#! /bin/bash # # Installation script for the 2012 ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition # Challenge (ILSVRC'12) auxiliary dataset. # # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # Developer(s): # - Anton Lokhmotov, anton@dividiti.com, 2016 # - Grigori Fursin, Grigori.Fursin@cTuning.org, 2016 # PACKAGE_DIR # INSTALL_DIR FULL_PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}/${DOWNLOAD_FILE} FULL_URL=${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${DOWNLOAD_FILE} ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Checking whether '${FULL_PATH}' already exists ..." if [ -f "${FULL_PATH}" ] then echo " ${DOWNLOAD_FILE} already exists ..." exit 1 fi ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Downloading ${DOWNLOAD_NAME} from '${FULL_URL}' ..." wget --no-check-certificate -c ${FULL_URL} -O ${FULL_PATH} if [ "${?}" != "0" ] ; then echo "Error: Downloading ${DOWNLOAD_NAME} from '${FULL_URL}' failed!" exit 1 fi ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Calculating the MD5 hash of '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' ..." DOWNLOAD_FILE_MD5_CALC=($(${CK_MD5SUM_CMD} ${FULL_PATH})) if [ "${?}" != "0" ] ; then echo "Error: Calculating the MD5 hash of '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' failed!" exit 1 fi ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Validating the MD5 hash of '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' ..." echo "Calculated MD5 hash: ${DOWNLOAD_FILE_MD5_CALC}" echo "Reference MD5 hash: ${DOWNLOAD_FILE_MD5}" if [ "${DOWNLOAD_FILE_MD5_CALC}" != "${DOWNLOAD_FILE_MD5}" ] ; then echo "Error: Validating the MD5 hash of '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' failed!" exit 1 fi ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Unpacking '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' ..." cd ${INSTALL_DIR} tar -xf ${DOWNLOAD_FILE} && rm -f ${DOWNLOAD_FILE} if [ "${?}" != "0" ] ; then echo "Error: Unpacking '${DOWNLOAD_FILE}' failed!" exit 1 fi # Delete weird MacOS X files. rm -rf ${INSTALL_DIR}/._* # Set as executable. chmod 755 ${INSTALL_DIR}/imagenet* ##################################################################### echo "" echo "Successfully installed the ${DOWNLOAD_NAME} validation dataset ..." exit 0