result SOTA: WNED-WIKI (entity disambiguation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: WSJ eval92 (speech recognition) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: WSJ eval93 (speech recognition) [speech] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Xiph HD - 4x upscaling (video super-resolution) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Yahoo Questions (text generation) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Yahoo! Answers (language modelling) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YahooCQA (question answering) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YahooMusic (recommendation systems) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YCB-Video (6d pose estimation using rgb) [adversarial] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YCB-Video (6d pose estimation) [adversarial] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Yeast (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Yelp-5 (document classification) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Yelp15 (language modelling) [natural language processing] in the open CK format
result SOTA: York Urban Dataset (horizon line estimation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: You Snooze You Win - The PhysioNet Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2018 (sleep arousal detection) [medical] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube (node classification) [graphs] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube (video object segmentation) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube Dancing (video-to-video synthesis) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube-8M (video classification) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube-VOS (action recognition in videos) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: YouTube-VOS (visual object tracking) [computer vision] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Zoo (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Zoo (classification) [miscellaneous] in the open CK format
result SOTA: Zoo (feature selection) [computer code] in the open CK format
result SOTA:  SEED (eeg) [medical] in the open CK format
result Testing crowd-experiments (auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize execution time))
result Testing crowd-experiments (auto/crowd-tune GCC compiler flags (minimize execution time, do not degrade code size))
result Testing crowd-experiments (auto/crowd-tune LLVM compiler flags (minimize execution time))
result Testing crowd-experiments (auto/crowd-tune LLVM compiler flags (minimize execution time, do not degrade code size))
result Testing crowd-experiments (auto/crowd-tune OpenCL-based CLBlast (GFLOPs))