[ { "mAP": 75.6, "code_links": [ { "title": "google/youtube-8m", "url": "https://github.com/google/youtube-8m" }, { "title": "AKASH2907/Content-based-Video-Recommendation", "url": "https://github.com/AKASH2907/Content-based-Video-Recommendation" }, { "title": "AKASH2907/Content-based-Video-Relevance-Prediction", "url": "https://github.com/AKASH2907/Content-based-Video-Relevance-Prediction" }, { "title": "taufikxu/youtube", "url": "https://github.com/taufikxu/youtube" } ], "date": "2016-09-27", "date2": 20160927, "model": "LSTM + Pretrained on YT-8M", "paper": { "title": "YouTube-8M: A Large-Scale Video Classification Benchmark", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/611450cb31115617" }, "paper_data_uoa": "611450cb31115617" }, { "mAP": 53.8, "code_links": [], "date": "2015-12-22", "date2": 20151222, "model": "VGG19 + 393K webcam images", "paper": { "title": "Do Less and Achieve More: Training CNNs for Action Recognition Utilizing Action Images from the Web", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/554737b46c3c02e2" }, "paper_data_uoa": "554737b46c3c02e2" }, { "mAP": 53.8, "code_links": [], "date": "2018-03-22", "date2": 20180322, "model": "CD-UAR", "paper": { "title": "Towards Universal Representation for Unseen Action Recognition", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/9c5347f4953a03dc" }, "paper_data_uoa": "9c5347f4953a03dc" }, { "mAP": 52.3, "code_links": [], "date": "2015-12-22", "date2": 20151222, "model": "VGG19", "paper": { "title": "Do Less and Achieve More: Training CNNs for Action Recognition Utilizing Action Images from the Web", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/554737b46c3c02e2" }, "paper_data_uoa": "554737b46c3c02e2" } ]