepcopy(prepared_deps) EXPERIMENT.compile_deps = copy.deepcopy(prepared_cdeps) else: prepared_deps = EXPERIMENT.deps prepared_cdeps = EXPERIMENT.compile_deps # Prepare pipeline and resolve dependencies, but do not run it if OPTIONS.dry_run: for index, EXPERIMENT in enumerate(EXPERIMENTS): print_experiment(index, EXPERIMENT) return {'return': 0} # Run all prepared pipelines ck_header('Run experiments ...') for index, EXPERIMENT in enumerate(EXPERIMENTS): print_experiment(index, EXPERIMENT, separators=2) # Pause before compiling and running test if OPTIONS.console and OPTIONS.pause: ck.inp({'text': 'Press Enter to run experiment ...'}) EXPERIMENT.run() except CKException as e: return e.ck_result return {'return': 0} ############################################################################## # start NN/SW/HW co-design dashboard def dashboard(i): """ Input: { (host) - Internal web server host (port) - Internal web server port (wfe_host) - External web server host (wfe_port) - External web server port (extra_url) - extra URL } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ # Old style # i['action']='browser' # i['cid']='' # i['module_uoa']='' # i['template']='nntest' i['action']='start' i['module_uoa']='web' i['browser']='yes' i['template']='nntest' i['cid']='' return ck.access(i) ############################################################################## # get raw data for repo-widget def get_raw_data(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ import os import copy import time # Preparing various parameters to render HTML dashboard st='' view_all=i.get(k_view_all,'') cmuoa=i.get('crowd_module_uoa','') ckey=i.get('crowd_key','') if 'reset_'+form_name in i: reset=True else: reset=False if 'all_choices_'+form_name in i: all_choices=True else: all_choices=False debug=(i.get('debug','')=='yes') # debug=True conc=i.get('crowd_on_change','') if conc=='': conc=onchange hi_uid=i.get(k_hi_uid,'') hi_user=i.get(k_hi_user,'') refresh_cache=i.get('refresh_cache','') # Check host URL prefix and default module/action ********************************************* rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':'wfe', 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] template=rx['template'] url=url0 action=i.get('action','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') url+='action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action='+action+'&'+'native_module_uoa='+muoa url1=url # Prepare first level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'original_input':i, 'tags':'nntest', 'debug': debug, 'selector':selector, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'skip_html_selector':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r olst=r['lst'] # original list (if all_choices) plst=r['pruned_lst'] # Sort list *********************************************************************************** dt=time.time() splst=sorted(plst, key=lambda x: ( x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('prog_uoa',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('dataset_uoa',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('plat_name',''), x.get('meta',{}).get('meta',{}).get('timestamp','') )) # Prune list ********************************************************************************** len_plst=len(plst) if len_plst>prune_first_level: plst=plst[:prune_first_level] # Prepare and cache results for the table r=ck.access({'action':'get_and_cache_results', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'lst':splst, 'cache_uid':work['self_module_uid'], 'refresh_cache':refresh_cache, 'view_cache':view_cache, 'table_view':table_view}) if r['return']>0: return table=r['table'] # Prepare second level of selection with pruning *********************************************** r=ck.access({'action':'prepare_selector', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['experiment'], 'original_input':i, 'lst':table, 'skip_meta_key':'yes', 'debug': debug, 'selector':selector2, 'crowd_key':ckey, 'crowd_on_change':conc, 'url1':url1, 'form_name':form_name, 'skip_form_init':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r table=r['pruned_lst'] # Extra fields (customized for this module) ***************************************************************************** for row in table: duoa=row.get('##data_uid','') dpoint=row.get('##point_uid','') x='' if duoa!='' and dpoint!='': x='ck replay experiment:'+duoa+' --point='+str(dpoint) y=ck.cfg.get('add_extra_to_replay','') if y!='':x+=' '+y row['##extra#html_replay_button']={ 'title': 'CK replay', 'cmd': x } # Prune first list based on second selection***************************************************************************** if all_choices: nsplst=olst elif reset: nsplst=splst else: all_uid=[] for row in table: duid=row['##data_uid'] if duid!='' and duid not in all_uid: all_uid.append(duid) nsplst=[] for q in splst: if q['data_uid'] in all_uid: nsplst.append(q) # Check if too many ***************************************************************************************************** ltable=len(table) if ltable==0: return {'return':0, 'table':[], 'view_cache':view_cache} elif ltable>prune_second_level and view_all!='yes': table=table[:prune_second_level] stable=sorted(table, key=lambda row: ( ck.safe_float(row.get('##characteristics#run#execution_time#min',None),0.0) )) return {'return':0, 'table':stable, 'view_cache':view_cache} ############################################################################## # get raw config for repo widget def get_raw_config(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return { 'return':0, 'selector':selector, 'selector2':selector2, 'selector3':selector3, 'dimensions':dimensions, 'view_cache':view_cache, 'table_view':table_view }