{ "actions": { "add": { "desc": "add software detection plugin with template" }, "check": { "desc": "check is given software is already installed and register it in the CK or install it if package exists (the same as 'detect')" }, "check_target": { "desc": "check that host and target OS is supported" }, "compare_versions": { "desc": "compare two versions (in list)" }, "detect": { "desc": "detect is given software is already installed and register it in the CK or install it if package exists (the same as 'check')" }, "find_config_file": { "desc": "find installation JSON file" }, "get_version": { "desc": "low-level function to get version (will be substituted)" }, "internal_detect": { "desc": "detect version of a given software (internal)" }, "list_all_files": { "desc": "list all files including directories" }, "print_help": { "desc": "print help for this software entry" }, "search_tool": { "desc": "search tool in pre-defined paths" }, "search_version": { "desc": "search for soft version in some files" }, "setup": { "desc": "setup CK environment for a given software" }, "show": { "desc": "show available software descriptions", "for_web": "yes" }, "split_version": { "desc": "split version" } }, "ck_install_file": "ck-install.json", "ck_install_file_saved": "ck-install-saved.json", "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", "custom_script_name": "customize", "default_bat_name": "env", "desc": "managing software (registering in CK environment)", "developer": "Grigori Fursin", "developer_email": "Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org", "developer_webpage": "http://fursin.net", "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", "module_deps": { "env": "9b9b3208ac44b891", "machine": "84be34883a81b2a9", "misc": "cddc5e04b0da610e", "os": "0440cb72c2bc5cc6", "platform.os": "41e31cc4496b8a8e" } }