[ { "MAP": 0.32, "code_links": [ { "title": "bosch-ros-pkg/bstld", "url": "https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/bstld" } ], "date": "2018-06-20", "date2": 20180620, "model": "Background Threshold Model", "paper": { "title": "A Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-Batch Selection Method For Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/6e46f797bee350c2" }, "paper_data_uoa": "6e46f797bee350c2" }, { "MAP": 0.31, "code_links": [ { "title": "bosch-ros-pkg/bstld", "url": "https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/bstld" } ], "date": "2018-06-20", "date2": 20180620, "model": "Hierarchical + Background Threshold Model", "paper": { "title": "A Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-Batch Selection Method For Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/6e46f797bee350c2" }, "paper_data_uoa": "6e46f797bee350c2" }, { "MAP": 0.3, "code_links": [ { "title": "bosch-ros-pkg/bstld", "url": "https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/bstld" } ], "date": "2018-06-20", "date2": 20180620, "model": "Hierarchical Model", "paper": { "title": "A Hierarchical Deep Architecture and Mini-Batch Selection Method For Joint Traffic Sign and Light Detection", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/6e46f797bee350c2" }, "paper_data_uoa": "6e46f797bee350c2" } ]