{ "features": { "name": "GeForce GT 610", "type": "cuda" }, "features_misc": { "cuda driver version": "7.5", "cuda runtime version": "7.5", "global memory": "1066358144", "gpu compute capability": "2.1", "max clock rate": "1620.000000 MHz", "max dimension size of a grid size x": "65535", "max dimension size of a grid size y": "65535", "max dimension size of a grid size z": "65535", "max dimension size of a thread block x": "1024", "max dimension size of a thread block y": "1024", "max dimension size of a thread block z": "64", "maximum number of threads per block": "1024", "maximum number of threads per multiprocessor": "1536", "total amount of shared memory per block": "49152", "total number of registers available per block": "32768", "warp size": "32" } }