result SOTA: CULane (lane detection) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: CullPDB (protein secondary structure prediction) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: custom (graph partitioning) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DailyDialog (text generation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Darpa (anomaly detection in edge streams) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Data3D−R2N2 (3d reconstruction) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DAVIS 2016 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DAVIS 2016 (visual object tracking) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DAVIS-2017 (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DAVIS-2017 (video object segmentation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DAVIS-2017 (visual object tracking) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DBRD (sentiment analysis) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DeepFashion (image retrieval) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DeepMind Cheetah Run (Images) (continuous control) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DeepMind Cup Catch (Images) (continuous control) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DeepMind Walker Walk (Images) (continuous control) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Derczynski (entity linking) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DFG traffic-sign dataset (traffic sign recognition) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Diabets (feature selection) [computer code] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DiDeMo (video retrieval) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DIRHA English WSJ (distant speech recognition) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DISFA (age and gender classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Disguised Faces in the Wild (heterogeneous face recognition) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Django (code generation) [computer code] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Douban (recommendation systems) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Dreem_NCT03657329 (sleep apnea detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: DRIVE (medical image segmentation) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: EC (emotion recognition in conversation) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ECCV HotOrNot (facial beauty prediction) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: ECG5000 (unsupervised anomaly detection) [graphs] in the open CK format