result SOTA: MIMIC-III (mortality prediction) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIMIC-III (mortality prediction) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIMIC-III (multivariate time series forecasting) [time series] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Mini-ImageNet - 5-Shot Learning (few-shot camera-adaptive color constancy) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Mini-ImageNet - 5-Shot Learning (few-shot image classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Mini-ImageNet - 5-Shot Learning (few-shot image classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MiniKinetics (action classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: miniSports (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: miniSports (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: miniSports (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIT-BIH AF (atrial fibrillation detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIT-BIH AR (heartbeat classification) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIT-BIH AR (qrs complex detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIT-BIH+BIDMC (congestive heart failure detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MIT-BIH+BIDMC (heartbeat classification) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MLDoc Zero-Shot English-to-French (cross-lingual document classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MLDoc Zero-Shot English-to-German (cross-lingual document classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MLDoc Zero-Shot English-to-Spanish (cross-lingual document classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MMI (facial expression recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MNIST (image clustering) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MNIST (unsupervised mnist) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MNIST (unsupervised mnist) [methodology] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ModelNet40 (3d object recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ModelNet40 (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Moments in Time Dataset (multimodal activity recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Monologue (multimodal emotion recognition) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MORPH (age estimation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MORPH Album2 (age estimation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MORPH Album2 (facial attribute classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: MOT16 (online multi-object tracking) [computer vision] in the open CK format