""" This module shows the node for 8 nodes distributed system setup. """ import argparse import os import time from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn from collections import deque from multiprocessing import Queue from threading import Thread, Lock import avro.ipc as ipc import avro.protocol as protocol import avro.schema as schema import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import yaml import model as ml os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' # read data packet format. PROTOCOL = protocol.parse(open('../avro/image.avpr').read()) class Node(object): """ Singleton Node class. It will store data if necessary, record next layer response time, send data packet to next layer and store the loaded model in memory without reloading. Attributes: ip: A dictionary contains Queue of ip addresses for different models type. model: Loaded models associated to a node. graph: Default graph used by Tensorflow. debug: Flag for debugging. lock: Threading lock for safe usage of this class. The lock is used for safe models forwarding. If the models is processing input and it gets request from other devices, the new request will wait until the previous models forwarding finishes. name: Model name. total: Total time of getting frames. count: Total number of frames gets back. input: Store the input for last fully connected layer, it acts as a buffer that it will kick out extra data and store unused data. """ instance = None def __init__(self): self.ip = dict() self.model = None self.graph = tf.get_default_graph() self.debug = False self.lock = Lock() self.name = 'unknown' self.total = 0 self.count = 1 self.input = deque() def log(self, step, data=''): """ Log function for debug. Turn the flag on to show each step result. Args: step: Each step names. data: Data format or size. """ if self.debug: print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' for k in range(0, len(step), 68): print '+{:^68.68}+'.format(step[k:k + 68]) for k in range(0, len(data), 68): print '+{:^68.68}+'.format(data[k:k + 68]) print '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++' print def acquire_lock(self): self.lock.acquire() def release_lock(self): self.lock.release() def timer(self, interval): self.total += interval print '{:s}: {:.3f}'.format(self.name, self.total / self.count) self.count += 1 @classmethod def create(cls): if cls.instance is None: cls.instance = cls() return cls.instance class Responder(ipc.Responder): """ Responder called by handler when got request. """ def __init__(self): ipc.Responder.__init__(self, PROTOCOL) def invoke(self, msg, req): """ This functino is invoked by do_POST to handle the request. Invoke handles the request and get response for the request. This is the key of each node. All models forwarding and output redirect are done here. Because the invoke method of initializer only needs to receive the data packet, it does not do anything in the function and return None. Because this is a node class, it has all necessary code here for handling different inputs. Basically the logic is load model as the previous layer request and run model inference. And it will send the current layer output to next layer. We write different model's code all here for the sake of convenience. In order to avoid long waiting time of model reloading, we make sure each node is assigned to a unique job each time, so it does not need to reload the model. Args: msg: Meta data. req: Contains data packet. Returns: None: It just acts as confirmation for sender. Raises: AvroException: if the data does not have correct syntac defined in Schema """ node = Node.create() node.acquire_lock() if msg.name == 'forward': try: with node.graph.as_default(): bytestr = req['input'] if req['next'] == 'block12345': node.log('block12345 gets data') X = np.fromstring(bytestr, np.uint8).reshape(224, 224, 3) node.model = ml.block12345() if node.model is None else node.model output = node.model.predict(np.array([X])) node.log('finish block12345 forward') for _ in range(2): Thread(target=self.send, args=(output, 'fc1', req['tag'])).start() elif req['next'] == 'fc1': node.log('fc1 gets data') X = np.fromstring(bytestr, np.float32).reshape(25088) node.model = ml.fc1() if node.model is None else node.model output = node.model.predict(np.array([X])) node.log('finish fc1 forward') Thread(target=self.send, args=(output, 'fc2', req['tag'])).start() elif req['next'] == 'fc2': node.log('fc2 gets data') X = np.fromstring(bytestr, np.float32).reshape(2048) node.input.append(X) node.log('input size', str(len(node.input))) # if the size is not enough, store in the queue and return. if len(node.input) < 2: node.release_lock() return # too many data packets, then drop some data. while len(node.input) > 2: node.input.popleft() X = np.concatenate(node.input) node.model = ml.fc2() if node.model is None else node.model output = node.model.predict(np.array([X])) node.log('finish model inference') Thread(target=self.send, args=(output, 'initial', req['tag'])).start() node.release_lock() return except Exception as e: node.log('Error', e.message) else: raise schema.AvroException('unexpected message:', msg.getname()) def send(self, X, name, tag): """ Send data to other devices. The data packet contains data and models name. Ip address of next device pop from Queue of a ip list. Args: X: numpy array name: next device models name tag: mark the current layer label """ node = Node.create() queue = node.ip[name] address = queue.get() # initializer use port 9999 to receive data port = 9999 if name == 'initial' else 12345 client = ipc.HTTPTransceiver(address, port) requestor = ipc.Requestor(PROTOCOL, client) node.name = name data = dict() data['input'] = X.tostring() data['next'] = name data['tag'] = tag node.log('finish assembly') start = time.time() requestor.request('forward', data) end = time.time() node.timer(end - start) node.log('node gets request back') client.close() queue.put(address) class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): """ do_POST is automatically called by ThreadedHTTPServer. It creates a new responder for each request. The responder generates response and write response to data sent back. """ self.responder = Responder() call_request_reader = ipc.FramedReader(self.rfile) call_request = call_request_reader.read_framed_message() resp_body = self.responder.respond(call_request) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'avro/binary') self.end_headers() resp_writer = ipc.FramedWriter(self.wfile) resp_writer.write_framed_message(resp_body) class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): """ Handle requests in separate thread. """ def main(cmd): node = Node.create() node.debug = cmd.debug # read ip resources from config file ck_target_path=os.environ.get('CK_TARGET_PATH','') if ck_target_path=='': print ('ERROR: CK target is not specified') exit(1) ip_path=os.path.join(ck_target_path, 'ip') with open(ip_path) as file: address = yaml.safe_load(file) node.ip['fc1'] = Queue() node.ip['fc2'] = Queue() node.ip['initial'] = Queue() address = address['node'] for addr in address['fc1']: if addr == '#': break node.ip['fc1'].put(addr) for addr in address['fc2']: if addr == '#': break node.ip['fc2'].put(addr) for addr in address['initial']: if addr == '#': break node.ip['initial'].put(addr) server = ThreadedHTTPServer(('', 12345), Handler) server.allow_reuse_address = True server.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='set to debug mode') cmd = parser.parse_args() main(cmd)