import os import sys import tensorflow as tf from google.protobuf import text_format from object_detection import exporter from object_detection.protos import pipeline_pb2 def main(_): params = {} params["PIPELINE_FILE"] = 'pipeline.config' ##path to the pipeline.config that should be already in the /tmp folder, hardcoded params["INPUT_TENSOR"] = 'image_tensor' ## we handle only tf_zoo at the moment. params["TRAINED_MODEL_CHKPT"] = os.getenv("CK_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX",None) ###mandatory parameter, cannot be hardcoded in any way. it's the "model.ckpt-####### that comes out from the training. has to be chosen by the user if params["TRAINED_MODEL_CHKPT"] == None: print ("you need to provide the checkpoint prefix as --env.CK_CHECKPOINT_PREFIX when running this program. the value is the \"model.ckpt-#######\" created by step by that you want to export as frozen graph") sys.exit() CWD = os.getcwd() params["OUTPUT_DIR"] = os.getenv("CK_OUT_DIR",os.path.join(CWD,'output_dir')) ## will be created, inside tmp ## three params unknown to me, taken from the original application in tensorflow api/research/object_detection/ I force setup as default in the original program. Look there for more information. params["CONFIG_OVERRIDE"] = os.getenv("CK_CONFIG_OVERRIDE",'') params["WRITE_INFERENCE"] = os.getenv("CK_WRITE_INFERENCE",False) params["INPUT_SHAPE"] = os.getenv("CK_INPUT_SHAPE",None) pipeline_config = pipeline_pb2.TrainEvalPipelineConfig() with tf.gfile.GFile(params["PIPELINE_FILE"], 'r') as f: text_format.Merge(, pipeline_config) text_format.Merge(params["CONFIG_OVERRIDE"], pipeline_config) if params["INPUT_SHAPE"]: input_shape = [ int(dim) if dim != '-1' else None for dim in params["INPUT_SHAPE"].split(',') ] else: input_shape = None exporter.export_inference_graph( params["INPUT_TENSOR"], pipeline_config, 'model.ckpt/model.ckpt-{}'.format(params["TRAINED_MODEL_CHKPT"]), params["OUTPUT_DIR"], input_shape=input_shape, write_inference_graph=params["WRITE_INFERENCE"]) if __name__ == '__main__':