#!/usr/bin/python # # Developers: # - Anton Lokhmotov, anton@dividiti.com # - Gavin Simpson, gavin.s.simpson@gmail.com # import os import sys import json import re from pathlib import Path ################################################################################ # OpenVINO configuration file template. # Original: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mlperf/inference_results_v0.5/master/closed/Intel/calibration/OV_RN-50-sample/resnet_v1.5_50.yml template = \ ''' models: - name: %(name)s launchers: - framework: dlsdk device: CPU tf_model: %(tf_model)s adapter: classification mo_params: data_type: %(data_type)s input_shape: (%(batch_size)d, %(height)d, %(width)d, %(channels)d) output: %(output)s cpu_extensions: AUTO datasets: - name: ImageNet2012_bkgr data_source: %(data_source)s annotation: %(install_path)s/imagenet.pickle dataset_meta: %(install_path)s/imagenet.json annotation_conversion: converter: imagenet annotation_file: %(annotation_file)s labels_file: %(labels_file)s has_background: %(has_background)s subsample_size: 500 preprocessing: - type: resize size: 256 aspect_ratio_scale: %(aspect_ratio_scale)s - type: crop size: 224 - type: normalization mean: %(mean)s std: %(std)s metrics: - name: accuracy @ top1 type: accuracy top_k: 1 ''' def get_config_file(i): ck=i['ck_kernel'] deps=i['deps'] install_path = i['install_path'] install_env = i['cfg']['customize']['install_env'] model_env = deps['model-source']['dict']['env'] if install_env.get('CK_OPENVINO_PREPROCESSING_MEAN','') != '': mean = re.sub("\s+", ",", install_env['CK_OPENVINO_PREPROCESSING_MEAN'].strip()) elif model_env.get('ML_MODEL_GIVEN_CHANNEL_MEANS','') != '': mean = re.sub("\s+", ",", model_env['ML_MODEL_GIVEN_CHANNEL_MEANS'].strip()) else: mean = '' std = install_env.get('CK_OPENVINO_PREPROCESSING_STD', '') aux_env = deps['imagenet-aux']['dict']['env'] imc_env = deps['imagenet-cal']['dict']['env'] return template % { "name" : model_env['CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_NAME'], "tf_model" : model_env['CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_TF_FROZEN_FILEPATH'], "output" : model_env['CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_OUTPUT_LAYER_NAME'], "data_type" : install_env.get('CK_OPENVINO_MO_PARAMS_DATA_TYPE','FP32'), "batch_size" : 1, "height" : int(model_env['CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_IMAGE_HEIGHT']), "width" : int(model_env['CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_IMAGE_HEIGHT']), "channels" : 3, "has_background" : install_env.get('CK_OPENVINO_ANNOTATION_CONVERSION_HAS_BACKGROUND','False'), "aspect_ratio_scale" : install_env.get('CK_OPENVINO_PREPROCESSING_ASPECT_RATIO_SCALE',''), "mean" : mean, "std" : std, "data_source" : imc_env['CK_DATASET_IMAGENET_CALIBRATION_ROOT'], "labels_file" : aux_env['CK_CAFFE_IMAGENET_SYNSET_WORDS_TXT'], "annotation_file" : imc_env['CK_DATASET_IMAGENET_CALIBRATION_VAL_MAP_PATH'], "install_path" : install_path } ################################################################################ # customize installation def setup(i): """ Input: { cfg - meta of this soft entry self_cfg - meta of module soft ck_kernel - import CK kernel module (to reuse functions) host_os_uoa - host OS UOA host_os_uid - host OS UID host_os_dict - host OS meta target_os_uoa - target OS UOA target_os_uid - target OS UID target_os_dict - target OS meta target_device_id - target device ID (if via ADB) tags - list of tags used to search this entry env - updated environment vars from meta customize - updated customize vars from meta deps - resolved dependencies for this soft interactive - if 'yes', can ask questions, otherwise quiet path - path to entry (with scripts) install_path - installation path } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (install-env) - prepare environment to be used before the install script } """ import os import shutil # Get variables o=i.get('out','') ip=i.get('install_path','') ck=i['ck_kernel'] hos=i['host_os_uoa'] tos=i['target_os_uoa'] hosd=i['host_os_dict'] tosd=i['target_os_dict'] hname=hosd.get('ck_name','') # win, linux hname2=hosd.get('ck_name2','') # win, mingw, linux, android macos=hosd.get('macos','') # yes/no tname=tosd.get('ck_name','') # win, linux tname2=tosd.get('ck_name2','') # win, mingw, linux, android install_env = i['cfg']['customize']['install_env'] if install_env.get('CK_CALIBRATE_IMAGENET', '') != '': config_file = get_config_file(i) ck.out(config_file) Path(ip).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.join(ip, 'config.yml'), 'w') as config_yml: config_yml.write(config_file) return {'return':0}