# Before you can use the jobs API, you need to set up an access token. # Log in to the Quantum Experience. Under "Account", generate a personal # access token. Replace 'PUT_YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE' below with the quoted # token string. Uncomment the APItoken variable, and you will be ready to go. #MOVE UNDER CK import os if 'CK_IBM_API_TOKEN' in os.environ: API_TOKEN = os.environ['CK_IBM_API_TOKEN'] else: # API_TOKEN = '227cf74859f37ff7b4612bdbd02fab3c287f23e40dda92e61a3f674f9d0c2c2d939955096fdf8a920dca4dcf8cf92c5b570cab5fb84d15d08301b921b26ca8f6' API_TOKEN='YOUR TOKE HERE' config = { 'url': 'https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/api', # If you have access to IBM Q features, you also need to fill the "hub", # "group", and "project" details. Replace "None" on the lines below # with your details from Quantum Experience, quoting the strings, for # example: 'hub': 'my_hub' # You will also need to update the 'url' above, pointing it to your custom # URL for IBM Q. 'hub': None, 'group': None, 'project': None } # some programs use different var name APItoken = API_TOKEN if 'APItoken' not in locals(): raise Exception('Please set up your access token. See Qconfig.py.')