{ "actions": { "clean": { "desc": "clean tmp cache of a CK web service" }, "convert_ck_list_to_select_data": { "desc": "convert CK list to html to select data" }, "create_button": { "desc": "create html button" }, "create_input": { "desc": "create html search" }, "create_selector": { "desc": "create html universal selector" }, "form_url_prefix": { "desc": "form URL prefix (if used via CK web server or via third-party web server and PHP)" }, "index": { "desc": "browse CK repositories", "for_web": "yes" }, "parse_txt": { "desc": "parse text or json files to process, high-light and cross-link special CK words including $#cm_, $#ck_, http ...", "for_web": "yes" }, "process_all_pages": { "desc": "process all pages and convert them into static ones (to create static websites)" }, "process_ck_page": { "desc": "process special CK words in html pages", "for_web": "yes" }, "start_form": { "desc": "start html form" }, "view_page": { "desc": "view a given CK page", "for_web": "yes" }, "webadd": { "desc": "add/update CK entries via html", "for_web": "yes" } }, "copyright": "See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details", "desc": "CK web front-end (browsing repository and entries, visualizing experiments, viewing interactive graphs and articles, etc)", "developer": "cTuning foundation", "license": "See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details", "top_menu": [ { "module_uoa": "report", "module_uoas": [ "report", "1e348bd6ab43ce8a" ], "name": "Reports" }, { "module_uoa": "graph", "module_uoas": [ "graph", "2d41f89bcf32d4d4" ], "name": "Graphs" }, { "module_uoa": "experiment", "module_uoas": [ "experiment", "bc0409fb61f0aa82" ], "name": "Experiments" }, { "module_uoa": "program", "module_uoas": [ "program", "b0ac08fe1d3c2615" ], "name": "Programs" }, { "module_uoa": "dataset", "module_uoas": [ "dataset", "8a7141c59cd335f5" ], "name": "Datasets" }, { "module_uoa": "model", "module_uoas": [ "model", "f92b25ca2f1a98ae" ], "name": "Models" }, { "module_uoa": "", "module_uoas": [ "" ], "name": "Browse" }, { "name": "Discussions", "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/collective-knowledge" }, { "name": "Get CK", "url": "http://github.com/ctuning/ck" } ] }