# # Collective Knowledge (platform - OS) # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details # # Developer: Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, http://fursin.net # cfg={} # Will be updated by CK (meta description of this module) work={} # Will be updated by CK (temporal data) ck=None # Will be updated by CK (initialized CK kernel) # Local settings ############################################################################## # Initialize module def init(i): """ Input: {} Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ return {'return':0} ############################################################################## # detect OS def detect(i): """ Input: { (target) - if specified, use info from 'machine' module (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (os) or (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (skip_device_init) - if 'yes', do not initialize device (print_device_info) - if 'yes', print extra device info (skip_info_collection) - if 'yes', do not collect info (particularly for remote) (exchange) - if 'yes', exchange info with some repo (by default, remote-ck) (share) - the same as 'exchange' (exchange_repo) - which repo to record/update info (remote-ck by default) (exchange_subrepo) - if remote, remote repo UOA (exchange_locally) - if 'yes', exchange locally (extra_info) - extra info about author, etc (see add from CK kernel) (return_multi_devices) - if 'yes' and multiple devices detected, return error=32 and devices (platform_init_uoa) - if !='', use these platform.init scripts (quiet) - if 'yes', do not ask questions (TBD: need to check that fully works) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 host_os_uoa - host OS UOA host_os_uid - host OS UID host_os_dict - host OS meta os_uoa - target OS UOA os_uid - target OS UID os_dict - target OS meta features = { os - OS features (properties), unified os_misc - assorted OS features (properties), platform dependent } (devices) - return devices if device_id=='' (device_id) - if device_id=='' and only 1 device, select it (host_add_path) - list of paths to add before executing host tools ... (host_add_path_string) - adding paths to PATH environment in a host OS format (target_add_path) - list of paths to add before executing target tools ... (target_add_path_string) - adding paths to PATH environment in a target OS format (update_platform_init) - update platform.init scripts (ask user) } """ import os quiet=i.get('quiet','') o=i.get('out','') oo='' if o=='con': oo=o else: quiet='yes' # Check if target if i.get('target','')!='': r=ck.access({'action':'init', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['machine'], 'input':i}) if r['return']>0: return r device_cfg=i.get('device_cfg',{}) # Various params hos=i.get('host_os','') tos=i.get('target_os','') if tos=='': tos=i.get('os','') tdid=i.get('device_id','') tosd=i.get('target_os_dict',{}) sic=i.get('skip_info_collection','') sdi=i.get('skip_device_init','') pdv=i.get('print_device_info','') piuoa=i.get('platform_init_uoa','') ex=i.get('exchange','') if ex=='': ex=i.get('share','') einf=i.get('extra_info','') if einf=='': einf={} # Detect and find most close host OS or load already existing one r=ck.access({'action':'find_close', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'os_uoa':hos}) if r['return']>0: return r hos=r['os_uid'] hosx=r['os_uoa'] hosd=r['os_dict'] hadd_path=r.get('add_path',[]) hadd_path_string='' tadd_path=[] tadd_path_string='' # Check/detect target OS r=ck.access({'action':'find_close', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'os_uoa':tos, 'os_dict':tosd}) if r['return']>0: return r tos=r['os_uid'] tosx=r['os_uoa'] tosd=r['os_dict'] tosd.update(device_cfg.get('update_target_os_dict',{})) tp=tosd.get('ck_name','') tbits=tosd.get('bits','') remote=tosd.get('remote','') remote_ssh=tosd.get('remote_ssh','') win=tosd.get('windows_base','') mac=tosd.get('macos','') # Init params prop={} prop_all={} devices=[] prop_os_name='' prop_os_name_long='' prop_os_name_short='' prop_os_abi='' prop_serial_no='' ro=hosd.get('redirect_stdout','') if tosd.get('skip_platform_detection','')=='yes': sic='yes' # Check devices, if remote if sic!='yes' and remote=='yes' and tdid=='': # Get devices rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-ck-'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] x=tosd.get('adb_devices','') if x!='': # Check that adb is installed (but should actually later use path) ii={'action':'resolve', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['env'], 'host_os':hos, 'target_os':tos, 'device_id':tdid, 'deps':{ 'adb':{ "force_target_as_host": "yes", "local": "yes", "name": "adb tool", "sort": -10, "tags": "tool,adb" } }, 'add_customize':'yes', 'quiet':quiet, 'out':oo} rx=ck.access(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Continue obtaining params x=x.replace('$#redirect_stdout#$', ro) x=x.replace('$#output_file#$', fn) if o=='con' and pdv=='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('Receiving list of devices:') ck.out(' '+x) rx=os.system(x) if rx!=0: return {'return':1, 'error':'access to remote device failed (return code='+str(rx)+')'} # Read and parse file rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=rx['lst'] devices=[] for q in range(1, len(ll)): s1=ll[q].strip() if s1!='': q2=s1.find('\t') if q2>0: s2=s1[0:q2] devices.append(s2) if len(devices)==0: return {'return':16, 'error':'no attached remoted devices found'} if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Available remote devices:') for q in devices: ck.out(' '+q) ck.out('') if tdid=='': if len(devices)==1: tdid=devices[0] else: if o=='con' and i.get('return_multi_devices','')!='yes': ck.out('') for j in range(0, len(devices)): zs=str(j) ck.out(zs+') '+devices[j]) ck.out('') rx=ck.inp({'text':'Select one of the options for device or press Enter to select 0: '}) s=rx['string'] x=0 if s!='': x=int(s.strip()) if x<0 or x>=len(devices): return {'return':1, 'error':'option is not recognized'} tdid=devices[x] else: return {'return':32, 'error':'more than one remote device - specify via --device_id', 'devices':devices} # Collect additional info unless skipped if sic!='yes': if remote=='yes' and remote_ssh!='yes': # Initialized device if needed if sdi!='yes': remote_init=tosd.get('remote_init','') if remote_init!='': r=ck.access({'action':'init_device', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'os_dict':tosd, 'device_id':tdid}) if r['return']>0: return r # Prepare ADB target device ID dv='' if tdid!='': dv=' -s '+tdid rx=ck.gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-ck-'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] # Check serial number if needed x=tosd.get('adb_serial_no','') if x!='': x=x.replace('$#redirect_stdout#$', ro) x=x.replace('$#output_file#$', fn) x=x.replace('$#device#$',dv) if o=='con' and pdv=='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('Obtaining serial number:') ck.out(' '+x) rx=os.system(x) if rx!=0: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Non-zero return code :'+str(rx)+' - likely failed') return {'return':1, 'error':'access to remote device failed'} # Read and parse file rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'split_to_list':'no', 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx prop_serial_no=rx['string'].strip() # Get all params params={} x=tosd.get('adb_all_params','') if x!='': x=x.replace('$#redirect_stdout#$', ro) x=x.replace('$#output_file#$', fn) x=x.replace('$#device#$',dv) if o=='con' and pdv=='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('Receiving all parameters:') ck.out(' '+x) rx=os.system(x) if rx!=0: if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Non-zero return code :'+str(rx)+' - likely failed') return {'return':1, 'error':'access to remote device failed'} # Read and parse file rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=rx['lst'] for s in ll: s1=s.strip() q2=s1.find(']: [') k='' if q2>=0: k=s1[1:q2].strip() v=s1[q2+4:].strip() v=v[:-1].strip() params[k]=v prop_all['adb_params']=params prop_os_name='Android '+params.get('ro.build.version.release','') # Get proc version # Reuse fn as tmp name x=tosd['remote_shell']+' cat /proc/version '+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','')+' '+ro+' '+fn x=x.replace('$#device#$',dv) if o=='con' and pdv=='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('Receiving /proc/version:') ck.out(' '+x) rx=os.system(x) if rx==0: # Read and parse file rx=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'split_to_list':'yes', 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ll=rx['lst'] if len(ll)>0: prop_os_name_long=ll[0] prop_os_name_short=prop_os_name_long ix=prop_os_name_long.find(' (') if ix>=0: ix1=prop_os_name_long.find('-') if ix1>=0 and ix10: j2=s.find(']',j1) s0=s[j1+9:j2] s1=s0.split('.') prop_os_name_short='Windows '+s1[0] prop_os_name_long='Windows-'+s0 prop_os_name=prop_os_name_short if prop_os_name=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t obtain OS version on remote node - likely disconnected or secret key not matching'} else: # If detected Windows 8, it may be Windows 10 ... if prop_os_name_short.find(' 8'): r=ck.gen_tmp_file({}) if r['return']>0: return r fn=r['file_name'] cmd='ver > '+fn rx=os.system(cmd) if rx==0: r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if r['return']==0: s=r['string'] j1=s.find('[Version ') if j1>0: j2=s.find(']',j1) s0=s[j1+9:j2] s1=s0.split('.') if len(s1)>0 and s1[0]=='10': prop_os_name_short='Windows 10' prop_os_name_long='Windows-'+s0 prop_os_name=prop_os_name_short elif mac=='yes': cmd=['sw_vers'] if tosd.get('remote_shell','')!='': cmd=tosd['remote_shell']+'sw_vers'+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') r=ck.access({'action':'run_and_get_stdout', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'cmd': cmd}) if r['return']==0: sw_vers={} for line in r['stdout'].splitlines(): if ':' in line: left, right = line.split(':', 1) left = left.strip() right = right.strip() sw_vers[left]=right prop_os_name=sw_vers.get('ProductName', '') + ' ' + sw_vers.get('ProductVersion', '') else: # If Linux, remove extensions after - in a shorter version if prop_os_name_long=='': prop_os_name_long='' cmd=tosd['remote_shell']+'uname -s'+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') r=ck.access({'action':'run_and_get_stdout', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'cmd': cmd, 'shell':'yes'}) if r['return']==0: prop_os_name_long+=r['stdout'].strip() cmd=tosd['remote_shell']+'uname -r'+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') r=ck.access({'action':'run_and_get_stdout', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'cmd': cmd, 'shell':'yes'}) if r['return']==0: prop_os_name_long+=' '+r['stdout'].strip() prop_os_name_short=prop_os_name_long cmd=tosd.get('remote_shell','')+'uname -m'+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') r=ck.access({'action':'run_and_get_stdout', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['os'], 'cmd': cmd, 'shell':'no'}) if r['return']==0: prop_os_abi=r['stdout'].strip() x=prop_os_name_short.find('-') if x>=0: prop_os_name_short=prop_os_name_short[:x] if prop_os_name=='': #Try to detect via /etc/*-release r=ck.gen_tmp_file({}) if r['return']>0: return r fn=r['file_name'] cmd='cat /etc/*-release' if tosd.get('remote_shell','')!='': cmd=tosd['remote_shell']+cmd+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') cmd+=' > '+fn rx=os.system(cmd) if rx==0: r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'convert_to_dict':'yes', 'str_split':'=', 'remove_quotes':'yes', 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if r['return']==0: ver=r['dict'] prop_os_name=ver.get('DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION', ver.get('PRETTY_NAME','')) if prop_os_name=='' and prop_os_name_short!='': prop_os_name=prop_os_name_short prop['ck_os_uoa']=tosx prop['ck_os_base_uoa']=tosd.get('base_uoa','') prop['name']=prop_os_name prop['name_long']=prop_os_name_long prop['name_short']=prop_os_name_short prop['abi']=prop_os_abi prop['serial_number']=prop_serial_no prop['bits']=tbits # Check if platform.init is defined for this target (to add target-specific scripts to PATH) dcfg={} ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['lcfg_uoa']} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r if r['return']!=16: dcfg=r['dict'] pi_key=tosx if remote=='yes' and tdid!='': pi_key='remote-'+tdid elif remote_ssh=='yes' and tosd.get('remote_id','')!='': pi_key='remote-'+tosd['remote_id'] first_time=False pi_uoa=dcfg.get('platform_init_uoa',{}).get(pi_key,'') if i.get('update_platform_init','')=='yes' or (pi_uoa=='' and sic!='yes'): first_time=True # Check if there are related platform.init tags='os-'+tp if remote=='yes' and remote_ssh!='yes': if tp=='linux': tags='os-android' else: tags+=',remote' rx=ck.access({'action':'search', 'add_meta':'yes', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.init'], 'tags':tags}) lrx=[] if rx['return']==0: lrx=rx['lst'] if len(lrx)==1: pi_uoa=lrx[0]['data_uid'] elif len(lrx)>1: if piuoa!='': pi_uoa=piuoa elif o=='con': # Select platform.init ck.out('') ck.out('Some support tools and scripts may be available for your target platform in CK:') ck.out('') plat_options = [ 'Skip selection and do not ask this question again for your target OS'] data_uids = [ '-' ] for z1 in sorted(lrx, key=lambda v: (v.get('meta',{}).get('sort',0),v['data_uoa'])): duid=z1['data_uid'] duoa=z1['data_uoa'] data_uids.append( duid ) plat_options.append( '{} ({})'.format(duoa, duid) ) select_adict = ck.access({'action': 'select_string', 'module_uoa': 'misc', 'options': plat_options, 'default': '0', }) if select_adict['return']>0: return select_adict selected_index = select_adict['selected_index'] pi_uoa = data_uids[selected_index] # Record if new if pi_uoa!='': if 'platform_init_uoa' not in dcfg: dcfg['platform_init_uoa']={} dcfg['platform_init_uoa'][pi_key]=pi_uoa ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['lcfg_uoa'], 'dict':dcfg} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if pi_uoa!='' and pi_uoa!='-': rx=ck.access({'action':'find', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform.init'], 'data_uoa':pi_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx px=rx['path'] if remote=='yes': if first_time: dv='' if tdid!='': dv=' -s '+tdid xsp=tosd.get('dir_sep','') # Create directory if needed z=tosd.get('path_to_scripts','') if z=='': z=tosd.get('remote_dir','') if z!='': y=tosd.get('remote_shell','')+' '+tosd.get('make_dir','')+' '+z+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') y=y.replace('$#device#$',dv) if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('* Creating directory with scripts on remote device:') ck.out(' '+y) rx=os.system(y) # Ignore output (can be already created) # Copying files and setting chmod 755 x=os.listdir(px) for q in x: xx=os.path.join(px,q) if os.path.isfile(xx): xr=z+xsp+q if len(xx)>1 and xx[1:2]==':': xx='/'+xx[0:1]+'/'+xx[2:] xx=xx.replace('\\','/') # Push file to remote device y=tosd.get('remote_push','') y=y.replace('$#device#$',dv) y=y.replace('$#file1#$', xx) y=y.replace('$#file2#$', xr) y=y.replace('$#file1s#$', xr) ck.out('') ck.out('* Copying file to remote device:') ck.out(' '+y) rx=os.system(y) # Ignore output (can be already exist) # Set executable y=tosd.get('remote_shell','')+' '+tosd.get('set_executable','')+' '+xr+tosd.get('remote_shell_end','') y=y.replace('$#device#$',dv) ck.out('') ck.out('* Setting executable for this file:') ck.out(' '+y) rx=os.system(y) else: tadd_path.append(px) if o=='con' and i.get('skip_print_os','')!='yes' and i.get('skip_print_os_info','')!='yes': ck.out('') ck.out('OS CK UOA: '+tosx+' ('+tos+')') ck.out('') ck.out('OS name: '+prop.get('name','')) ck.out('Short OS name: '+prop.get('name_short','')) ck.out('Long OS name: '+prop.get('name_long','')) ck.out('OS bits: '+prop.get('bits','')) if prop_os_abi!='': ck.out('OS ABI: '+prop.get('abi','')) if prop_serial_no!='': ck.out('') ck.out('Device serial number: '+prop_serial_no) if pi_uoa!='' and pi_uoa!='': ck.out('') ck.out('Platform init UOA: '+pi_uoa) fuoa='' fuid='' # Exchanging info ################################################################# if ex=='yes': er=i.get('exchange_repo','') esr=i.get('exchange_subrepo','') el=i.get('exchange_locally','') if el!='yes' and er=='': er=ck.cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa'] esr=ck.cfg['default_exchange_subrepo_uoa'] if o=='con': ck.out('') ck.out('Exchanging information with '+er+' repository ...') xn=prop.get('name','') if xn=='': # Check if exists in configuration dcfg={} ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg_uoa']} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r if r['return']!=16: dcfg=r['dict'] dx=dcfg.get('platform_os_name',{}).get(tos,{}) x=tdid if x=='': x='default' xn=dx.get(x,'') if (xn=='' and o=='con'): r=ck.inp({'text':'Enter your OS name (for example, Windows 10 or Android 5.0): '}) xxn=r['string'].strip() if xxn!=xn: xn=xxn if 'platform_os_name' not in dcfg: dcfg['platform_os_name']={} if tos not in dcfg['platform_os_name']: dcfg['platform_os_name'][tos]={} dcfg['platform_os_name'][tos][x]=xn ii={'action':'update', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['cfg'], 'data_uoa':cfg['cfg_uoa'], 'dict':dcfg} r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if xn=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t exchange information where main name is empty'} prop['name']=xn ii={'action':'exchange', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_deps']['platform'], 'sub_module_uoa':work['self_module_uid'], 'repo_uoa':er, 'data_name':prop.get('name',''), 'extra_info':einf, 'all':'yes', 'dict':{'features':prop}} # Later we should add more properties from prop_all, # but should be careful to remove any user-specific info if esr!='': ii['remote_repo_uoa']=esr r=ck.access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r fuoa=r.get('data_uoa','') fuid=r.get('data_uid','') prop=r['dict'].get('features',{}) if o=='con' and r.get('found','')=='yes': ck.out(' OS CK entry already exists ('+fuid+') - loading latest meta (features) ...') rr={'return':0, 'os_uoa':tosx, 'os_uid':tos, 'os_dict':tosd, 'host_os_uoa':hosx, 'host_os_uid':hos, 'host_os_dict':hosd, 'features':{'os':prop, 'os_misc':prop_all}, 'devices':devices, 'device_id':tdid} if fuoa!='' or fuid!='': rr['features']['os_uoa']=fuoa rr['features']['os_uid']=fuid if len(hadd_path)>0: rr['host_add_path']=hadd_path eset=hosd.get('env_set','') svarb=hosd.get('env_var_start','') svare=hosd.get('env_var_stop','') sdirs=hosd.get('dir_sep','') evs=hosd.get('env_var_separator','') eifs=hosd.get('env_quotes_if_space','') nout=hosd.get('no_output','') # Add to PATH and prepare as string x='' for q in hadd_path: if x!='':x+=evs if q.find(' ')>=0 and not q.startswith(eifs): q=eifs+q+eifs x+=q sb=nout+eset+' PATH='+x+evs+svarb+'PATH'+svare+'\n' rr['host_add_path_string']=sb if len(tadd_path)>0: rr['target_add_path']=tadd_path eset=tosd.get('env_set','') svarb=tosd.get('env_var_start','') svare=tosd.get('env_var_stop','') sdirs=tosd.get('dir_sep','') evs=tosd.get('env_var_separator','') eifs=tosd.get('env_quotes_if_space','') nout=tosd.get('no_output','') # Add to PATH and prepare as string x='' for q in tadd_path: if x!='':x+=evs if q.find(' ')>=0 and not q.startswith(eifs): q=eifs+q+eifs x+=q sb=nout+eset+' PATH='+x+evs+svarb+'PATH'+svare+'\n' rr['target_add_path_string']=sb return rr ############################################################################## # viewing entries as html def show(i): """ Input: { data_uoa } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 html - generated HTML } """ h='

Operating Systems of platforms participating in crowd-tuning

\n' h+='Reuse/extend CK JSON meta information of these operating systems using "ck pull repo:ck-crowdtuning-platforms" ...

\n' h+='\n' # Check host URL prefix and default module/action rx=ck.access({'action':'form_url_prefix', 'module_uoa':'wfe', 'host':i.get('host',''), 'port':i.get('port',''), 'template':i.get('template','')}) if rx['return']>0: return rx url0=rx['url'] h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=work['self_module_uoa'] duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') r=ck.access({'action':'search', 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'add_info':'yes', 'add_meta':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return {'return':0, 'html':'Error: '+r['error']} lst=r['lst'] num=0 for q in sorted(lst, key = lambda x: (x.get('meta',{}).get('features',{}).get('name','').upper(), \ x.get('meta',{}).get('features',{}).get('name_short','').upper(), \ x.get('meta',{}).get('features',{}).get('name_long','').upper())): num+=1 duoa=q['data_uoa'] duid=q['data_uid'] meta=q['meta'] ft=meta.get('features',{}) name=ft.get('name','') bits=ft.get('bits','') name_long=ft.get('name_long','') name_short=ft.get('name_short','') h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+=' \n' h+='
\n' h+=' #\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Name\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Bits\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Name Long\n' h+=' \n' h+=' Name Short\n' h+=' \n' h+=' CK UID\n' h+='
\n' h+=' '+str(num)+'\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+name+'\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+bits+'\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+name_short+'\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+name_long+'\n' h+=' \n' h+=' '+duid+'\n' h+='

\n' return {'return':0, 'html':h} ############################################################################## # browse platform.os participated in experiment crowdsourcing (crowd-benchmarking and crowd-tuning) def browse(i): """ Input: { } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } """ # TBD: should calculate url url='https://github.com/ctuning/ck-crowdtuning-platforms/tree/master/platform.os' import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) import time time.sleep(3) url='http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?action=index&module_uoa=wfe&native_action=show&native_module_uoa=platform.os' import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) return {'return':0}