#!/bin/bash task="image-classification" imagenet_size=50000 # Implementations. implementation_tensorrt="image-classification-tensorrt-py" implementations=( "${implementation_tensorrt}" ) # Modes. modes=( "performance" "accuracy" ) # System. hostname=`hostname` if [ "${hostname}" = "tx1" ]; then device="${hostname}" library="py-tensorrt-" library_tags="lib,python-package,tensorrt," elif [ "${hostname}" = "velociti" ]; then device="gtx1080" library="py-tensorrt-" library_tags="lib,python-package,tensorrt," else device="${hostname}" library="py-tensorrt" library_tags="lib,python-package,tensorrt" fi # Compiler. if [ "${device}" = "tx1" ]; then compiler_tags="gcc,v7" else compiler_tags="gcc" fi # Models. models=( "resnet" ) models_tags=( "model,tensorrt,converted-from-onnx,resnet" ) models_preprocessing_tags=( "dataset,side.224,crop.875,inter.linear,preprocessed,using-opencv" ) # Numerical data types. data_types=( "fp16" "fp32" ) # Max batch sizes. max_batch_sizes=$(seq 1 20) experiment_id=1 # Iterate for each implementation. for implementation in ${implementations[@]}; do if [ "${implementation}" != "${implementation_tensorrt}" ]; then echo "ERROR: Unsupported implementation '${implementation}'!" exit 1 fi # Iterate for each model. for i in $(seq 1 ${#models[@]}); do # Configure the model. model=${models[${i}-1]} model_tags=${models_tags[${i}-1]} model_preprocessing_tags=${models_preprocessing_tags[${i}-1]} # Iterate for each data type. for data_type in ${data_types[@]}; do # Iterate for each mode. for mode in ${modes[@]}; do # TODO: Use the maximum batch size for accuracy experiments. if [ "${mode}" == "accuracy" ]; then continue; fi # Iterate for each max batch size. for max_batch_size in ${max_batch_sizes[@]}; do # Iterate for each batch size up to max batch size. for batch_size in $(seq 1 ${max_batch_size}); do # Configure record settings. record_uoa="${task}.${device}.${library}.${model}.${data_type}.max-batch-${max_batch_size}.batch-${batch_size}.${mode}" record_tags="${task},${device},${library},${model},${data_type},max-batch-${max_batch_size},batch-${batch_size},${mode}" if [ "${mode}" = "accuracy" ]; then # Get substring after "preprocessed," to end. preprocessing="${model_preprocessing_tags##*preprocessed,}" record_uoa+=".${preprocessing}" record_tags+=",${preprocessing}" fi echo "[`date`] Experiment #"${experiment_id}": ${record_uoa} ..." experiment_id=$((${experiment_id}+1)) # Skip automatically if experiment record already exists. record_dir=$(ck list local:experiment:${record_uoa}) if [ "${record_dir}" != "" ]; then echo "[`date`] - skipping ..." echo continue fi # Skip manually. if [ "${implementation}" != "${implementation_tensorrt}" ] ; then echo "[`date`] - skipping ..." echo continue fi # Run (but before that print the exact command we are about to run). echo "[`date`] - running ..." read -d '' CMD <