@echo off rem Installation script for the 2012 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition rem Challenge (ILSVRC'12) auxiliary dataset. rem rem See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. rem See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. rem rem Developer(s): rem - Anton Lokhmotov, anton@dividiti.com, 2016 rem - Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, 2016 rem PACKAGE_DIR rem INSTALL_DIR set FULL_PATH=%INSTALL_DIR%/%DOWNLOAD_FILE% set FULL_URL=%DOWNLOAD_URL%/%DOWNLOAD_FILE% rem ##################################################################### echo. echo Downloading %DOWNLOAD_NAME% from %FULL_URL% ... wget --no-check-certificate -c "%FULL_URL%" -O "%FULL_PATH%" if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed downloading %DOWNLOAD_NAME% ... goto err ) rem ##################################################################### echo. echo Unpacking %DOWNLOAD_NAME% ... cd /D %INSTALL_DIR% if EXIST "%DOWNLOAD_FILE1%" ( del /Q /S %PACKAGE_FILE1% ) gzip -d %DOWNLOAD_FILE% tar xvf %DOWNLOAD_FILE1% if EXIST "%DOWNLOAD_FILE1%" ( del /Q /S %PACKAGE_FILE1% ) rem Delete weird MacOS X files. del /Q /S %INSTALL_DIR%\._* rem ##################################################################### echo. echo Successfully installed the %DOWNLOAD_NAME% validation dataset ... exit /b 0 :err exit /b 1