lib Finding Names in Trove: Named Entity Recognition for Australian Historical Newspapers
lib Finito: A Faster, Permutable Incremental Gradient Method for Big Data Problems
lib First Order Ambisonics Domain Spatial Augmentation for DNN-based Direction of Arrival Estimation
lib Fixed Point Algorithm Based on Quasi-Newton Method for Convex Minimization Problem with Application to Image Deblurring
lib FlexNER: A Flexible LSTM-CNN Stack Framework for Named Entity Recognition
lib Font Acknowledgment and Character Extraction of Digital and Scanned Images
lib Forensic Similarity for Digital Images
lib Fourier Transform Approach to Machine Learning II: Fourier Clustering
lib FudanNLP: A Toolkit for Chinese Natural Language Processing
lib Full deep neural network training on a pruned weight budget
lib Fully Bayesian Logistic Regression with Hyper-Lasso Priors for High-dimensional Feature Selection
lib Fully Convolutional Networks for Monocular Retinal Depth Estimation and Optic Disc-Cup Segmentation
lib Function approximation by deep networks
lib Functional Bayesian Neural Networks for Model Uncertainty Quantification
lib Fundamental Limits of Online and Distributed Algorithms for Statistical Learning and Estimation
lib Fundamental principles of cortical computation: unsupervised learning with prediction, compression and feedback
lib Fuzzy Clustering Data Given in the Ordinal Scale
lib Fuzzy Rankings: Properties and Applications
lib GAN and VAE from an Optimal Transport Point of View
lib GeCoTagger: Annotation of German Verb Complements with Conditional Random Fields
lib Generalised framework for multi-criteria method selection
lib Generalization of an Upper Bound on the Number of Nodes Needed to Achieve Linear Separability
lib Generated Loss and Augmented Training of MNIST VAE
lib Generating Sentiment-Preserving Fake Online Reviews Using Neural Language Models and Their Human- and Machine-based Detection
lib Generative Adversarial Networks for Recovering Missing Spectral Information
lib Geometrically Mappable Image Features
lib GLAC Net: GLocal Attention Cascading Networks for Multi-image Cued Story Generation
lib GluonTS: Probabilistic Time Series Models in Python
lib Goldilocks Neural Networks
lib Government Domain Named Entity Recognition for South African Languages