@echo off rem CK installation script for TensorFlow package rem rem Developer(s): rem * Grigori Fursin, dividiti/cTuning foundation rem set TENSORFLOW_LIB_DIR=%INSTALL_DIR%\lib rem ###################################################################################### echo. echo Downloading and installing misc deps ... echo. %CK_PYTHON_PIP_BIN% install --upgrade pip %CK_PYTHON_PIP_BIN% install easydict joblib image numpy scipy rem ###################################################################################### echo. echo Downloading and installing ProtoBuf (%PROTOBUF_PYTHON_URL%) ... echo. %CK_PYTHON_PIP_BIN% install --ignore-installed --upgrade %PROTOBUF_PYTHON_URL% -t %TENSORFLOW_LIB_DIR% --trusted-host storage.googleapis.com --trusted-host pypi.python.org if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed installing PROTOBUF ... exit /b 1 ) echo. echo Downloading and installing TensorFlow prebuilt binaries (%TF_PYTHON_URL%) ... echo. %CK_PYTHON_PIP_BIN% install --ignore-installed --upgrade %TF_PYTHON_URL% -t %TENSORFLOW_LIB_DIR% --trusted-host storage.googleapis.com if %errorlevel% neq 0 ( echo. echo Error: Failed instaling TF ... exit /b 1 ) exit /b 0