# # Copyright (c) 2018 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # import os import json import ck_utils as helper def convert(detections_dir, target_dir, dataset_type, model_dataset_type, metric_type): ''' Convert detection results from our universal text format to a format specific for a tool that will calculate metrics. Returns whether results directory or path to the new results file, depending on target results format. ''' if metric_type == helper.COCO_TF or metric_type == helper.OID: return detections_dir detection_files = helper.get_files(detections_dir) if metric_type == helper.COCO: return convert_to_coco(detection_files, detections_dir, target_dir, dataset_type, model_dataset_type) if metric_type == helper.KITTI: return convert_to_kitti(detection_files, detections_dir, target_dir, model_dataset_type) raise ValueError('Unknown target results format: {}'.format(metric_type)) def convert_to_kitti(detection_files, detections_dir, target_dir, model_dataset_type): for file_name in detection_files: read_file = os.path.join(detections_dir, file_name) write_file = os.path.join(target_dir, file_name) with open(read_file, 'r') as rf, open(write_file, 'w') as wf: rf.readline() # first line is image size for line in rf: det = helper.Detection(line) res = detection_to_kitti_string(det, model_dataset_type) if (res): wf.write(res) return target_dir def convert_to_coco(detection_files, detections_dir, target_dir, dataset_type, model_dataset_type): res_array = [] for file_name in detection_files: read_file = os.path.join(detections_dir, file_name) file_id = helper.filename_to_id(file_name, dataset_type) with open(read_file, 'r') as rf: rf.readline() # first line is image size for line in rf: det = helper.Detection(line) res = detection_to_coco_object(det, model_dataset_type, file_id) if (res): res_array.append(res) results_file = os.path.join(target_dir, 'coco_results.json') with open(results_file, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(res_array, indent=2, sort_keys=False)) return results_file def detection_to_kitti_string(det, model_dataset_type): ''' Returns result line in the format expected by kitti-eval-tool ''' class_name = '' if model_dataset_type == helper.KITTI: class_name = det.class_name elif model_dataset_type == helper.COCO: if det.class_id in helper.COCO2KITTI: class_name = helper.COCO2KITTI[class_id][1] if not class_name: return '' return '{} -1 -1 0.0 {} {} {} {} 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 {}\n'\ .format(class_name, det.x1, det.y1, det.x2, det.y2, det.score) def detection_to_coco_object(det, model_dataset_type, file_id): ''' Returns result object in COCO format ''' category_id = None if model_dataset_type == helper.COCO: category_id = int(det.class_id) elif model_dataset_type == helper.KITTI: category_id = helper.KITTI2COCO[det.class_id][0] if not category_id: return None x = det.x1 y = det.y1 w = round(det.x2 - x, 2) h = round(det.y2 - y, 2) return { "image_id" : file_id, "category_id" : category_id, "bbox" : [x, y, w, h], "score" : det.score, } def convert_to_frame_predictions(detections_dir): result = {} detection_files = helper.get_files(detections_dir) for file_name in detection_files: read_file = os.path.join(detections_dir, file_name) with open(read_file, 'r') as rf: file_info = {} width, height = [int(i) for i in rf.readline().split()] # first line is image size file_info["image_height"] = height file_info["image_width"] = width file_info["detections"] = [] for line in rf: det = helper.Detection(line) detection = {} detection["bbox"] = [det.x1, det.y1, det.x2, det.y2] detection["prob"] = det.score detection["class"] = str(det.class_id) + " " + det.class_name file_info["detections"].append(detection) result[file_name] = file_info return result