[ { "MAE [bpm, session-wise]": "7.47 \u00b1 3.3", "code_links": [], "date": "2019-07-12", "date2": 20190712, "model": "CNN ensemble", "paper": { "title": "Deep PPG: Large-Scale Heart Rate Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/042cc5abe465416c" }, "paper_data_uoa": "042cc5abe465416c" }, { "MAE [bpm, session-wise]": "8.42 \u00b1 3", "code_links": [], "date": "2019-07-12", "date2": 20190712, "model": "CNN average", "paper": { "title": "Deep PPG: Large-Scale Heart Rate Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/042cc5abe465416c" }, "paper_data_uoa": "042cc5abe465416c" }, { "MAE [bpm, session-wise]": "19.97 \u00b1 8.1", "code_links": [], "date": "2017-08-28", "date2": 20170828, "model": "Sch\u00e4ck2017", "paper": { "title": "Computationally efficient heart rate estimation during physical exercise using photoplethysmographic signals", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/eedb51c16e1b4d99" }, "paper_data_uoa": "eedb51c16e1b4d99" }, { "MAE [bpm, session-wise]": "9.45 \u00b1 2.9", "code_links": [], "date": "2015-12-23", "date2": 20151223, "model": "SpaMaPlus", "paper": { "title": "A Novel Time-Varying Spectral Filtering Algorithm for Reconstruction of Motion Artifact Corrupted Heart Rate Signals During Intense Physical Activities Using a Wearable Photoplethysmogram Sensor", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/6cc749fc9b5e4744" }, "paper_data_uoa": "6cc749fc9b5e4744" }, { "MAE [bpm, session-wise]": "11.51 \u00b1 3.7", "code_links": [], "date": "2015-12-23", "date2": 20151223, "model": "SpaMa", "paper": { "title": "A Novel Time-Varying Spectral Filtering Algorithm for Reconstruction of Motion Artifact Corrupted Heart Rate Signals During Intense Physical Activities Using a Wearable Photoplethysmogram Sensor", "url": "https://cknow.io/lib/6cc749fc9b5e4744" }, "paper_data_uoa": "6cc749fc9b5e4744" } ]