result SOTA: IJB-A (face verification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IJB-B (face identification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IJB-B (face recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IJB-B (face verification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageCLEF-DA (domain adaptation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageCLEF-DA (transfer learning) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageCLEF-DA (transfer learning) [methodology] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageCLEF-DA (unsupervised domain adaptation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageNet Detection (object detection) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ImageNet32 (sparse learning) [methodology] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Imbalanced CUB-200-2011 (image classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IMDb (document classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: INCART (qrs complex detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: India Driving Dataset (object detection) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Indian Driving Dataset (panoptic segmentation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: INRIA Holidays (image retrieval) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Ionosphere_class b (feature selection) [computer code] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Ionosphere_class b (outlier detection) [methodology] in the open CK format
result SOTA: iPinYou (click-through rate prediction) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IRD (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IRD (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IRD (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Iris (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Iris (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Iris (feature selection) [computer code] in the open CK format
result SOTA: iSEG 2017 Challenge (medical image segmentation) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ITOP top-view (pose estimation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IWSLT2015 Chinese-English (machine translation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: IWSLT2015 Thai-English (machine translation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: J-HMBD Early Action (3d human action recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format