[ { "MAP": 0.795, "P@1": 0.809, "code_links": [ { "title": "vanzytay/WSDM2018_HyperQA", "url": "https://github.com/vanzytay/WSDM2018_HyperQA" } ], "date": "2017-07-25", "date2": 20170725, "model": "HyperQA", "paper": { "title": "Hyperbolic Representation Learning for Fast and Efficient Neural Question Answering", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/4c5192e04e1ebafb" }, "paper_data_uoa": "4c5192e04e1ebafb" }, { "MAP": 0.777, "P@1": 0.755, "code_links": [], "date": "2016-06-01", "date2": 20160601, "model": "ConvKN", "paper": { "title": "ConvKN at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Answer and Question Selection for Question Answering on Arabic and English Fora", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/74cecb4761ea2a49" }, "paper_data_uoa": "74cecb4761ea2a49" }, { "MAP": 0.771, "P@1": 0.755, "code_links": [], "date": "2016-02-11", "date2": 20160211, "model": "AP-CNN", "paper": { "title": "Attentive Pooling Networks", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/e0ac4c14b54eb88c" }, "paper_data_uoa": "e0ac4c14b54eb88c" }, { "MAP": 0.78, "P@1": 0.753, "code_links": [ { "title": "Elvirasun28/quora-question-duplicate", "url": "https://github.com/Elvirasun28/quora-question-duplicate" }, { "title": "SJHBXShub/Question_pair", "url": "https://github.com/SJHBXShub/Question_pair" } ], "date": "2015-03-11", "date2": 20150311, "model": "ARC-II", "paper": { "title": "Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Matching Natural Language Sentences", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/e12d842618113b18" }, "paper_data_uoa": "e12d842618113b18" }, { "MAP": 0.792, "P@1": 0.751, "code_links": [], "date": "2016-06-01", "date2": 20160601, "model": "Kelp", "paper": { "title": "KeLP at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Learning Semantic Relations between Questions and Answers", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/94fc2d2b64e7490e" }, "paper_data_uoa": "94fc2d2b64e7490e" } ]