# # Collective Knowledge (platform - Neural Network accelerator) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # Detect Neural Network Accelerator def detect(i): """ Input: { (target) - if specified, use info from 'machine' module (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (os) or (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (skip_device_init) - if 'yes', do not initialize device (print_device_info) - if 'yes', print extra device info (skip_info_collection) - if 'yes', do not collect info (particularly for remote) (skip_print_os_info) - if 'yes', do not print OS info (exchange) - if 'yes', exchange info with some repo (by default, remote-ck) (share) - the same as 'exchange' (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (exchange_locally) - if 'yes', exchange locally (extra_info) - extra info about author, etc (see add from CK kernel) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 features = { nn - Neural Network Accelerator features (properties), unified nn_misc - assorted Neural Network Accelerator features (properties), platform dependent } } """ return {'return':1, 'error':'TBD'}