Since we now use popular open publication model to avoid unfair or wrong reviews and let authors have a time stamp on their publications, we simplified submission procedure: you can submit a new paper in your own formatting or even just a link to your published paper which you would like to present at ADAPT (it should be available in any open archive). You can also republish extended paper later while immediately promoting your research via Reddit social network!

We are interested in lively workshop discussions and invite the following papers:

* - since we use ArXiv, there is no strict limit after the first round of public reviews (to let authors address all questions).

Submissions should be in PDF, preferably formatted with double column/single-spacing, using 10pt fonts and printable on US letter or A4 sized paper. Authors submit a paper via EasyChair website for ADAPT 2016. We then help authors to upload their paper to arXiv (allow 2..3 days before your article becomes available online). Alternatively, authors can submit their paper directly to ArXiv and then submit an abstract to EasyChair with the link to their paper.

As soon as this paper is publicly available, we open a discussion thread on the Reddit social platform to allow the community to comment on it (the authors can respond to all the comments at any time to promote, explain and defend their technique). After one or two weeks of public discussions, we will close the discussion thread and let the Program Committee members reach their acceptance decisions based on their own evaluation and from the comments of others (including the authors) found on the discussion thread. Papers accepted for presentation at the workshop may later include a link to the public Reddit discussion. More importantly, even if your paper is not accepted, you still have a public technical report with a time stamp which you can extend and republish later.

Importantly, ADAPT workshop has a special focus on practical, scalable and reproducible techniques. Hence, we encourage authors to share their packed artifacts (code, data, models, experimental results) and provide a paragraph in their submitted papers describing how to validate their technique and experimental results together with a link to their artifacts (see our artifact evaluation website for more details). Highest ranked reproducible artifact (code and/or data) shared in Collective Knowledge format (we can help if needed) will receive a cash prize of 200 euros from our sponsor (see a few recent examples: CK-powered interactive paper, benchmarks in CK-format shared via GITHUB, some data sets in CK format shared via GITHUB). Papers with validated artifacts will receive a stamp:

Paper submission website:

For any questions/problems related to the submission please send an email here: christophe.dubach (_@_) and grigori.fursin (_@_)

Sponsors and supporters

- DIVIDITI provided cash prize of 200 euros
for the highest-ranked artifact
shared in CK format
(Example: CLSmith from PLDI'15)