# # Copyright (c) 2018 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # import os import numpy as np from object_detection.core import standard_fields from object_detection.metrics import coco_evaluation import ck_utils gt_field = standard_fields.InputDataFields det_field = standard_fields.DetectionResultFields def load_groundtruth(file_path, class_name_to_id_map): boxes = [] classes = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: gt = ck_utils.Groundtruth(line) boxes.append([gt.x1, gt.y1, gt.x2, gt.y2]) classes.append(class_name_to_id_map[gt.class_name]) if boxes: return { gt_field.groundtruth_boxes: np.array(boxes), gt_field.groundtruth_classes: np.array(classes) } def load_detections(file_path): boxes = [] scores = [] classes = [] with open(file_path, 'r') as f: f.readline() # first line is image size for line in f: det = ck_utils.Detection(line) boxes.append([det.x1, det.y1, det.x2, det.y2]) scores.append(det.score) classes.append(det.class_id) # Detections dict can't be empty even there is not detection for this image if not boxes: boxes = [[0,0,0,0]] scores = [0] classes = [0] return { det_field.detection_boxes: np.array(boxes), det_field.detection_scores: np.array(scores), det_field.detection_classes: np.array(classes) } def evaluate(categories_list, results_dir, txt_annotatins_dir, full_report): ''' Calculate COCO metrics via evaluator class included in TF models repository https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/object_detection/metrics This method uses annotation converted to txt files. This convertation is done by installation dataset-coco-2014 package. ''' class_name_to_id_map = {} for category in categories_list: # Converted txt annotation lacks spaces in class names # and we have to remove spaces from labelmap's class names too # to be able to find class id by class name from annotation class_name = category['name'].split() class_name_no_spaces = ''.join(class_name) class_name_to_id_map[class_name_no_spaces] = category['id'] evaluator = coco_evaluation.CocoDetectionEvaluator(categories_list) total_dets_count = 0 total_gts_count = 0 not_found_gts = [] files = ck_utils.get_files(results_dir) for file_index, file_name in enumerate(files): if full_report: print('Loading detections and annotations for {} ({} of {}) ...'.format(file_name, file_index+1, len(files))) elif (file_index+1) % 100 == 0: print('Loading detections and annotations: {} of {} ...'.format(file_index+1, len(files))) gt_file = os.path.join(txt_annotatins_dir, file_name) det_file = os.path.join(results_dir, file_name) # Skip files for which there is no groundtruth # e.g. COCO_val2014_000000013466.jpg gts = load_groundtruth(gt_file, class_name_to_id_map) if not gts: not_found_gts.append(file_name) continue dets = load_detections(det_file) gts_count = gts[gt_field.groundtruth_boxes].shape[0] dets_count = dets[det_field.detection_boxes].shape[0] total_gts_count += gts_count total_dets_count += dets_count if full_report: print(' Detections: {}'.format(dets_count)) print(' Groundtruth: {}'.format(gts_count)) # Groundtruth should be added first, as adding image checks if there is groundtrush for it evaluator.add_single_ground_truth_image_info(image_id=file_name, groundtruth_dict=gts) evaluator.add_single_detected_image_info(image_id=file_name, detections_dict=dets) all_metrics = evaluator.evaluate() if not_found_gts: print('Groundtrush not found for {} results:'.format(len(not_found_gts))) for file_name in not_found_gts: print(' {}'.format(file_name)) print('Total detections: {}'.format(total_dets_count)) print('Total groundtruths: {}'.format(total_gts_count)) print('Detection rate: {}'.format(float(total_dets_count)/float(total_gts_count))) mAP = all_metrics['DetectionBoxes_Precision/mAP'] recall = all_metrics['DetectionBoxes_Recall/AR@100'] return mAP, recall, all_metrics