# # Copyright (c) 2017 cTuning foundation. # See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause. # See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details. # # Convert raw output of a softmax test program to the CK format. # # Developer(s): # - Anton Lokhmotov, dividiti, 2017 # import json import os import re import struct import time # ****************************************************************************** def ck_preprocess(i): ck=i['ck_kernel'] rt=i['run_time'] meta=i['meta'] env=i['env'] new_env = {} files_to_push = [] if i['target_os_dict'].get('remote','') == 'yes' and env.get('CK_PUSH_LIBS_TO_REMOTE', 'yes').lower() == 'yes': lib_dir = i['deps']['library']['dict']['env'].get('CK_ENV_LIB_ARMCL') lib_name = i['deps']['library']['dict']['env'].get('CK_ENV_LIB_ARMCL_DYNAMIC_CORE_NAME') new_env['CK_ENV_ARMCL_CORE_LIB_PATH'] = os.path.join(lib_dir, 'lib', lib_name) files_to_push.append("$<>$") files_to_push.append("$<>$") return {'return': 0, 'new_env': new_env, 'run_input_files': files_to_push} # ****************************************************************************** def _flat_index(n, c, h, w, channels, height, width): return ((n * channels + c) * height + h) * width + w # ****************************************************************************** def check_softmax_results(i): ck=i['ck_kernel'] env=i['env'] result=i['unpacked_output'] dim_n = int(env['CK_IN_SHAPE_N']) dim_c = int(env['CK_IN_SHAPE_C']) dim_w = int(env['CK_IN_SHAPE_W']) dim_h = int(env['CK_IN_SHAPE_H']) threshold = float(env.get('CK_ABS_DIFF_THRESHOLD', 0.0)) expected_sum = float(env.get('CK_SOFTMAX_BATCH_SUM', 1.0)) ck.out(' (checking softmax values sanity, sum for each N should be ' + str(expected_sum) + ' with ' + str(threshold) + ' precision ...)') for n in range(dim_n): total = 0.0 for c in range(dim_c): for w in range(dim_w): for h in range(dim_h): v = result[_flat_index(n, c, h, w, dim_c, dim_h, dim_w)] if 0 > v or v > expected_sum: return {'return': 1, 'error': 'All values must be between 0 and ' + str(expected_sum)} total += v ck.out(' * sum for N=' + str(n) + ' is ' + str(total)) if abs(total - expected_sum) > threshold: return {'return': 2, 'error': 'Sum of all values for each N must be equal to 1, but for N=' + str(n) + ' it\'s ' + str(total)} return {'return': 0} # ****************************************************************************** def ck_postprocess(i): ck=i['ck_kernel'] rt=i['run_time'] env=i['env'] deps=i['deps'] # Dictionary to return. d={} # Load xOpenME output. r=ck.load_json_file({'json_file':rt['fine_grain_timer_file']}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] drts=d.get('run_time_state',{}) # Save final environment variables (can be changed in the pipeline) d['env']={} for k in env: d['env'][k]=env[k] # d['env']['CK_IN_SHAPE_N']=env.get('CK_IN_SHAPE_N','') # d['env']['CK_IN_SHAPE_C']=env.get('CK_IN_SHAPE_C','') # d['env']['CK_IN_SHAPE_H']=env.get('CK_IN_SHAPE_H','') # d['env']['CK_IN_SHAPE_W']=env.get('CK_IN_SHAPE_W','') # d['env']['CK_DATASET_FILENAME']=env.get('CK_DATASET_FILENAME','') # d['env']['CK_ABS_DIFF_THRESHOLD']=env.get('CK_ABS_DIFF_THRESHOLD','') # d['env']['CK_OUT_RAW_DATA']=env.get('CK_OUT_RAW_DATA','') # d['env']['CK_SEED']=env.get('CK_SEED','') # # Load and concatenate stdout and stderr. # lst=[] # stdout=rt['run_cmd_out1'] # stderr=rt['run_cmd_out2'] # if os.path.isfile(stdout): # r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':stdout,'split_to_list':'yes'}) # if r['return']>0: return r # lst+=r['lst'] # if os.path.isfile(stderr): # r=ck.load_text_file({'text_file':stderr,'split_to_list':'yes'}) # if r['return']>0: return r # lst+=r['lst'] # for line in lst: # # TODO: match something someday. rr={} rr['return']=0 json_out_file = 'tmp-ck-output.json' # Call process output vector r=ck.access({'action':'run', 'module_uoa':'script', 'data_uoa':'process-nntest', 'code':'output', 'func':'process', 'dict':{'file_out': json_out_file, 'data':d, 'env':env, 'deps':deps}}) if r['return']>0: return r # Sanity check on non-fingerprinted data ! unpacked_output=r['unpacked_output'] # Check sum only if CK_DIFF_MIN==0 x=env.get('CK_DIFF_MIN','') if x=='': x='0' if int(x)==0: dt=time.time() r=check_softmax_results({'env': env, 'unpacked_output': unpacked_output, 'ck_kernel': ck}) if r['return']>0: return r ck.out('Debug time (sanity check): '+str(time.time()-dt)+' sec.') # Call dvdt prof script r=ck.access({'action':'run', 'module_uoa':'script', 'data_uoa':'ctuning.process.dvdt-prof', 'code':'dvdt_prof', 'func':'process', 'dict':{'file_in':rt['run_cmd_out1'], 'file_out':'tmp-dvdt-prof.json', 'data':d, 'env':env, 'deps':deps}}) if r['return']>0: return r # Call MALI HWC collector r=ck.access({'action':'run', 'module_uoa':'script', 'data_uoa': 'mali-hwc', 'code':'process', 'func':'read', 'dict':{'data':d, 'env':env, 'deps':deps, 'continue_if_no_file':'yes'}}) if r['return']==0: if env.get('CK_ADD_RAW_MALI_HWC','').lower()=='yes': d['mali_hwc']=r['hwc'] # Process total time total_time=0.0 if drts.get('time_setup',0.0)!=0.0: total_time+=drts['time_setup'] if drts.get('time_test',0.0)!=0.0: total_time+=drts['time_test'] d['execution_time']=total_time d['execution_time_kernel_0']=total_time if d.get('post_processed','')=='yes': r=ck.save_json_to_file({'json_file':rt['fine_grain_timer_file'], 'dict':d, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r else: rr['return']=1 rr['error']='failed to find required info in test output!' return rr def ck_check_output(i): ck=i['ck_kernel'] env=i.get('env',{}) r=ck.access({'action':'check_numerical', 'module_uoa':'program.output', 'file1':i['file1'], 'file2':i['file2'], 'abs_threshold':env.get('CK_ABS_DIFF_THRESHOLD','')}) return r