import sys import time from Read_labelclsloc import * def readtrain(traindir): """ Reads the training subset of CLS-LOC challenge of ILSVRC 2015 :param traindir: The folder containing the training class subfolders :returns: traindict(A dictionary with full path to each image as a key, and the corresponding label name as the corresponding value.). classdict(A dictionary with label names as key and corresponding number as value) """ categories = [] timeinit = time.time() trainimgs = [] imglbl = [] for entry in os.scandir(traindir): if entry.is_dir() and != '__pycache__': categories.append( for files in os.scandir(os.path.join(traindir, if files.is_file() and'.JPEG'): trainimgs.append(os.path.join(traindir,, imglbl.append( classdict = dict(zip(categories, range(len(categories)))) imglbl = list(map(lambda x: classdict[x], imglbl)) traindict = dict(zip(trainimgs, imglbl)) print("""Time taken to identify the training images and prepare the class label dictionary = %.2f seconds""" % (time.time() - timeinit)) return traindict, classdict def readval(valdir, anndir, classdict): """ Reads the validation images of the CLS-LOC challenge of the ILSVRC 2015 :param valdir: the folder containing the validation subset images. :param anndir: The folder containing the annotation files of validation data :param classdict: Dictionary mapping ILSVRC training labels to positive integers, computed using `ReadTrain()` :return: A dictionary. Keys are the full paths to the validation images. The values are the corresponding labels. """ valdict = {} timeinit = time.time() for entry in os.scandir(valdir): valfile = os.path.join(valdir, annfile = os.path.join(anndir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([ 0] + '.xml') labels = readlabel(annfile) labels = list(set(labels)) valdict[valfile] = classdict[labels[0]] """ if len(lbl) > 1: print('Multiple labels found.') print(lbl) """ print("""Time taken to identify the labels for validation image = %.2f seconds""" % (time.time() - timeinit)) return valdict if __name__ == "__main__": traindict, classdict = readtrain(sys.argv[1]) #valdict = readval(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], classdict) #print(traindict) #print(classdict) #print(valdict) with open("train_map.txt", "w") as f: for key in traindict.keys(): f.write(key + "\t" + str(traindict[key]) + "\n") #with open("val_map.txt", "w") as f: # for key in valdict.keys(): # f.write(key + "\t" + str(valdict[key]) + "\n") classdict = {v: k for k, v in classdict.items()} with open("classmappings.txt", "w") as f: for key in classdict.keys(): f.write(str(key) + "\t" + classdict[key] + "\n")