# # Copyright (c) 2018 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # import imp import os import re import json import shutil import numpy as np import scipy.io from scipy.ndimage import zoom # Load list of images to be processed def load_image_list(images_dir, images_count, skip_images): assert os.path.isdir(images_dir), 'Input dir does not exit' files = [f for f in os.listdir(images_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(images_dir, f))] files = [f for f in files if re.search(r'\.jpg$', f, re.IGNORECASE) or re.search(r'\.jpeg$', f, re.IGNORECASE)] assert len(files) > 0, 'Input dir does not contain image files' files = sorted(files)[skip_images:] assert len(files) > 0, 'Input dir does not contain more files' images = files[:images_count] # Repeat last image to make full last batch if len(images) < images_count: for _ in range(images_count-len(images)): images.append(images[-1]) return images # Zoom to target size def resize_img(img, target_size): zoom_w = float(target_size)/float(img.shape[0]) zoom_h = float(target_size)/float(img.shape[1]) return zoom(img, [zoom_w, zoom_h, 1]) # Crop the central region of the image def crop_img(img, crop_percent): if crop_percent > 0 and crop_percent < 1.0: new_w = int(img.shape[0] * crop_percent) new_h = int(img.shape[1] * crop_percent) offset_w = int((img.shape[0] - new_w)/2) offset_h = int((img.shape[1] - new_h)/2) return img[offset_w:new_w+offset_w, offset_h:new_h+offset_h, :] else: return img # Load and preprocess image def load_image(image_path, # Full path to processing image target_size, # Desired size of resulting image intermediate_size = 0, # Scale to this size then crop to target size crop_percentage = 0, # Crop to this percentage then scale to target size convert_to_bgr = False # Swap image channel RGB -> BGR ): img = scipy.misc.imread(image_path) # check if grayscale and convert to RGB if len(img.shape) == 2: img = np.dstack((img,img,img)) # drop alpha-channel if present if img.shape[2] > 3: img = img[:,:,:3] # Resize and crop if intermediate_size > target_size: img = resize_img(img, intermediate_size) img = crop_img(img, float(target_size)/float(intermediate_size)) elif crop_percentage > 0: img = crop_img(img, float(crop_percentage)/100.0) img = resize_img(img, target_size) # Convert to BGR if convert_to_bgr: swap_img = np.array(img) tmp_img = np.array(swap_img) tmp_img[:, :, 0] = swap_img[:, :, 2] tmp_img[:, :, 2] = swap_img[:, :, 0] img = tmp_img return img def ck_preprocess(i): print('\n--------------------------------') def my_env(var): return i['env'].get(var) def dep_env(dep, var): return i['deps'][dep]['dict']['env'].get(var) def has_dep_env(dep, var): return var in i['deps'][dep]['dict']['env'] # Init variables from environment # TF-model specific value if has_dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_CONVERT_TO_BGR'): MODEL_CONVERT_TO_BGR = dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_CONVERT_TO_BGR') == 'YES' else: MODEL_CONVERT_TO_BGR = False # TODO: all weights packages should provide common vars to reveal its # input image size: https://github.com/ctuning/ck-tensorflow/issues/67 if has_dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_IMAGE_WIDTH'): IMAGE_SIZE = int(dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_IMAGE_WIDTH')) elif has_dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_ONNX_MODEL_IMAGE_WIDTH'): IMAGE_SIZE = int(dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_ONNX_MODEL_IMAGE_WIDTH')) else: if has_dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_MOBILENET_RESOLUTION'): IMAGE_SIZE = int(dep_env('weights', 'CK_ENV_MOBILENET_RESOLUTION')) else: return {'return': 1, 'error': 'Only TensorFlow model packages are currently supported.'} IMAGE_COUNT = int(my_env('CK_BATCH_COUNT')) * int(my_env('CK_BATCH_SIZE')) SKIP_IMAGES = int(my_env('CK_SKIP_IMAGES')) IMAGE_DIR = dep_env('imagenet-val', 'CK_ENV_DATASET_IMAGENET_VAL') IMAGE_FILE = my_env('CK_IMAGE_FILE') RESULTS_DIR = 'predictions' IMAGE_LIST_FILE = 'image_list.txt' TMP_IMAGE_SIZE = int(my_env('CK_TMP_IMAGE_SIZE')) CROP_PERCENT = float(my_env('CK_CROP_PERCENT')) SUBTRACT_MEAN = my_env('CK_SUBTRACT_MEAN') == "YES" # Full path of dir for caching prepared images. # Store preprocessed images in sources directory, not in `tmp`, as # `tmp` directory can de cleaned between runs and caches will be lost. CACHE_DIR_ROOT = my_env('CK_IMG_CACHE_DIR') if not CACHE_DIR_ROOT: CACHE_DIR_ROOT = os.path.join('..', 'preprocessed') # Single file mode if IMAGE_FILE: image_dir, IMAGE_FILE = os.path.split(IMAGE_FILE) # If only filename is set, assume that file is in images package if not image_dir: image_dir = IMAGE_DIR else: IMAGE_DIR = image_dir assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, IMAGE_FILE)), "Input file does not exist" IMAGES_COUNT = 1 SKIP_IMAGES = 1 RECREATE_CACHE = True CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR_ROOT, 'single-image') print('Single file mode') print('Input image file: {}'.format(IMAGE_FILE)) else: RECREATE_CACHE = my_env("CK_RECREATE_CACHE") == "YES" CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR_ROOT, '{}-{}-{}'.format(IMAGE_SIZE, TMP_IMAGE_SIZE, CROP_PERCENT)) print('Input images dir: {}'.format(IMAGE_DIR)) print('Preprocessed images dir: {}'.format(CACHE_DIR)) print('Results dir: {}'.format(RESULTS_DIR)) print('Image size: {}'.format(IMAGE_SIZE)) print('Image count: {}'.format(IMAGE_COUNT)) print('Skip images: {}'.format(SKIP_IMAGES)) # Prepare cache dir if not os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR_ROOT): os.mkdir(CACHE_DIR_ROOT) if RECREATE_CACHE: if os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR): shutil.rmtree(CACHE_DIR) if not os.path.isdir(CACHE_DIR): os.mkdir(CACHE_DIR) # Prepare results directory if os.path.isdir(RESULTS_DIR): shutil.rmtree(RESULTS_DIR) os.mkdir(RESULTS_DIR) # Load processing images filenames if IMAGE_FILE: image_list = [IMAGE_FILE] else: image_list = load_image_list(IMAGE_DIR, IMAGE_COUNT, SKIP_IMAGES) # Preprocess images which are not cached yet print('Preprocess images...') preprocessed_count = 0 for image_file in image_list: cached_path = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, image_file) if not os.path.isfile(cached_path): original_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_file) image_data = load_image(image_path = original_path, target_size = IMAGE_SIZE, intermediate_size = TMP_IMAGE_SIZE, crop_percentage = CROP_PERCENT, convert_to_bgr = MODEL_CONVERT_TO_BGR) image_data.tofile(cached_path) preprocessed_count += 1 if preprocessed_count % 10 == 0: print(' Done {} of {}'.format(preprocessed_count, len(image_list))) print(' Done {} of {}'.format(len(image_list), len(image_list))) # Save list of images to be classified with open(IMAGE_LIST_FILE, 'w') as f: for image_file in image_list: f.write(image_file + '\n') # Setup parameters for program new_env = {} files_to_push = [] files_to_pull = [] # Some special preparation to run program on Android device if i.get('target_os_dict', {}).get('ck_name2', '') == 'android': # When files will being pushed to Android, current path will be sources path, # not `tmp` as during preprocessing. So we have to set `files_to_push` accordingly, if CACHE_DIR.startswith('..'): CACHE_DIR = CACHE_DIR[3:] for image_file in image_list: files_to_push.append(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, image_file)) files_to_pull.append(os.path.join(RESULTS_DIR, image_file) + '.txt') # Set list of additional files to be copied to Android device. # We have to set these files via env variables with full paths # in order to they will be copied into remote program dir without sub-paths. new_env['RUN_OPT_IMAGE_LIST_PATH'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), IMAGE_LIST_FILE) files_to_push.append('$<>$') def to_flag(val): return 1 if val and (str(val).upper() == "YES" or int(val) == 1) else 0 # model-specific variable normalize = dep_env('weights', "CK_ENV_TENSORFLOW_MODEL_NORMALIZE_DATA") or dep_env('weights', "CK_ENV_ONNX_MODEL_NORMALIZE_DATA") new_env['RUN_OPT_IMAGE_LIST'] = IMAGE_LIST_FILE new_env['RUN_OPT_RESULT_DIR'] = RESULTS_DIR new_env['RUN_OPT_IMAGE_DIR'] = CACHE_DIR new_env['RUN_OPT_IMAGE_SIZE'] = IMAGE_SIZE new_env['RUN_OPT_NORMALIZE_DATA'] = to_flag(my_env("CK_NORMALIZE_DATA") or normalize) new_env['RUN_OPT_SUBTRACT_MEAN'] = to_flag(my_env("CK_SUBTRACT_MEAN")) new_env['RUN_OPT_BATCH_COUNT'] = my_env('CK_BATCH_COUNT') new_env['RUN_OPT_BATCH_SIZE'] = my_env('CK_BATCH_SIZE') new_env['RUN_OPT_SILENT_MODE'] = to_flag(my_env('CK_SILENT_MODE')) print(new_env) # Run program specific preprocess script preprocess_script = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'preprocess-next.py') if os.path.isfile(preprocess_script): print('--------------------------------') print('Running program specific preprocessing script ...') module = imp.load_source('preprocess', preprocess_script) if hasattr(module, 'ck_preprocess'): res = module.ck_preprocess(i) if res['return'] > 0: return res new_env.update(res.get('new_env', {})) files_to_push.extend(res.get('run_input_files', [])) files_to_pull.extend(res.get('run_output_files', [])) # Preprocessing can return list of additional files to be copied to Android device. # These files are given as full paths, and will be copied near the executable. files_to_push_by_path = res.get('files_to_push_by_path', {}) for key in files_to_push_by_path: new_env[key] = files_to_push_by_path[key] files_to_push.append('$<<' + key + '>>$') print('--------------------------------\n') return { 'return': 0, 'new_env': new_env, 'run_input_files': files_to_push, 'run_output_files': files_to_pull, }