# # Copyright (c) 2018 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # import os import json TOP1 = 0 TOP5 = 0 IMAGES_COUNT = 0 # to be assigned def ck_postprocess(i): print('\n--------------------------------') def my_env(var): return i['env'].get(var) def dep_env(dep, var): return i['deps'][dep]['dict']['env'].get(var) # Init variables from environment BATCH_COUNT = int(my_env('CK_BATCH_COUNT')) BATCH_SIZE = int(my_env('CK_BATCH_SIZE')) global IMAGES_COUNT IMAGES_COUNT = BATCH_COUNT * BATCH_SIZE SKIP_IMAGES = int(my_env('CK_SKIP_IMAGES')) RESULTS_DIR = 'predictions' NUM_CLASSES = 1000 PREPROCESSED_EXT = dep_env('images', 'CK_ENV_DATASET_IMAGENET_PREPROCESSED_NEW_EXTENSION') or 'JPEG' AUX_DIR = dep_env('imagenet-aux', 'CK_ENV_DATASET_IMAGENET_AUX') CLASSES_FILE = os.path.join(AUX_DIR, 'synset_words.txt') VALUES_FILE = os.path.join(AUX_DIR, 'val.txt') CLASSES_LIST = [] VALUES_MAP = {} IMAGE_FILE = my_env('CK_IMAGE_FILE') FULL_REPORT = my_env('CK_SILENT_MODE') not in ('TRUE', 'True', 'true', 'YES', 'Yes', 'yes', 'ON', 'On', 'on', '1', 1) NO_LOADGEN = my_env('CK_LOADGEN_SUPPORT') not in ('TRUE', 'True', 'true', 'YES', 'Yes', 'yes', 'ON', 'On', 'on', '1', 1) # Loads ImageNet classes and correct predictions def load_ImageNet_classes(): classes_list = [] with open(CLASSES_FILE, 'r') as classes_file: classes_list = classes_file.read().splitlines() values_map = {} with open(VALUES_FILE, 'r') as values_file: if IMAGE_FILE: # Single file mode: try to find this file in values for line in values_file: file_name, file_class = line.split() if file_name == IMAGE_FILE: values_map[file_name] = int(file_class) break else: # Directory mode: load only required number of values for _ in range(SKIP_IMAGES): values_file.readline().split() for _ in range(IMAGES_COUNT): val = values_file.readline().split() values_map[val[0]] = int(val[1]) return classes_list, values_map # Returns printable string for ImageNet specific class def get_class_str(class_index): obj_class = CLASSES_LIST[class_index] if len(obj_class) > 50: obj_class = obj_class[:50] + '...' return '(%d) %s' % (class_index, obj_class) # Shows prediction results for image file # top5 - list of pairs (prob, class_index) def print_predictions(top5, img_file): print('---------------------------------------') if img_file in VALUES_MAP: class_correct = VALUES_MAP[img_file] print('%s - %s' % (img_file, get_class_str(class_correct))) else: print(img_file) for prob, class_index in top5: print('%.2f - %s' % (prob, get_class_str(class_index))) print('---------------------------------------') # Returns list of pairs (prob, class_index) def get_topn(all_probs, n=5): probs_with_classes = [] for class_index in range(len(all_probs)): prob = all_probs[class_index] probs_with_classes.append((prob, class_index)) sorted_probs = sorted(probs_with_classes, key = lambda pair: pair[0], reverse=True) return sorted_probs[0:n] # Calculates if prediction was correct for specified image file # topn - list of pairs (prob, class_index) def check_predictions(img_file, topn): if img_file not in VALUES_MAP: print('Correctness information is not available') return {} class_correct = VALUES_MAP[img_file] classes = [c[1] for c in topn] is_top1 = class_correct == classes[0] is_top5 = class_correct in classes[0:5] is_topn = class_correct in classes if is_top1: global TOP1 TOP1 += 1 if is_top5: global TOP5 TOP5 += 1 if is_topn: global TOPN TOPN += 1 return { 'accuracy_top1': 'yes' if is_top1 else 'no', 'accuracy_top5': 'yes' if is_top5 else 'no', 'accuracy_topn': 'yes' if is_topn else 'no', 'class_correct': class_correct, 'class_topmost': classes[0], 'file_name': img_file } frame_predictions = {} def calculate_precision(): print('Process results in {}'.format(RESULTS_DIR)) def load_probes(filename): probes = [] with open(os.path.join(RESULTS_DIR, filename), 'r') as f: for line in f: s = line.strip() if s: probes.append(float(s)) return probes checked_files = 0 for res_file in sorted(os.listdir(RESULTS_DIR)): # remove trailing suffix '.txt' img_file = res_file[:-4] # replace preprocesed extension '.rgb8' or '.rgbf32' with original '.JPEG' img_file = img_file.replace(PREPROCESSED_EXT, 'JPEG') checked_files += 1 all_probes = load_probes(res_file) if len(all_probes) != NUM_CLASSES: print('WARNING: {} is invalid probes count in file {}, results ignored'.format(len(all_probes), res_file)) global IMAGES_COUNT IMAGES_COUNT -= 1 continue topn = get_topn(all_probes, n=5) if FULL_REPORT: print_predictions(topn, img_file) elif checked_files % 100 == 0: print('Predictions checked: {}'.format(checked_files)) res = check_predictions(img_file, topn) # Augment the result with actual TopN class probabilities and names. res['topn'] = [] for prob_index in topn: res['topn'].append({ 'index': prob_index[1], 'prob': prob_index[0], 'name': get_class_str(prob_index[1]) }) frame_predictions[img_file] = res global TOP1 global TOP5 global TOPN TOP1 = 0 TOP5 = 0 TOPN = 0 CLASSES_LIST, VALUES_MAP = load_ImageNet_classes() calculate_precision() accuracy_top1 = TOP1 / float(IMAGES_COUNT) if IMAGES_COUNT > 0 else 0 accuracy_top5 = TOP5 / float(IMAGES_COUNT) if IMAGES_COUNT > 0 else 0 accuracy_topn = TOPN / float(IMAGES_COUNT) if IMAGES_COUNT > 0 else 0 # Store benchmark results openme = {} # Print metrics print('\nSummary:') print('-------------------------------') if NO_LOADGEN: # Preserve values stored by program with open('tmp-ck-timer.json', 'r') as o: old_values = json.load(o) for key in old_values: # xopenmp c++ writes this section, copy it into root object if key == 'run_time_state': for key1 in old_values[key]: openme[key1] = old_values[key][key1] else: openme[key] = old_values[key] setup_time = openme.get('setup_time_s', 0.0) test_time = openme.get('test_time_s', 0.0) total_load_images_time = openme.get('images_load_time_total_s', 0.0) total_prediction_time = openme.get('prediction_time_total_s', 0.0) avg_prediction_time = openme.get('prediction_time_avg_s', 0.0) openme['execution_time'] = total_prediction_time openme['execution_time_sum'] = setup_time + test_time print('Graph loaded in {:.6f}s'.format(setup_time)) print('All images loaded in {:.6f}s'.format(total_load_images_time)) print('All images classified in {:.6f}s'.format(total_prediction_time)) print('Average classification time: {:.6f}s'.format(avg_prediction_time)) print('Accuracy top 1: {} ({} of {})'.format(accuracy_top1, TOP1, IMAGES_COUNT)) openme['accuracy_top1'] = accuracy_top1 print('Accuracy top 5: {} ({} of {})'.format(accuracy_top5, TOP5, IMAGES_COUNT)) openme['accuracy_top5'] = accuracy_top5 # TODO: Read from env N=5 if N!=5: print('Accuracy top {}: {} ({} of {})'.format(N, accuracy_topn, TOPN, IMAGES_COUNT)) openme['accuracy_topn'] = accuracy_topn openme['frame_predictions'] = frame_predictions with open('tmp-ck-timer.json', 'w') as o: json.dump(openme, o, indent=2, sort_keys=True) print('--------------------------------\n') return {'return': 0}