import sys import os lib=sys.argv[1] f=open(lib, 'r') f.close() o ='/**********************************************************\n' o+=' Automatically generated for Collective Knowledge Framework\n' o+='\n' o+='\n' o+=' (C)opyright 2016 by Grigori Fursin (cTuning foundation)\n' o+='\n' o+=' Released under the same license as OpenCL\n' o+=' (see include/CL/cl.h)\n' o+='**********************************************************/\n' o+='\n' o+='#include \n' o+='\n' ll=s.split('\n') w=False for l in ll: if w: if l.endswith(';'): w=False lx=l[:-1]+'\n' lx+='{}\n' lx+='\n' else: lx=l+'\n' # Process var names i1=lx.find('/*') if i1>0: i2=lx.find('*/',i1) if i2>0: vr=lx[i1+2:i2-1].strip() if vr.endswith('[3]'): vr=vr[:-3] lx=lx[:i1-1]+' '+vr+' '+lx[i2+2:] o+=lx elif l.startswith('extern CL_API_ENTRY ') and l.find('_DEPRECATED')<0: w=True o+=l[7:]+'\n' # Write CK json f=open('lib/stubs.c','wt') f.write(o) f.close()