[ { "F1": 92.07, "code_links": [], "date": "2019-11-07", "date2": 20191107, "model": "BERT-MRC+DSC", "paper": { "title": "Dice Loss for Data-imbalanced NLP Tasks", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/584bf6fd6e868b83" }, "paper_data_uoa": "584bf6fd6e868b83" }, { "F1": 91.11, "code_links": [ { "title": "ShannonAI/mrc-for-flat-nested-ner", "url": "https://github.com/ShannonAI/mrc-for-flat-nested-ner" }, { "title": "stepperL/mrc-for-flat-nested-ner", "url": "https://github.com/stepperL/mrc-for-flat-nested-ner" } ], "date": "2019-10-25", "date2": 20191025, "model": "BERT-MRC", "paper": { "title": "A Unified MRC Framework for Named Entity Recognition", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/4269b4f778e97370" }, "paper_data_uoa": "4269b4f778e97370" }, { "F1": 90.3, "code_links": [], "date": "2019-11-06", "date2": 20191106, "model": "Hierarchical + BERT", "paper": { "title": "Hierarchical Contextualized Representation for Named Entity Recognition", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/7f264925a22a9341" }, "paper_data_uoa": "7f264925a22a9341" }, { "F1": 89.94, "code_links": [ { "title": "lyutyuh/acl19_subtagger", "url": "https://github.com/lyutyuh/acl19_subtagger" } ], "date": "2019-07-01", "date2": 20190701, "model": "HSCRF + softdict", "paper": { "title": "Towards Improving Neural Named Entity Recognition with Gazetteers", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/759d9c9d7c43e18e" }, "paper_data_uoa": "759d9c9d7c43e18e" }, { "F1": 89.88, "code_links": [ { "title": "allanj/ner_with_dependency", "url": "https://github.com/allanj/ner_with_dependency" }, { "title": "IIITian-Chandan/Solar_Data_modeling", "url": "https://github.com/IIITian-Chandan/Solar_Data_modeling" } ], "date": "2019-09-23", "date2": 20190923, "model": "DGLSTM-CRF + ELMo", "paper": { "title": "Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/58f766447a44a8f7" }, "paper_data_uoa": "58f766447a44a8f7" }, { "F1": 89.3, "code_links": [ { "title": "zalandoresearch/flair", "url": "https://github.com/zalandoresearch/flair" } ], "date": "2018-08-01", "date2": 20180801, "model": "Flair embeddings", "paper": { "title": "Contextual String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/62110e2244f49323" }, "paper_data_uoa": "62110e2244f49323" }, { "F1": 88.81, "code_links": [ { "title": "tensorflow/models", "url": "https://github.com/tensorflow/models" }, { "title": "rezkaaufar/pytorch-cvt", "url": "https://github.com/rezkaaufar/pytorch-cvt" } ], "date": "2018-09-22", "date2": 20180922, "model": "CVT + Multi-Task", "paper": { "title": "Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling with Cross-View Training", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/96ddb22304e419ba" }, "paper_data_uoa": "96ddb22304e419ba" }, { "F1": 88.52, "code_links": [ { "title": "allanj/ner_with_dependency", "url": "https://github.com/allanj/ner_with_dependency" }, { "title": "IIITian-Chandan/Solar_Data_modeling", "url": "https://github.com/IIITian-Chandan/Solar_Data_modeling" } ], "date": "2019-09-23", "date2": 20190923, "model": "DGLSTM-CRF", "paper": { "title": "Dependency-Guided LSTM-CRF for Named Entity Recognition", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/58f766447a44a8f7" }, "paper_data_uoa": "58f766447a44a8f7" }, { "F1": 88.4, "code_links": [ { "title": "ckiplab/ckiptagger", "url": "https://github.com/ckiplab/ckiptagger" }, { "title": "jacobvsdanniel/cross_ner", "url": "https://github.com/jacobvsdanniel/cross_ner" }, { "title": "jacobvsdanniel/cross-ner", "url": "https://github.com/jacobvsdanniel/cross-ner" }, { "title": "chainwu/ckiptagger-app", "url": "https://github.com/chainwu/ckiptagger-app" } ], "date": "2019-08-29", "date2": 20190829, "model": "Att-BiLSTM-CNN", "paper": { "title": "Why Attention? 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