Open reviewing and publication model

Since 2008, we have been experimenting with various open submission and publication models where papers, code and data are publicly shared and then discussed directly by the community via social networking websites such as Slashdot and Reddit (see our motivation paper for more details).

After receiving positive feedback about our submission model at our last workshops and events, we decided to use it exclusively at ADAPT. The authors submit their articles directly to ArXiv while we immediately open a discussion thread at Reddit (which allows ranking of comments). This allows authors get an immediate feedback from the community, defend their techniques, fix obvious flaws, and improve their articles. It also helps Program Chairs select the most appropriate, realistic and reproducible techniques for the final review by the ADAPT PC members. Hence, we also strongly encourage authors share related code, data and experimental results along with their article to help the community validate their approach and even immediately start using it. We believe that such publication model will let authors disseminate their ideas and tools much faster while avoiding unfair reviews and plagiarism (even if submitted paper is not accepted, it is already published as a technical report with a time stamp and can be incrementally improved based on the received feedback).

You may check out the following open access papers and public discussion threads:

Reproducibility of experimental results

In 2007, we started a pilot project to share the whole experimental setups (code, data, dependencies, models) along with our publications on machine learning based autotuning via to be reproduced, validated and improved by the community. Based on the success of this project, we decided to use similar approach for this ADAPT workshop, i.e. encourage authors to either provide a paragraph in their submitted papers describing how to validate their experimental results, or to submit all related artifacts along with their publication to be validated by the community.

We hope that such approach will enable truly collaborative, rigorous and reproducible research and experimentation in computer engineering, particularly needed on our way towards adaptive, self-tuning computer systems. If you are interested to know more, please check out out related initiatives, publications and tools: