" Input: { (target) - if specified, use info from 'machine' module or (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - target OS (detect, if omitted) (target_device_id) - target device ID (detect, if omitted) (data_uoa) or (uoa) - package UOA entry or (tags) - tags to search package if data_uoa=='' before searching in current path (or_tags) - add entries which has groups of tags separated by ; (no_tags) - exclude entris with these tags separated by comma (env_data_uoa) - use this data UOA to record (new) env (env_repo_uoa) - use this repo to record new env (install_path) - full path with soft is installed (path) - path with soft is installed (path from the package will be appended) (skip_process) - if 'yes', skip archive processing (skip_setup) - if 'yes', skip environment setup (deps) - pre-set some deps, for example for compiler (reuse_deps) - if 'yes' reuse all deps if found in cache by tags (deps_cache) - list with resolved deps (deps.{KEY}) - set deps[KEY]["uoa']=value (user-friendly interface via CMD to set any given dependency) (preset_deps) - dict with {"KEY":"UOA"} to preset dependencies (dep_add_tags.{KEY}) - extra tags added to specific subdictionary of deps{} for this particular resolution session (param) - string converted into CK_PARAM and passed to processing script (params) - dict, keys are converted into= and passed to processing script (env_prefix) - alternative env_prefix (overrides the one in soft entry) (env) - add environment vars (env.{KEY}) - set env[KEY]=value (user-friendly interface via CMD) (Dkey) - update params[key], i.e. ck install package:... -DENV1=val1 -DENV2=val2 (similar to CMAKE) (extra_version) - add extra version, when registering software (for example, -trunk-20160421) (extra_tags) - add extra tags to separated customized packages (string separated by comma) (extra_path) - add extra path to the automatically prepared one (for example, -trunk-20160421) (record_script) - record tmp installation script with pre-set environment (to be able to call it to rebuild package without CK) (force_version) - force version (useful for automatic installation of packages with multiple supported versions) (install_to_env) - install this package and all dependencies to env instead of CK-TOOLS (to keep it clean)! (safe) - safe mode when searching packages first instead of detecting already installed soft (to have more deterministic build) (add_hint) - if 'yes', add hint that can skip package installation and detect soft instead (rebuild) - if 'yes', attempt to set env to avoid downloading package again, just rebuild (if supported) (reinstall) - if 'yes', also download package and then rebuild it ... (version_from) - check version starting from ... (list of numbers) (version_to) - check version up to ... (list of numbers) (ask) - if 'yes', ask more questions, otherwise select default actions (ask_version) - ask for the version of the package the user wants to install (debug) - if 'yes', open shell before installing but with all resolved deps } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 env_data_uoa - if installed fine env_data_uid - if installed fine } "