result SOTA: THUMOS’14 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: THUMOS’14 (temporal action localization) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: THUMOS’14 (temporal action localization) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Thyroid (anomaly detection) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Thyroid (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TimeBank (temporal information extraction) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TIMIT (speech recognition) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Total Capture (3d absolute human pose estimation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Total Capture (3d absolute human pose estimation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TrackingNet (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TrackingNet (visual object tracking) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TrailerFaces (video generation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TREC Robust04 (ad-hoc information retrieval) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TREC-50 (text classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TREC-PM (information retrieval) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Tsinghua-Tencent 100K (traffic sign recognition) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TuSimple (lane detection) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: TvSum (video compressive sensing) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF --> HMDB (full) (domain adaptation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF CC 50 (crowd counting) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF101 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF101 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF101 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCF101 (video frame interpolation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCI localization data (multivariate time series imputation) [time series] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UCSD (abnormal event detection in video) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UD (part-of-speech tagging) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Udacity (steering control) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: UK CF trust (disease trajectory forecasting) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Ultra Video Group HD - 4x upscaling (video super-resolution) [computer vision] in the open CK format